The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 158 Choose Li Min's Surname or Choose Her

Chapter 158
Although those people walked into that house by themselves, they held countless resentments in their hearts.

"The regent is really too confused. He actually gave such an important thing as a soldier talisman to a girl. If this goes on, let alone we are going to die here, we probably won't be able to keep it in Haicheng. Such a confused coach, why? Can you defeat the people from the Western Regions?"

"That's right, I don't know when Princess Deyin will be able to return to the capital, and stop staying in the West Sea to harm us."

"Just panic. I'm not panicking at all. After all, I drank the medicine given by Miss Tan just now, and none of you have a chance to drink it."

A bearded man sitting at the door blew his beard, looking embarrassed.

Seeing him like this, the people next to him complained even more about Yuan Deyin.

"If I die, it must be the princess Yuan Deyin who killed me. I can't even take the medicine."

"Poor girl Tan is such a good genius doctor, the medicine is wasted."

"I don't want to die..."


All kinds of wailing sounds came from this house, but Wuying had already ordered people to guard the place tightly, no matter what, these people could not be allowed to escape.

In the middle of the night, the swearing and cursing voices of the people had subsided a bit.

But suddenly, I don't know who shouted "something happened".

Everyone woke up with a start.

I lit the oil lamp, walked over to have a look, and found that it was the bearded man who was sitting at the door and twitching at the earliest time, with a persistent high fever and convulsions all over his body.

"Hey, what's going on here? Didn't he say that he drank the medicine? How could he still be like this?"

Some people dragged their frail bodies to this side, and seeing this scene, their faces turned pale.

"Something happened here too." Someone yelled again, and another person with a high fever fell down next to him.

"Hey, what's going on here? Didn't Ms. Tan say that it's ordinary malaria, and if you drink her medicine, you will definitely be cured?" At this time, they became more and more panicked, and they grabbed people and asked what happened thing.

Their noise woke the doctor outside.

Those doctors had already covered their mouths and noses tightly because of Yuan Deyin's instructions. When they heard the movement, they hurried in with cold water to cool down those who had persistent high fevers.

After tossing for more than half an hour, those who were almost burned to death, although they were very weak and their body temperature did not completely drop, their lives were finally saved.

Everyone sat on the ground, wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads with lingering fear.

I don't know how long I've been hungry, a weak voice came out from the silent crowd: "Perhaps, what the princess said is true, what we have is not malaria at all."

Not malaria at all?

What the princess did was right!

in the military camp.

Jun Yu had just finished reading the letter sent by Wuying, his face was solemn, and his whole body exuded an awe-inspiring aura.

Suddenly Wuxi ran in.

"My lord, what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"In the army, some people had fever, convulsions, and foaming at the mouth. Nearly five people have fallen down." Wu Xi said solemnly.

"Ah Yu, this is the same as what Wuying said in the letter." Shen Chuannan's expression also changed.

"Have you investigated who they have contacted?" Jun Yu asked sharply, holding the letter tightly in his big palm.

"They are all food soldiers. Today, they have contacted outsiders." Wu Xi continued to answer.

Heh, the opponent's trick is really insidious.

Jun Yu quickly figured out what was going on.

"Put them all in new tents. For the rest, as long as they have been in contact with them at a distance of one meter, all gather and let the military doctor examine them. The entire army is on high alert."

Jun Yu ordered Wu Xi in a cold voice.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wu Xi also knew that the situation was urgent, so he immediately withdrew to carry out the order.

"Fortunately, Princess Deyin discovered it in time. Otherwise, if the poison spreads from person to person and spreads on a large scale, the consequences would be unimaginable. The soldiers in our barracks would be defeated." Shen Chuannan sighed softly.

After finishing speaking, he looked up, only to see that Jun Yu had already taken off his armor and strode outside.

"Ah Yu, what are you doing?" He asked quickly.

"Wuying said in the letter that something may have happened to Yin'er, and this king must go back." Jun Yu's voice was so cold that it was suffocating.

But at this time, the horn of the barracks suddenly blew.

Wujing walked in quickly, and said in a solemn tone: "My lord, the enemy army is coming to fight."

"Ah Yu..." Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu worriedly.

One side is Princess Deyin, and the other side is the people of Li, it depends on how A Yu chooses.

After a long silence, Jun Yu finally turned around and went to pick up the armor.

He chose Liming people not because they were more important than Yin'er.

It's because, if the city is broken, because...he can't protect her anymore.

Moreover, if the little girl was by his side at this time, she would definitely support him to meet the enemy.

When passing by Shen Chuannan, Jun Yu paused, and said in a cold voice: "Goshawk can find Yusheng Xiao, you let Goshawk send a message, even if Yusheng Xiao dies, I have to go back and save him." Sound."

"Understood, A careful." Shen Chuannan was also depressed, and he nodded with a sob.

When Jun Yu strode out, the soldiers of the barracks were standing there in full battle, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and everyone's hearts were tense at this moment.

Yun Mo came out from another tent, he was wearing a suit of armor, his eyes were full of cruelty.

He went straight to Jun Yu, gritted his teeth and said, "I just saw someone go in to send a letter, did the little one send a letter?"

"It's not your business. What you should be concerned about now is whether you can survive the battlefield tonight." Jun Yu didn't even give him a look, but looked at the dark night sky and said indifferently.

The sound of war horses from a distance aroused the blood in Yun Mo's bones. He held the big knife in his hand and said coldly: "Don't worry, my king, I won't die!"

After half an hour.

on the battlefield.

