Chapter 164

When Jun Yu walked into the room, Yuan Deyin woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and asked blankly, "Uncle Nine Emperors, who did you talk to at the door just now?"

"An irrelevant person." Jun Yu said these four words lightly.

Unrelated person?Is this also worthy of Jiuhuangshu talking to each other?
Yuan Deyin scratched his hair, looking puzzled.

"What's going on now?" Jun Yu came over and put his palm on her forehead.

"The fever is gone, and the condition is very good, which proves that Miracle Doctor Yu has found the real antidote." Yuan Deyin replied quickly, telling Uncle Jiuhuang not to worry.

At this moment, Wuyi's voice came from the door, "Prince, Princess, Mrs. Hao please see me."

"Is Tan Ling awake yet?" Yuan Deyin asked in a low voice.

"Reporting to the princess, yes. Mrs. Hao asked to see her just to ask for medicine." Wuyi replied respectfully.

It was said that although Tan Ling had the detoxification pill given by Miracle Jade Doctor, he couldn't cure Guili's poison.

"Never mind." Jun Yu said coldly.

"No, Uncle Nine Emperors, no matter what Tan Ling said, he is also the apprentice of the traitor of Miracle Doctor Gu. I haven't been able to think of how to thank him for finding the antidote to Miracle Doctor Yu. If I can ask Tan Ling for something, then It will definitely help him." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

To put it simply, this Tan Ling had to be saved.

After finishing speaking, Yuan Deyin quickly jumped off the bed.

Jun Yu's eyes darkened when he saw that she was running so fast just after getting rid of the poison.

But in the end, he didn't stop, but followed behind her.

Pushing open the door, Yuan Deyin saw Yunmo sitting on the stone steps not far away, with a depressed look on his face, and he didn't even hear her calling him a few times.

As for the gate of the yard, Tan Hong was walking in hastily.

When Tan Hong came in front of Yuan Deyin, she immediately knelt down: "Princess, please save Ling'er."

Seeing Tan Hong's tearful eyes, Yuan Deyin instantly remembered the strange scene she saw last night, and her small face wrinkled slightly.

But she quickly regained her composure, and said calmly, "Mrs. Hao, please get up quickly. Human lives are at stake. We will definitely save them."

After finishing speaking, she quickly turned her head and asked, "Sister Wuyi, do you remember the antidote?"

"The servant has already copied a copy by hand." Wuyi quickly turned around.

"That's good, you boil the medicine quickly, and then bring it to Sister Tan." Yuan Deyin patiently urged.

"The slaves obey."

"Mrs. Hao, I don't know how Sister Tan Ling is doing now. Can the princess go to visit her with you?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask Tan Hong.

"Of course it's possible, that's Ling'er's blessing." Tan Hong stood up, wiped his tears, and nodded excitedly.

Seeing that the little girl was about to go to Tan Ling's place, Jun Yu stepped forward and stood by her side to accompany her.

But aware of his intentions, the little girl Yuan Deyin shook her head seriously: "Uncle Jiuhuang, don't worry about me, I don't have any physical problems now, and I'm here to see sister Tan Ling. Miss The boudoir at home, are you sure you want to follow in?"

Her words successfully made a certain cold-faced prince's face a little ugly.

After a long silence, Jun Yu gave a faint "hmm".

But he still did not forget to tell: "Take care of yourself."

"Well, Deyin understands."

Tan Hong was by the side, silently watching the interaction between Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu, feeling secretly shocked.

The regent listened too much to Yuan Deyin's words.

It seems that the weight of Yuan Deyin in his heart is not low at all.

Thinking of this, Tan Hong's eyes were filled with different emotions.

Follow Tan Hong to Tan Ling's room.

As soon as Yuan Deyin walked in, he smelled a rancid smell.

Tan Hong said with embarrassment: "Princess, I'm sorry to make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, Sister Tan Ling is a patient, the Princess can understand." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

Soon, Wuyi came with medicine.

Several maidservants were feeding medicine to Tan Ling, while Yuan Deyin followed Tan Hong to the side room to sit.

At this time, Yuan Deyin had the opportunity to take a closer look at Tan Ling's entire courtyard.

The configuration looks very elegant, but it is not cheap at all.

Yuan Deyin glanced at it. The curtains are exquisite silks and satins from the south of the Yangtze River. One piece costs a thousand taels, and the vases placed there are all treasures.

Strange, isn't Haicheng the poorest place in Chiyan?

Why, the mansion of a magistrate is so rich.

Yuan Deyin only remembered at this time that when she first entered this mansion, it looked very simple, and the place where she lived was also relatively dilapidated.

At that time, since she stepped into Tan Ling's courtyard just now, she felt that something was wrong. This courtyard felt incompatible with the whole mansion, or in other words, with the whole Haicheng.

