Chapter 161 No Antidote
Isn't it malaria?
Seeing their young lady shaking her head, Huixiang panicked completely at this moment.

"Miss, what kind of disease is this, and how can this servant help you?" Hui Xiang cried hard.

She treated Tan Ling sincerely, so she was extremely afraid that Tan Ling would die like this.

"Perhaps what Yuan Deyin said is true." The light in Tan Ling's eyes dimmed, and she said such a sentence extremely unwillingly.

Suddenly thought of something, she took a deep breath, tried to relieve her pain, and then said: "Hui Xiang, you just said that Yuan Deyin's people are also making medicine for her in the kitchen? You go, take her Take the medicine for Miss Ben."

Feeling that she had stepped into the camp of death, Tan Ling only wanted to save herself.

Because she saw during the day that those people with her symptoms would die in less than two hours, and the appearance of death was extremely ugly.

She doesn't want to be like that, she wants to live!

"Here, isn't this robbing the princess of the medicine? But, I heard that the princess has been hiding in her room for several hours, and her situation is even worse. She has no medicine, isn't that..."

Yu Xiang heard what their young lady meant, and she showed some resistance.

The lady clearly asked them to grab the medicine, but the medicine was robbed by them, so what should the princess do?
Hearing Yuxiang's disapproving tone, Huixiang glared at her angrily: "She has so many people to take care of her. If you take away her medicine, someone will make it for her. And, Fang Zi It's in her hands, she can cook as much as she wants!"

"Also, she must have known what poison it was, but she lied to our lady that she didn't know. She obviously didn't want to tell our eldest lady, she just wanted to take credit for it. It was really sinister. Our lady looks like this, she You can't escape the relationship. What if you take away her medicine!"

After Huixiang finished speaking angrily, she quickly ran to the kitchen with another maidservant.

in the kitchen.

Yu Shengxiao watched the poisonous scorpions all lie down, motionless.

Even Yun Mo, a layman, could see something was wrong in this scene.

"Could it be that the previous nine prescriptions are wrong?" He asked anxiously.

Yu Shengxiao frowned, with a solemn expression.

"These nine are wrong, now only this one is left to suffer. However, the poisonous scorpion of this genius doctor is gone, so how should I test the poison?" Yusheng Xiao said in a low voice.

Although this is the last prescription left, it stands to reason that it should be the antidote for Gui Li.

But he still didn't dare to take the risk, he had to be sure before he could serve it to Xiao Deyin.

"Isn't that simple? It's not yet autumn, and poisonous scorpions are not hard to find!" After Yun Mo finished speaking, he walked out quickly with a dagger.

As soon as Yu Shengxiao turned her head, she realized that Yun Mo was gone.

He sighed, "This boy, I haven't finished my words as a genius doctor. Not all kinds of poisonous scorpions can test medicine."

After hesitating for a moment, he finally chased it out.

Hui wanted to take people to hide for a long time, but when she saw Yu Shengxiao and Yun Mo had left, she sneered and immediately led people into the kitchen.

She looked at the medicine that was still boiling, and asked someone to quickly pack the medicine and take it away quickly.

Back in the house, she said excitedly, "Miss, the medicine is back, drink it quickly."

Tan Ling was so weak that she couldn't even lift a finger, but after hearing the medicine came, she began to struggle to open her eyes.

Hui Xiang hurriedly fed her, and kept saying in her ear: "Miss, you will be fine this time, after drinking this, you will be fine."

But who knew, after taking the last sip of the medicine, Tan Ling vomited a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"Miss, ma'am..."

With a "bang", the bowl in Huixiang's hand fell to the ground, and they shouted in panic.

In Yuan Deyin's room, Yu Shengxiao and Yun Mo quickly ran in with a few scorpions.

"Did you go to the kitchen to bring medicine to Xiao Deyin?" Yu Shengxiao asked anxiously.

"We haven't confirmed whether that medicine is the final prescription, so don't drink it!" Yun Mo was also flustered.

Wuying and Wuyi looked at each other.

"Master Yu, Prince Yunmo, we have been here to guard Princess Deyin, and we haven't left half a step." Wuyi shook his head quickly.

