Chapter 160 Another Fall

"No!" Yuan Deyin immediately shook his head and rejected the suggestion.

"Be obedient, this king will be fine." After Jun Yu heard the little girl's words, he raised his hand and gently rubbed her head.

"My lord, let me test the medicine for you." Wuying said anxiously.

Let the prince come to test the medicine, what should I do if there is something good or bad?
"Can your body resist the toxicity of those herbs? What if Yin'er's treatment is delayed?" Jun Yu raised his eyes and said coldly.

Those two sentences froze Wuying's expression.

Seeing the solemn atmosphere, Yu Shengxiao sighed silently: "Cough, actually, Jun Yu, you can't try the medicine either. May I ask, is there any poison in this world that is more poisonous than the evil poison on you? Others If the poison enters your body, I'm afraid it will be swallowed by the evil poison in your body, and it won't be able to work as a test medicine."

After Yu Shengxiao finished speaking, Jun Yu's expression became more solemn, while Yuan Deyin was secretly relieved that it was a good thing that Uncle Nine Emperors did not come to test the medicine.

Otherwise, she would be very sad if something happened to Uncle Nine Emperors.

"The Jade Doctor, who else can try the medicine!" Wuyi was so anxious that he died.

"It seems that we can only rely on them." Yu Shengxiao took out a small bottle from his arms, uncorked the bottle, and poured out the contents.

Soon, several long-legged centipedes were poured out.

"These little fellows are the treasures of this genius doctor. It should be feasible to let them test the medicine." Yu Shengxiao said seriously.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and boil the medicine!" Yunmo rushed over anxiously, grabbed Yu Shengxiao by the collar, and dragged her out.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm so sleepy." Yuan Deyin rubbed his eyes.

Although her body was still in pain, she felt very at ease with Uncle Nine Emperors by his side.

"Sleep, I will accompany you." Jun Yu helped her cover the quilt, and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her with dark eyes.


In Tan Hong's room, her maid Wen'er hastily opened the curtain and walked in.

"Madam, my lord is still in the barracks. I don't know if he knows what happened in the city today. Do you need to inform him?" Wen Er asked in a low voice.

"No need." Tan Hong extinguished an oil lamp and said this in a cold tone.

"But ma'am, my lord should be the magistrate. The regent has returned to the manor. Is there really no need to inform him of such a big thing?" Wen Er asked uncertainly.

Isn't Madam on a very close relationship with the adults on weekdays? Isn't it inappropriate not to tell the adults about such an important matter?

"Mrs. Ben said that she didn't know. Of course, Mrs. Ben has her reasons. Are you trying to guess what Mrs. Ben is thinking?" Suddenly, Tan Hong glanced over with a stern look, and Wen'er didn't dare to think about it for a moment.

"Ma'am, the Second Miss seems to have angered the regent, and she is crying in her room now, do you want to persuade her?" Wen'er looked at Tan Hong cautiously and continued to ask.

The madam used to be very kind to the second lady, she was always used to her in everything, and she couldn't tolerate the slightest grievance.

Now that the second young lady is crying so hard, Madam should be anxious.

But Wen'er had just finished guessing in her heart, and Tan Hong said impatiently: "She is so old, she has to bear the consequences of what she does, let her cry all night, and she will be fine tomorrow."

"Then madam, do you want to persuade the second lady not to anger the regent anymore?" Wen Er asked in a low voice.

Just now, she heard from the girls who witnessed the incident that the regent had put a sword on the neck of the second young lady.

Even if the second lady loves the regent, she should restrain herself a bit. After all, life is more important, isn't it?
Outsiders can't persuade her. Madam is the sister of the second young lady, so she should try to persuade her.

But who knows, Tan Hong said in a relaxed tone: "Ling'er has her own ideas, she wants to pursue happiness, there is nothing wrong with it, let her go."

Is that so?
Wen'er hesitated for a moment.