When Yuan Deyin was thinking about something, Tan Hong whispered: "Princess, my wife is going to prepare tea for you."

After speaking, she walked out.

Therefore, there are only Yuan Deyin and a little maid who looks similar to her age left here.

"My princess would like to ask you a few questions." Yuan Deyin looked at the little maid with burning eyes while holding her small face.

The little servant girl became nervous in an instant, she stammered and said, "Jun, princess, what do you want to ask? This servant will definitely know everything."

"Don't be nervous, the princess is just looking at the faces of your wife and second lady, they don't look like natives of Haicheng, where did their mother's family originally live?" Yuan Deyin looked very curious .

It turned out to be this question. The little girl let out a sigh of relief, and quickly answered: "Returning to the princess, the madam and the second young lady have no father or mother. They fled to Haicheng a few years ago. At that time, the lord just arrived in Haicheng. When I took office, I saw that they were pitiful, and my wife was also talented, so I took them in."

I see……

"Then how long has your family been in Haicheng?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"Although the servant has not been here for a long time, I have heard people in the mansion mention that my lord came to Haicheng ten years ago, and he was the magistrate when he came here. I heard that he is appreciated by Mr. Shen." That little maid Answer in a low voice.

"Master Shen?" Yuan Deyin looked blank, "Master Shen you are talking about is the Prime Minister?"

No, Mr. Shen is only in his twenties this year. How could he appreciate Hao Jinglue back then?
"No, it is the father of the current prime minister, the former prime minister, who appreciates your lord." The maid hurriedly shook her head.

Mr. Shen's father was also the prime minister.

Yuan Deyin tilted her head in thought, why she didn't know about these things.

"My servant heard from the old man in the mansion that the position of the prefect of Haicheng was vacant back then, and it was Shen Dali who appointed our lord... I heard that many people in the court opposed it..." The maid spoke with a voice. Getting smaller and smaller.

Is there such a story?

Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows.

"Then do you know what Haicheng was like ten years ago?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was so interested in these questions, the servant girl quickly replied: "Returning to the princess, the servant girl grew up in Haicheng. Ten years ago, the servant girl was only three or four years old. At that time, Hai The city is too poor, the maidservant's grandma and grandpa starved to death, and many people around her want to escape from this place..."

"Then now..."

"It's much better now. Not long after your lord took office, he began to implement a lot of policies that benefit the people. Gradually, everyone can eat, and life is getting better and better."

When talking about Hao Jinglue, the little girl's eyes were full of admiration.

Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes and thought, if he said so, then Hao Jinglue is indeed a good official.

What happened that day...

For a moment, Yuan Deyin felt a little puzzled.

"Princess, I kept you waiting." Soon, Tan Hong's voice came from the door.

Soon, she brought someone in with tea.

Under Tan Hong's expectant eyes, Yuan Deyin took the tea and tasted it.

"Is this Longjing tea?" Yuan Deyin tasted it.

"It can be seen that the princess is a tea lover, and this is indeed Longjing tea." Tan Hong said with a smile.

"It's not that I'm a tea lover, but Uncle Nine Emperors is used to drinking tea. My princess has been with him for a long time, so I'm used to it." Yuan Deyin replied softly.

"There is still a lot of good tea in the mansion. When I turn back, my minister's wife sent someone to send it to the regent's barracks." Tan Hong continued Yuan Deyin's words.

"Does the magistrate have the habit of collecting tea? Why is there so much tea in the mansion?" Yuan Deyin raised his eyes and asked casually.

Tan Hong covered his mouth and smiled lightly, and replied with a very indifferent look: "These are actually sent by friends from Jiangnan."

A friend from Jiangnan sent it over?

Yuan Deyin's smile remained unchanged, but her mind was spinning rapidly.

There are several tea merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, who control almost all the tea economy in the south of the Yangtze River.

In addition to selling some of Chiyan's tea to Chiyan people, some of it is shipped to other countries through the West Sea.

This place in Haicheng is also an important gateway for trade. It needs to collect taxes from those merchants every year, and then half of it will be kept to develop the local economy, and the other half will be handed over to the court.

"That's it, then I really want Uncle Jiuhuang to taste the tea some other day." Yuan Deyin said in a relaxed tone, with no other emotions visible in his expression.

"By the way, princess, thank you for the clothes you gave my wife. I don't have anything to give you. This is a little gift from my wife."

After Tan Hong finished speaking, he fastened a crystal clear bracelet on Yuan Deyin's wrist.

When Yuan Deyin saw the finished product, he knew it was worth a lot.

She quickly shook her head: "Mrs. Hao, this is very precious, the county chief must not..."

"These are some small things. Your lord will often give jewelry to your wife on weekdays. This should be a little favor from your wife. Princess, please don't refuse."

There was pleading in Tan Hong's tone.

Well, now that the other party has talked about this, Yuan Deyin nodded and did not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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