"It wasn't you? Then who took away the medicine from the kitchen?" Yu Sheng and Xiao were puzzled.

"Doctor Yu, what's wrong?" Yuan Deyin was woken up.

Jun Yu helped her up, she rubbed her eyes and asked worriedly.

Yu Shengxiao hurriedly told the process of letting the poisonous scorpion test the medicine, and then they went to find the poisonous scorpion.

"It seems that someone thought it was the antidote and took it away." Jun Yu lowered his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"Who is it!" Yu Shengxiao was furious.

At this moment, there was a noise outside the yard.

"Princess, princess, please save our young lady quickly." Huixiang's voice was extremely loud.

As soon as Yuan Deyin heard this, he was about to get up from the bed and go out barefoot.

But Jun Yu glanced at her, quickly carried her back to the bed, and said coldly to Wu Ying: "Let them get out."

After Wuying went out for a while, Tan Hong walked in with the weeping Huixiang.

Several maidservants were still carrying the dying Tan Ling behind.

"What's the matter?" Jun Yu asked indifferently, very dissatisfied that they came to disturb Yin'er's rest.

"My lord, please save our Ling'er." Tan Hong knelt down with red eyes.

Before Jun Yu answered, Yu Shengxiao's tone came in sharply. He smelled the familiar smell of medicinal herbs in the air, and he asked loudly, "Could it be that Tan Ling drank the medicine of this genius doctor?" ?”

This miracle doctor?
Tan Hong and Hui Xiang looked at Yu Shengxiao with shocked eyes.

"Don't look, this genius doctor is the current owner of Miracle Doctor Valley, Yu Shengxiao." By this time, Yu Shengxiao didn't bother to hide her identity anymore.

He is Doctor Jade!

Huixiang hurriedly knelt down, and then kowtowed heavily, she cried and said: "Yu Shengxiao, it's the servant who has eyes and doesn't know Taishan, offended you, but my lady is innocent, please save her, she After drinking the medicine you boiled, it became like this."

"Innocent? This genius doctor doesn't believe that you, a little servant, dared to steal the princess's medicine without her instruction!" Yusheng was so angry that she threw the jade bone fan aside.

"Servant, servant..." Hui Xiang blushed, unable to speak.

Looking at her like this, what else does Yu Shengxiao not know?
He snorted coldly, this maid is not a good person, and so is her master!
The atmosphere was tense for a while, so Tan Hong hurriedly kowtowed to Yu Sheng and Xiao Ye.

"Doctor Yu, Ling'er has a stubborn personality, please, please save her." She begged with a sad face.

A thief, this genius doctor will not save her.

Yu Shengxiao turned away angrily.

But at this time, Jun Yu said indifferently: "Yu Shengxiao, this is the last prescription. I want to know whether it can save Yin'er."

Jun Yu's words successfully awakened Yu Shengxiao.

That's right, it seems that Tan Ling has also been poisoned by Gui Li.

Whether this last prescription can save people, isn't Tan Ling the best drug tester?

After thinking about it, Yu Shengxiao said indifferently: "Your master is infected with poison, and that thing is contagious, why don't you go away now?"

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, those girls were so frightened that they quickly let go of Tan Ling, and then stepped aside.

Only Hui Xiang stood beside her motionless, with teary eyes, she was considered a loyal girl.

Yuan Deyin frowned, her little face was flushed, and her mind was a little unconscious due to the fever, but she still discovered a small detail just now.

Mrs. Hao seemed to have taken a small step back after Yu Shengxiao said that.

Although the movement was small, she still saw it.

Mrs. Hao seemed very scared...

However, the servants in the mansion once said that the one she loves the most is her younger sister.

How can a sister be afraid of her relatives?
The teenagers in Li Village are not afraid of their father, and Uncle Nine Emperors is not afraid of her...

Before Yuan Deyin could figure it out, Yu Shengxiao had already walked quickly to Tan Ling.

He squatted down, opened Tan Ling's eyes and mouth, and then took out a silver needle, which stuck a needle in her throat, and soon, foul-smelling blood flowed out.

Smelling the smell of blood, Yu Shengxiao's expression changed.

He kept shaking his head, "It shouldn't be, it won't be, how could this be..."

Seeing him like this, Yuan Deyin's expression dimmed in the distance.

