Chapter 163 This King, I Like Her
Under the signal of Jun Yu's eyes, Yu Shengxiao came over to help her feel the pulse.

After a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded to Jun Yu and whispered, "The poison is gone."

Yu Shengxiao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, thanks to Xiao Deyin's careful observation of that manuscript, otherwise, he really couldn't find the antidote to Guili.

Jun Yu put Yuan Deyin on the bed, covered the quilt, and went out.

The moon in the distant sky has already set, and half of the sun is exposed behind the mountain top.

"According to that prescription, boil medicine for the poisoned people. As for the people who have been victimized, remember to appease their families." Jun Yu ordered coldly.

Wuying nodded, "This subordinate understands."

"Yu Shengxiao, take the prescription to the barracks now, and let the military doctor decoct the medicine for all the poisoned soldiers. As for the others who are not poisoned, we should also take precautions." Jun Yu ordered Yu Shengxiao again.

"Okay, this kind of trivial matter, it's right to leave it to this genius doctor." Yu Shengxiao flicked his sleeves, quickly left here, and rode to the barracks.


"It's almost dawn, am I going to die?"

"My body hurts so much, I feel like I can't last much longer."


The people who were placed in the house were full of decadence, and there was no hope in their eyes.

But at this moment, the gate was opened, and several rows of soldiers walked in, each holding a bowl of medicine in their hands.

Without giving them a chance to react, the medicine was poured into their mouths.

"What are you doing? Do you think we are not dead yet and want to poison us to death!"

"You dislike us for not dying fast enough, can't you burn the corpse?"


The people started to curse and curse.

They have already accepted what Yuan Deyin said, and they know that they are poisoned, and they also know that the poison on their bodies is contagious.

So now seeing so many people rushing in to give them medicine, their first thought is that their poison is powerless.

However, after they were given the drug, the feeling of death they expected did not appear, but the pain on their bodies eased a lot.

Several old doctors came in, checked them, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, your poison is gone, and you can go home soon."

"The poison has been cured? Don't we have to die?" Those people stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"It's thanks to the princess and Doctor Yu who found the antidote to save you, otherwise, none of you would be able to survive." An old doctor stroked his beard and said in a serious tone.

"Jade Miracle Doctor? Could it be the owner of Miracle Physician Valley, Yusheng Xiao!" A shocked voice came out from the crowd.

Compared with Pei Heng, the medical sage, Yu Shengxiao's reputation among the people is even louder.

"That's right, you guys don't know anything about the world. Pei Heng is not a medical sage, he is just a traitor of Miracle Doctor Valley. You ignorant people put so much trust in him."

An old doctor said this leisurely, also to wake up these people.

"It turns out that the medical sage is a traitor, so the apprentice he taught..."

"No wonder Tan Ling's diagnosis is inaccurate. It turns out that none of them are from the Valley of Wonderful Doctors!"

"We actually believed in Tan Ling last night, but not the princess. We hurt the heart of the princess and almost killed ourselves!"

As they talked, those people were actually a little annoyed by their actions yesterday.


When Jun Yu returned from dealing with military affairs, Yuan Deyin hadn't woken up yet.

And Yunmo leaned against the doorway, guarding like a stone sculpture.

"How are the people in the city?" When Yun Mo saw Jun Yu, the first thing he said was to ask about the people in the city.

"The poison has been controlled, and there are no more casualties." Jun Yu said coldly.

Now those people are kneeling at the gate of the mansion, saying they want to kowtow to Yin'er.

But they were all chased away by him without a trace.

Yin'er doesn't need their thanks!

If they didn't want Yin'er to bear the infamy, I'm afraid their crime of insulting Yin'er would be enough to splatter three feet of their blood.

"That's good..." Yun Mo let out a long breath of relief, with a look of rejoicing.

Although he did not inflict the poison, Hatake is now replacing the Western Regions, and he still feels guilty for hurting so many innocent people.

Jun Yu wanted to push the door and go in, but suddenly remembered something, he paused, and stared at Yun Mo with sideways, dark eyes.

"Why did you give Yin'er your wolf tooth bracelet?"

Xu Shijunyu's tone was too cold, and Yunmo's expression froze for a moment.

He raised his eyebrows to calm himself down.

He looked into the distance, the hostility in his eyebrows faded a bit, and then he said in a casual tone: "It seems that you also know the meaning of the Western Region Spike Bracelet. It's very simple, this king thinks that the little one is pretty good, and this Wang is a good match."

"You think a lot, and your voice is still young. I advise you to take back all your dirty thoughts." The air-conditioning in Jun Yu's body radiated wantonly.

Yunmo let out a sigh of relief, looked back at Jun Yu, and then said seriously: "Although the little one is only 11 years old, he is almost at the age of engagement. In our Western Regions, this king has reached the age of a concubine. And , What is a dirty mind? My concubine said that if you like a girl, you have to say it out loud, otherwise, she will be abducted by others. This king wants to make an appointment in advance!"

"After this turmoil subsides, the king will take her back to the Western Regions. Doesn't she have no father, mother, and concubine? This king has father, mother, and concubine, and that will become her home." Yun Mo folded his arms, and he I already have visions of the future in my mind.

"This king is her family, and the Prince Regent's Mansion is her home. She doesn't need to go there." Jun Yu said coldly, and directly refuted Yun Mo's words.

Yun Mo shrugged without panicking at all, he said indifferently: "You are just the Nine Emperor Uncle who adopted her. To her, the Emperor Uncle can't care for her family at all..."

The coldness in Jun Yu's body became more intense, and the way he looked at Yun Mo added a bit of murderous aura.

"Yin'er, you deserve to be the most outstanding man in the world, but you are not worthy!" Jun Yu snorted coldly, opened the door and went in, blocking Yun Mo from the door.

Yun Mo was half-deadly pissed off by Jun Yu's words.

He gritted his teeth outside and muttered: "Father said that this king is the most heroic warrior in the desert. How can this king not be outstanding..."

But as he spoke, Yun Mo's tone dropped.

Because he also realized a problem.

Little girl, she is indeed the smartest girl he has ever seen, and this is also the most attractive thing about her.

She was born as a princess, has a Nine Emperor Uncle who protects the calf, and Yu Shengxiao is her master. How many women can compare to her in this world?

She is indeed worthy of the best man in the world.

"It's just that the best man in the world...isn't...Jun Yu..." Yun Mo whispered silently.

(End of this chapter)

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