She vaguely remembered that before the regent came, it was the madam who personally told the second lady how good the regent was, and that if she could become the regent princess, even if she was just a side concubine, she would be great.

Why did he become the second young lady now because he wanted to pursue happiness?
Since the arrival of the Prince Regent, many of the madam's actions are very strange.

Wen'er murmured in her heart, but she didn't dare to express her doubts any more.

In Tan Ling's room.

Tan Ling lay on the bed and cried for a long time, her voice became hoarse.

Her maidservant, Hui Xiang, was standing beside her, feeling very distressed.

"Miss, don't cry anymore, Prince Regent...he didn't mean to blame you, maybe he was too anxious at the time." Hui Xiang comforted her with a frown.

But when Tan Ling heard the word "Regent", she cried even harder.

She has never been wronged like this since she was a child.

She is also doing it for the good of the people of Haicheng, and it is only right for her to point out the issue of Yuan Deyin.

"Hui Xiang, what do you think is wrong with this lady? Yuan Deyin really doesn't understand anything. Relying on her status as the princess, she bosses her around and locks up so many people, killing people. She takes it very seriously. Get up!"

Tan Ling buried her face in the pillow, crying and accusing Yuan Deyin angrily.

Hui Xiang also looked very angry.

"Miss, you are so kind, the regent does not appreciate it, he is too partial, just because Yuan Deyin's father is the king of halberds!"

"Hmph, when those common people are killed by Yuan Deyin in a few days, the regent will definitely know about Miss Ben's good intentions." Tan Ling sat up and said angrily while wiping her tears.

"Miss, help you get up and wash your face." Hui Xiang saw that the young lady's face was dirty, she hurried forward, trying to help her up.

But as soon as her hand touched Tan Ling's arm, she yelled in surprise: "Miss, why are your hands so hot?"

"Hot?" Tan Ling frowned.

She touched her body, she couldn't feel whether she was getting hot, she just felt that her head was dizzy, and there was a kind of convulsive pain all over her body.

"Hui Xiang, it seems that Miss Ben has also contracted malaria, so hurry up to the kitchen and boil some medicine for malaria." Tan Ling said weakly.

"Young lady, please hold on." Hui Xiang hurriedly ran out.

When Hui Xiang arrived at the kitchen, Yusheng Xiao and Yun Mo were staying up late feeding the centipede.

"Who are you and why are you in the kitchen!" Hui Xiang saw them from a distance, and immediately questioned them loudly.

Hearing the movement, Yu Shengxiao just raised his head, glanced at the other party indifferently, and then retracted his eyes in an ugly way.

He doesn't have the mind to pay attention to other things now, she must find a prescription as soon as possible to save people.

However, at the moment when Yu Shengxiao raised his head, Hui Xiang recognized that he was the person standing beside Yuan Deyin that day.

She snorted coldly, and said as if she was very angry: "You are the one who stood beside the princess that day. I heard that your princess is not feeling well now. She kept saying that it was not malaria. Is there no medicine now?" Saved, she wanted to die herself, but she still involved so many people, and even caused our young lady to be bullied by the regent..."

Hui Xiang had been spoiled by Tan Ling's side on weekdays, so she directly expressed any resentment in her heart.

She didn't realize at all what the identity of the person opposite her would be.

After Yunmo heard her words, a bit of hostility flashed in his ice blue eyes.

He is not what he used to be now, his hands are stained with blood.

He took out the dagger at his waist and glanced at the other party, as if he wanted to cut off the other party's tongue.

Yu Shengxiao glanced at Yun Mo, feeling a little shocked.

This kid, who is obviously only 13 years old, why hasn't he seen him for a few days, his aura has completely changed.

He looked a bit like a gentleman.

Suppressing the shock in her heart, Yusheng Xiao snorted coldly: "Don't cause trouble, now, it's important to save Xiao Deyin."

Yu Shengxiao's words successfully dissipated some of the hostility in Yunmo's body.