"Jade Doctor, isn't it true that the tenth prescription is also wrong?"

After Yuan Deyin said this, the atmosphere became tense again.

Wuyi's heart was hanging, she looked at Yuan Deyin with red eyes.

Princess, it seems that I can't hold on anymore.

Jun Yu clasped Yuan Deyin's wrist with his big palm, and he couldn't help but increase the strength of his palm, which hurt her, but he didn't realize it, and his black eyes were a little flustered.

"Yu Shengxiao, didn't you say that this was left by the ancestor of Kaigu? It's wrong no matter what, why!" Yun Mo was furious, and he directly grabbed Yu Shengxiao's collar with his hands.

"This genius doctor also wants to know why!" Yu Shengxiao scratched her hair carelessly.

For the first time, he had the idea of ​​accepting someone as an apprentice, and he also wanted to save Xiao Deyin.

But that's Gui Li, that's a poison that even his master can't do anything about!
"Is there no antidote? What about Miss, Miss..." Huixiang started to cry when she heard Yu Shengxiao's words.

"Shut up," Yu Shengxiao was irritated by crying, he stuffed a detoxification pill into Tan Ling's mouth, and then said coldly, "The new poison has been cured for her, and the old poison depends on her own fate." Bar."

Hui Xiang also knew that she had angered Yu Shengxiao, so she could only drag Tan Ling out by herself.

Tan Hong frowned slightly, then suppressed the emotions on his face, showing a very worried expression, quickly held his breath, and then walked over to the side to help.

Soon, they all quit.

Seeing that everyone in the room was in a bad mood, Yuan Deyin pursed her lips, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: "Don't be unhappy, maybe you will find a way when you calm down."

Yun Mo turned his head, gritted his teeth and asked Yu Shengxiao: "If you catch that traitor in the Valley of Doctors, can you find an antidote?"

"Hmph, Pei Heng, that bastard, he has never thought of saving people, how could he research the antidote? Moreover, the antidote for Gui Li was clearly recorded in the notebook by the master, so why is there a mistake? What?" The more Yusheng Xiao thought about it, the more he didn't understand.

"Do you know the source of Guili?" Jun Yu raised his eyes, looked at Yu Shengxiao, and asked solemnly.

"Of course I know! In fact, back then, the Valley of Miraculous Doctors was not the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. The ancestor was just a doctor with excellent medical skills. At that time, medicine and poison were not separated. The ancestor devoted himself to researching drugs and poisons, and finally came up with a new kind of poison. At that time, he couldn't think of a way to detoxify, so his wife at the time accidentally took the medicine..."

"Then, was his wife saved?" Yunmo asked anxiously.

If the ancestor's wife was saved, there should be a solution now.

"No, the ancestor's wife died of poisoning. For this reason, the ancestor was distraught. He spent his whole life researching the antidote for Guili, and finally wrote the antidote in the handbook. But also because he regretted that he could not find it in time. The antidote, to save his wife, he destroyed the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and even committed suicide in front of his wife's grave..." Yu Shengxiao said in a heavy tone.

"Later, it was his apprentice at the time who buried him and his wife together, and revived the Valley of Divine Doctors, and this manuscript has continued to be passed down."

But it's a sad story, and few people in the Valley of Doctors would take the initiative to bring it up.

"Could it be that the old man Pu Chen didn't find the antidote? He wrote the prescription randomly?" Wu Yi expressed his guess.

Only in this way can we clearly explain why the ten prescriptions are wrong.

"Impossible. Senior Puchen felt guilty towards his wife. If he couldn't find the poison, he wouldn't die, and he chose to kill himself." Jun Yu said indifferently.

Yu Shengxiao followed suit and nodded.

That's right, finding the antidote to Guili was the only thought of the master living in the world at that time. If he couldn't find the antidote, he would definitely not commit suicide.

Therefore, there must be an antidote, but what is the antidote?
When the atmosphere continued to be suppressed, Yuan Deyin suddenly raised his head and said in a low voice: "Could it be that those ten prescriptions are actually prescriptions that Senior Puchen tried and missed? The real prescriptions are actually hidden in the It's in the handbook, but we need to find it."

(End of this chapter)

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