Jun Yu was riding a horse and holding a spear, staring at Banner not far away with obscure and indifferent eyes.

Banner had to lean on the long slump, and there were beauties beside him fanning him and feeding him grapes, looking very happy.

"It's just too arrogant!" Yun Mo beside Jun Yu was so angry that his whole face flushed. He was holding a big knife, wishing he could slash at him now and kill Ban Mude.
The Haicheng soldiers behind him were also angry.

This flag is obviously contemptuous of them. Is this looking down on the combat effectiveness of their Haicheng army?
Jun Yu didn't need to turn his head to see their angry expressions.

"The enemy can even control your emotions, are you sure you want to go to battle with me?" Jun Yu's voice pouring out his inner strength resounded everywhere, waking up the soldiers behind him.

The soldiers woke up from their anger.

By the way, the most taboo of fighting is to let the other party manipulate their emotions, they are careless.

In an instant, the soldiers of Haicheng calmed down.

Hatake saw that his anger was gone, even his good-for-nothing third brother could hold it back.

It seems that Jun Yu is quite capable of training soldiers.

But so what, on the battlefield, you can see more than force!
Hatake had to smash the grapes to the ground, and kicked the beauty beside him on the ground, then looked at a man behind him who was wearing black clothes and wrapped himself up tightly with a cold look, and asked: "When will those poisons take effect?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, three hours ago, the people in the city couldn't take it anymore. They thought it was ordinary malaria and let the people run around. It is estimated that the disease has spread to Jun Yu's barracks. No. Don’t think these soldiers are still in good condition now, but when the fight starts, they will all faint to death..." the man said in Qi Mude's ear.

When Hatake heard it, he started laughing.

"Jun Yu, Yun Mo, today is your day of death."

"What an arrogant tone, this king will replace your father today and kill you, an unfilial and unrighteous bastard." Yun Mo gave a cold pooh.

On the other side, Hatake raised his hand, and all the soldiers behind him tied up their mouths and noses with a piece of cloth to cover them.

On Haicheng's side, those soldiers were at a loss.

Only Jun Yu and a few hidden guards remained expressionless.

"My lord, it's settled." Wu Xi said in a low voice behind Jun Yu.

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Jun Yu's indifferent eyes were a little turbulent, and the corner of his mouth curled up in an indifferent arc, "Let's beat the drums."

As soon as the battle drums sounded, the armies of the two sides began to fight, and for a while, the ground was covered with blood.

Haicheng's soldiers, under Jun Yu's training, made rapid progress in just a few days, and the soldiers who won Qimu were beaten back steadily.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Hatake cursed secretly, immediately picked up the big knife, and slashed towards Jun Yu.

"Your enemy is this king." Yun Mo yelled, standing in front of Jun Yu, and fighting with Qi Mude.

Jun Yu gave Wu Xi a look, and Wu Xi followed Yun Mo to help him.

As for Jun Yu, where he and several of the dark guards passed by, the blood-red prairie fire, the soldiers of the Western Regions had never seen such a terrifying scene.

Jun Yu is like a god of evil, wherever he passes, the saber of the dead is set down.

After half an hour, more and more soldiers from the Western Regions were dying, and Qi Mude, Yun Mo and Wuxi fought on equal footing, getting no benefit at all.

Banner was so anxious that he yelled: "Amunu, get the hell out of here, my lord."

The man in black, under the escort of several generals from the Western Regions, was brought to Qi Mude's side.

"Didn't you say that the soldiers of Haicheng would fall, so why haven't they!" Hatake roared with a ferocious face.

"My lord, they, they don't seem to be infected." The man said bravely.

"This king killed you!" Hatake was so angry that he wanted to slash the man's head with his knife.

He killed so many soldiers just to wipe out Jun Yu and Yun Mo, but this stupid pig actually told him now that the soldiers in Haicheng were not infected and nothing happened!
Stupid pig!

"My lord, calm down, Amunu is still useful." A general blocked Hatake's anger.

"My lord, let's retreat. If this continues, our entire army will be wiped out." Another general said nervously.

Hatake looked at his embarrassed figure, feeling unwilling and resentful.

But he also knew that if he didn't retreat at this time, he would really die here today.

Jun Yu is indeed more ferocious than the most ruthless wolf in the desert of the Western Regions!
Qi Mude glanced at Jun Yu and Yun Mo bitterly, and then shouted: "Get out, get out for this king.!
Seeing that Hatake was about to flee with his troops, Yunmo wanted to catch up.

In the end, Jun Yu put a bloody knife in front of his eyes.

"Ahead, the terrain is dangerous. If there is an ambush, are you going to take Haicheng's soldiers to die?" Jun Yu said indifferently.

"But, but..." Yun Mo opened his mouth unwillingly, and in the end he felt that what Jun Yu said made sense, so he could only restrain himself from pursuing the victory.

Riding back to the barracks, Jun Yu didn't even have time to take off the blood armor on his body, and told Shen Chuannan to look at everything in the barracks, and he left the barracks quickly.

Yun Mo chased him from behind on horseback, and he still wanted to ask Jun Yu some questions on the battlefield.

After all, as a native of the Western Regions, he really couldn't figure out why soldiers in the Western Regions had to cover their mouths and noses when fighting.

And Jun Yu seemed to know their intentions in doing so.

However, before he could ask, Jun Yu left on horseback.

Wait, Jun Yu has never looked so anxious and lost his composure, unless it is...

Something happened to the little one!

After Yun Mo came to his senses, he gritted his teeth and rode his horse to catch up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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