Chapter 159

Jun Yu got off his horse and walked quickly into the mansion.

When Tan Ling heard the movement, she immediately ran out with her clothes on.

When he saw Jun Yu covered in blood, she became anxious.

"Lord Ninth, are you injured? Minnv, let me show you." She stepped forward and was about to treat Jun Yu.

But Jun Yu passed her directly and walked quickly to Yuan Deyin's yard.

Seeing his actions, Tan Ling trotted to catch up, and said in a complaining tone: "Ninth Prince, you came back in time, and the little princess is really wayward this time. You don't even know today's city How many people died of malaria in Lidu, but she actually didn't let the women treat the people, and even stole your soldier's symbol to order the soldiers to lock up the people..."

Up to this point, Tan Ling was unwilling to believe that Jun Yu gave Yuan Deyin the soldier talisman.

She was even more willing to believe that Yuan Deyin stole the soldier talisman himself.

When she saw that Jun Yu didn't respond, she hurriedly continued: "My lord, the daughter of the people comes from a humble background, so I really can't persuade the princess, why don't you persuade her, this is hundreds of lives, hurry up and ask her to kill the people." Release them all so that the women of the people can treat them."

Tan Ling's words sounded true.

Finally, after she finished speaking, Jun Yu stopped, and he turned sideways, staring at her with a pair of dark eyes.

Just when she thought Jun Yu would agree with her words, Jun Yu suddenly said indifferently: "The talisman was handed over to her by the king himself."

"What, what?" Tan Ling was stunned, she stared blankly at Jun Yu.

"My lord, what do you mean by that?"

"How does this king treat Yin'er, and you are worthy of pointing fingers?" Jun Yu put the sword on Tan Ling's neck indifferently.

"If this king hears you talking in a strange voice again, this king will definitely let your head fall to the ground."

It wasn't until Jun Yu took the sword back that everyone was gone, and Tan Ling finally came to his senses.

She fell heavily on the ground, her face was bloodless, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

She never thought that Jun Yu wanted to kill her just because she accused Yuan Deyin secretly!
When Jun Yu came to the door, Wu Ying and Wu Yi were standing there with anxious expressions on their faces.

"My subordinates see the prince." Seeing Jun Yu appearing, they hurriedly saluted him.

At the same time, they were also frightened by his bloodthirsty appearance with hostile eyes.

Wang Ye, could it be that he just came down from the battlefield?

"How's Yin'er?" Jun Yu looked at the closed door and asked in a cold voice.

"Reporting to the lord, the princess has never come out since the evening, and she won't let us in if we want to go in." Wu Yi said with red eyes.

The appearance of the little princess is really uneasy.

"Princess, the lord is back." Wuyi turned around and said to the person in the door.

But inside the door, a little girl murmured unconsciously: "Don't come in, don't come in, don't..."

"My lord, the little princess won't let us in." Wu Yi looked at Jun Yu with some helplessness.

Jun Yu threw the sword into Wuying's hand, and the door was split open with one palm.

It was dark inside, Jun Yu's heart ached slightly, and he walked in quickly with his long legs.

Through the moonlight coming in through the window, he saw a basin of water on the ground with water stains beside it.

And a certain little girl curled herself up into a ball, hid in a corner, and kept saying, "Don't come in, don't come in..."

Her whole body is like an abandoned rabbit.

"Yin'er, it's my king." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Deyin raised her head. She was so burned that her head was not sober, but she could still see from the moonlight that the tall and slender figure was her Nine Emperor Uncle.

Seeing that Jiuhuangshu was about to walk towards her, Yuan Deyin burst into tears.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't come over, the German music will infect you, don't come over..." Her voice was hoarse, as if she had been secretly crying for a long time.

Wuying said in the letter that she was very brave.

Holding a soldier talisman and ordering the soldiers, he dared to confront so many people.

But why no one thought that she was an 11-year-old girl.