He withdrew his eyes and continued to observe the poisonous scorpion on the table.

Over there, Huixiang didn't know that she was on the verge of life and death.

She thought they knew they were wrong, so she didn't dare to say anything.

She snorted coldly in disgust, then started to make a fire to boil the medicine, and shouted loudly without hiding her voice: "Our young lady is also infected with malaria, and she will recover soon after drinking the medicine for malaria treatment." Get up. When the time comes, don't beg us for a prescription for your princess!"

Yu Shengxiao and the others only had the idea of ​​saving lives in their minds, so they completely blocked her voice.

After Huixiang cursed for a long time by herself, she didn't respond to her, so she finally closed her mouth bored.

Finally, in less than half an hour, she boiled the medicine.

She snorted arrogantly, and walked back with the medicine in her hand.

When she returned to Tan Ling's yard, she opened the door and saw a mess all over the place.

And Tan Ling fell to the ground.

She quickly put down the medicine, then ran over to help her up.

"Miss, wake up, don't scare the slaves." Huixiang shouted anxiously.

The other maids heard the movement and ran in one after another.

"Oh my god, what's the matter, miss...why is it so hot." Yuxiang said anxiously.

"Quickly, go to the doctor quickly, and quickly report to the madam."

The maidservants, except Huixiang, wanted to find someone.

But at this moment, Tan Ling slowly opened his eyes.

She said weakly: "Don't go to the doctor, I am the apprentice of the medical sage, I am naturally much better than those quack doctors."

Her words successfully stopped the maidservant who was going to find the doctor.

"Hui Xiang, is the medicine ready?" Tan Ling opened her mouth weakly.

She felt as if she was being burned by a fire, and every pain in her body was tormenting her.

This symptom...Why is it not very similar to the malaria in her cognition.

"Miss, this servant has already boiled the medicine to treat malaria. After you drink this, you will definitely recover." Hui Xiang cried and nodded.

The other maids quickly put the medicine into Tan Ling's mouth.

Tan Ling looked at the cloudy bowl of medicine, and all the doubts in her heart disappeared.

No, she is an apprentice of a medical sage, so she won't make a mistake in her judgment, it must be malaria.

Drink it.

After drinking this bowl of medicine, she will recover, and she will be able to slap Yuan Deyin in the face.

"Miss, you should drink it quickly. The servant girl saw it in the kitchen just now. The people in Yuan Deyin's room were also making medicine for her. I don't know what kind of strange and harmful prescription it is. You should drink our medicine quickly. Her prescription must be better than hers!" Hui Xiang continued to whisper in Tan Ling's ear.

Huixiang's words made Tan Ling firmer in her thoughts.

She bit her lower lip, then opened her mouth, and drank the medicine in one gulp.

But after drinking for a while, she felt like her abdomen was burned by something.

The pain made his limbs twitch, and he began to foam at the mouth, his mind was no longer under his control.

"Miss, miss, what's the matter with you?"

Huixiang saw that after the young lady drank the medicine, not only did she not get better, but it got worse. She was so frightened that she trembled all over.

Yuxiang touched Tan Ling's body and found that the temperature was no longer what a person with normal fever should have.

"It's too hot. Miss will die if this continues." Beside her, a timid servant girl sat down on the ground, crying hard.

Yuxiang was also very flustered. She suddenly thought of a question, and then tentatively asked: "Could it be that this is not malaria at all, and we used drugs indiscriminately, which made the condition worse?"

"How could it be? Our lady is an apprentice of a medical sage. She said that malaria is malaria! If this medicine can't cure people, is it possible that Yuan Deyin's prescription can? Absolutely impossible!" Huixiang retorted loudly .

Tan Ling felt that death was approaching her step by step, and she trembled all over.

No, she doesn't want to die, she's still young and has a bright future, she can't die.

"No, it's not malaria. Malaria won't be so serious..." She kept shaking her head, willing to admit her mistake for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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