Chapter 162 Poisoned?
"However, the handbook didn't mention the antidote to Gui Li elsewhere..." Yu Shengxiao frowned, her expression still solemn.

"While Deyin was reading the handwriting, she had a question that she didn't say." The little girl spoke again in her own soft voice.

Yu Shengxiao quickly took out the letter at this time.

Jun Yu took it, and then opened the letter in Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin pointed to the content on one of the pages and said, "Doctor Yu, haven't you noticed that there is something wrong with this before?"

"Something wrong?"

"Yes, it's not right. Look at this prescription. This is a prescription for treating liver fever. When a normal doctor writes a letter, he will directly list all the medicinal materials of the prescription, so as to avoid confusion for future generations, but Pu Chen That's obviously not the case." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

Her words successfully made everyone's eyes fall on the prescription.

But after watching it for a long time, I can't see anything tricky.

"Honeysuckle and forsythia have the same effect. If it is to clear away heat and detoxify, you can use the same one, but Senior Pu Chen has included them all. Moreover, there are more than a dozen other medicinal materials in this list, which are used as medicine It is already excellent, but adding these two things together makes it feel like superfluous.”

"Also, look at Bupleurum and Cimicifuga, their effects are similar."

"Look at this again, plaster and Anemarrhena..."

Yuan Deyin breathed out all the cases where this happened to several prescriptions.

Yu Shengxiao's complexion also changed.

He also felt this way when he read the handbook.

I always feel that in some prescriptions, the ancestor wrote one or two medicinal materials that should not exist.

Moreover, these medicinal materials are still common medicinal materials.

He guessed at the time that the ancestors would not be people who made low-level mistakes. He must have his own reasons for writing like this.

So I won't delve into this issue.

Now that Xiao Deyin pointed it out like this, he even started to smell a little tricky.

"Perhaps, the reason why Senior Puchen committed suicide was not only because he wanted to accompany his wife, but also because he was ashamed." Jun Yu suddenly said, with a little more emotion in his slightly cold voice.


"Is it because he didn't find the antidote when his wife died?" Yunmo asked.

Jun Yu shook his head indifferently, "No, maybe it's because he could obviously save his wife, but he didn't know at the time that the way to save someone is so simple."

Jun Yu's words seemed to wake everyone up in an instant.

The little girl nodded earnestly with her hot face, "Deyin and Uncle Jiuhuang have the same idea. You see, the medicinal materials in those ten prescriptions are extremely hard to find. If it weren't for the miracle doctor Yu I have traveled all over the world for many years, searched a lot, and I still carry it with me. I guess there is no way to get it all together. Senior Pu Chen probably thought of returning and leaving for so many years, so he must use the most difficult to find medicinal materials to find the antidote, but who? You know, after testing the medicine, I found out that the antidote is the most common herbal medicine.”

"So, the extra herbs in other prescriptions in this handbook are likely to be Gui Li's antidote?" Wu Yi seemed to understand.

"This possibility is very high. If not, Senior Pu Chen would not have spent so much trouble writing these irrelevant herbs in his only handed down manuscript." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

"Why did he go so far as to just write out the antidote?" Yun Mo folded his arms and looked very angry. He couldn't agree with this approach.

Jun Yu glanced at Yun Mo indifferently, and then said in a deep voice: "Senior Pu Chen can even destroy the Valley of Miraculous Doctors where he has lived for so many years, I'm afraid he doesn't want his hard work to survive in this world, but, As a doctor, he still has some complicated emotions in his heart."

"So, he not only wrote down the wrong prescription, but also recorded the correct prescription in other obscure ways, in order to give future generations a chance to find the real antidote!" Yu Shengxiao suddenly realized.

Judging from what Senior Pu Chen experienced at that time, it is not surprising that he can make such a move.

"This genius doctor understands!" Yusheng Xiaozheng nodded emphatically, as if he had come to life.

He quickly brought back the letter.

"Xiao Deyin, if you hold on for another half an hour, this genius doctor will definitely get out the antidote." Divine doctor Yu said firmly.

After speaking, he took the letter and walked out quickly.

He almost tore through this notebook. He never thought that he would use this method to get to know him again today.


Everyone's heart is hanging.

After all, this is just their guess. If this method doesn't work, then Princess Deyin...

Wuyi was clenching his fingers the whole time, and his palms were covered in cold sweat.

Yuan Deyin saw that everyone was so nervous, especially Uncle Jiuhuang, who was sitting upright and his face was tense. He probably wasn't so nervous in war.

She pretended to be relaxed and said, "Don't be nervous, we have to trust Doctor Jade, he will definitely find the antidote from that manuscript."

After she finished speaking, she accidentally coughed violently a few times, and her internal organs were excruciatingly painful.

Originally, I wanted to comfort them, but now it seems that everyone seems to be more worried.

Yuan Deyin shook his head, looking very sorry.

Yunmo really couldn't see her frail appearance at this time when she was always alive and kicking, he gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Little one, you have to support me, you have to go to the Western Regions with me in the future .”

"Who is going to the Western Regions with you?" Yuan Deyin retorted disapprovingly when she heard Yunmo's words. She stared at him with big bright eyes.

"You've already taken this king's bracelet, so you..." Yun Mo's tone became a little anxious.

He seemed to say that she took over the necklace he wore since he was a child, so she had to go back to the Western Regions with him.

The concubine mother said that only his future princess can wear that bracelet.

But Yun Mo couldn't finish his sentence, Jun Yu interrupted him indifferently, "Yin'er is not feeling well, so I can't talk more."

Even Jun Yu opened his mouth, but Yun Mo had to close his mouth first.

But he still didn't forget to mutter in his heart: When the little girl is cured of the poison, and the elder brother is defeated, he will definitely secretly abduct her back to the Western Regions.

When the time comes, Jun Yu has nothing to do even if he is in a hurry!

At this moment, Yusheng Xiao quickly walked in with a bowl of medicine.

Because of his anxiety, his foot tripped over the threshold and he almost fell down.

But at the last moment, he tightly guarded the bowl of medicine in his hand.

"Give the medicine to me." Jun Yu stood up and took the bowl of medicine.

Looking at the medicine that Uncle Jiuhuang was holding, Yuan Deyin swallowed, as if a little panicked.

There are no highly poisonous herbs in this bowl of medicine, so even if it's not a real antidote, she won't have any major problems if she drinks it.

Moreover, if this is really the antidote, then everyone will not worry about her.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin quickly gained the courage to drink the medicine.

But when she moved her head to drink the medicine in one gulp, Uncle Jiuhuang raised the other hand.

"Eat this first, it won't be bitter." Jun Yu spread out his palm, and there were a few pieces of candied fruit in his palm.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you have this?" The little girl's eyes lit up instantly.

"Princess, the lord has always prepared candied fruit on his body." Wu Ying, who has always been quiet, couldn't help but say such a sentence at this time.

Always ready?
"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you always keep candied fruit?" The little girl turned her head and continued to ask curiously.

"I remember you said that when you drink medicine, your mother and concubine will prepare candied fruit for you..."

Since your mother and concubine are gone, I will personally come to prepare candied fruit.

Jun Yu's words made Yuan Deyin's eyes turn red.

She obediently ate the candied fruit, and then drank the medicine. Sure enough, it wasn't so bitter anymore.

After drinking, a burst of drowsiness hit her, and she fell asleep in Uncle Jiuhuang's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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