In order to save others, she was also infected, and she was just a child.

"I'm not afraid." Jun Yu watched her keep hiding back, his tall body trembled slightly, and his eyes were a little hot, but his steps were extremely firm, and he didn't intend to stop at all.

Finally, in front of her.

Jun Yu took off the armor on his body, leaned over, grabbed her who was still trying to hide around, and then fished her into his arms.

His stubble-grown chin rested on her head, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Don't be afraid of Yin'er, the king is here."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you will be infected." Yuan Deyin cried out completely, and tears wet the front of his clothes.

"I haven't tried any poison before, so why be afraid of this little poison?" Jun Yu comforted her softly.

He noticed that her small body was still shaking, and he remembered that when he came back from the military camp on horseback, he saw the infected people taken away by the roadside, and they kept moaning.

This poison will make people very painful!

So Yin'er, is she suffering the pain alone?

"Yin'er, does it hurt?" Jun Yu asked in a hoarse voice while rubbing her head.

His words finally broke a certain little girl's defense.

She cried out loud, wiping away tears.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I hurt, I hurt... But the mother and concubine said that I am the daughter of my father, and I want to be as strong as my father. I can't cry. I can't run out, because I was infected. I can't infect Sister Wuyi and the others, I can't..."

The little girl was crying out of breath while explaining.

Standing outside, Wuyi vaguely heard the movement inside.

She had received the harshest and cruelest training from the Prince Regent's Mansion without shedding tears. At this moment, her eyes were already blushing.

It turned out that the little princess kept telling her not to get close to her from outside the door to hiding inside, so it was for this reason.

Wuying also had a complicated expression on his face, how could they be so protected by the little princess!
"It won't hurt soon." Jun Yu suppressed the trembling in his voice, and he put his palm on Yuan Deyin's back, sending her internal energy to relieve her pain.

Hearing that her crying had subsided, he took out a piece of paper-wrapped object from his arms.

"What is this?" Yuan Deyin looked at the thing in his palm, and asked curiously while wiping the tears on his face.

Jun Yu helped her open the paper.

"Osmanthus cake? Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you have this?" Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, she turned her head to look at Uncle Nine Emperors in shock, her crying-dirty face finally became a little more excited.

"My lord heard during the day that there was a man from the capital in the military camp who could make sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, so he ordered him to make a few pieces. My lord wanted to bring them back to you earlier, but he never thought that the enemy came suddenly just now. Offender..." Jun Yu explained softly.

"The enemy army is coming again. Is the Ninth Emperor Uncle injured?" The little girl was holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and gnawed contentedly, but after hearing what Jun Yu said behind her, her heart was suspended.

"No problem, they have been repelled. The king is not injured." Jun Yu said calmly.

"That's good." The little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Jun Yu put his palm on her forehead while she was nibbling on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

It's hot, it's hot...

If it continues like this...

Jun Yu's mind quickly flashed that he was on the way back and saw the bodies of the people who were dragged away.

Just when Jun Yu felt flustered like never before.

Wuyi's excited voice suddenly came from the door: "Master Yu, you are back."

"Of course this genius doctor has to come back quickly, if not, what if something happens to this genius doctor's little apprentice?" Yu Shengxiao panted while fanning the jade bone fan.

Yun Mo also hurried over from the gate.

Along the way, he has already learned about things.

Recalling Jun Yu's expression just now, he felt that Xiao Douding must have been infected.

He strode in front of Wuyi and Wuying, and was about to rush into the room, "How is the little one now? This king wants to see her!"

"By the way, where did Xiao Deyin go?" Yu Shengxiao also rolled up his sleeves and asked.

At this moment, Jun Yu's cold voice came from inside: "Yu Shengxiao, get out of here for me."

This sound!
Yu Shengxiao's hairs stood on end, he could hear something was wrong.

He walked in quickly, followed by Wuyiwuying, and lit the oil lamp.

Jun Yu had already picked up the little girl and put her on the bed.

"Doctor Yu, don't get too close, Deyin will infect you." At this time, Yuan Deyin was still worried about their bodies.

"Little one, you..." Yunmo looked at Yuan Deyin in fear.

When he went to the barracks, she was still alive and kicking, and they made an agreement.

Then why he is fine now, but she is so weak.

"This genius doctor grew up in a medicine jar. This little bit of poison can't kill me." Yu Shengxiao nodded to Yuan Deyin, and he walked quickly to the side.

Then he reached out to feel Yuan Deyin's pulse, but soon, his face became more and more serious.

"Yushengxiao, what's going on!" Seeing Yushengxiao's ugly face, he still kept silent, Yunmo was so anxious that he yelled.

Yu Shengxiao raised his eyes and glanced at him. Now that the situation is critical, he has no intention of arguing.

Frowning, Yu Shengxiao began to say: "The reason why this genius doctor came back so late is because Pei Heng tricked him into leaving the mountain. He actually led this genius doctor out of Haicheng. If it wasn't for the fact that Goshawk brought the news to find this genius doctor , I'm afraid that this genius doctor doesn't know that such a big thing happened in Haicheng, Pei Heng, this bastard, actually murdered so many innocent people!"

"Master Yu, is it really Pei Heng?" Wuyi couldn't help asking.

"This dog thing, my genius doctor only suspected him at first, but now seeing this poison, I'm sure it's him. This poison is exactly the same as the 'guili' poison that the master once said." Yu Yu Sheng Xiao gritted his teeth and said.

In fact, Miracle Doctor Valley not only has medical skills, but also has poison skills.

But the master wholeheartedly hoped that they would be good healers, and worried that the poison art would lead them astray, so he hid all the poison art books.

Unexpectedly, when Pei Heng stole the books, he didn't even let go of the poison art book.

"Master Yu, since this is the poison of your genius doctor Gu, then you should know how to cure it." Wuyi looked at him anxiously.

Everyone in the room looked at Yu Shengxiao with urgent eyes.

Yu Shengxiao sighed, "Although the master told us not to make poison, our genius doctor Gu believes in the study of detoxification, so this poison is actually recorded in the master's handbook."

"Xiao Deyin, do you still remember the book that this genius doctor gave you? It is actually a letter left by the master to this genius doctor. It is also left by the ancestor Kaigu of the genius doctor valley. The antidote to Li'."

"De, Deyin remembers." The little girl nodded, she got up from the bed with difficulty, and then took out a book from under the pillow.

She asked why this medical book was so powerfully written. It turned out to be the handwriting of the genius doctor Gu.

But Miracle Doctor Yu showed her so easily, she will remember this kind of valuing.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and grab the medicine!" Yunmo said anxiously.

"Wait a minute, this genius doctor still has something to say." Yu Shengxiao suddenly said this with a strange expression.

He opened the last page of the letter, then pointed to the text on it, and said in a heavy tone: "The poison of Guili is actually a very taboo poison in our Godly Doctor Valley, because Master Puchen, the founder of the Godly Doctor Valley, Zu's wife died of this kind of poison, he wrote down ten prescriptions for detoxification in the handbook, as for which one is true, even the master doesn't know."

"That's not easy! Just try each recipe once!" Yunmo responded anxiously.

"How is this possible? The medicine is three-point poisonous, so you can't try it randomly, so you must make sure that the prescription is correct, and the dosage must be appropriate, and there must be no difference! The medicinal materials required in the above ten prescriptions, each One of them is highly poisonous, not to mention that Xiao Deyin's small body can't hold it, even if it's you and me, if you are a little careless, you will die."

Yu Shengxiao patted the table, reminding Yun Mo not to say some unrealistic suggestions.

Yun Mo became even more anxious when he heard that, "Doesn't that mean that a person who can withstand the severe poison is needed to test the medicine?"

"I will try it." At this moment, Jun Yu said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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