The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 165 Not Pei Heng's Apprentice

Chapter 165 Not Pei Heng's Apprentice

"Ma'am, Second Miss is awake." Suddenly, a servant girl came to report in a hurry.

Tan Hong hurriedly put down the teacup with an anxious look on his face.

Yuan Deyin stood up quickly, "Madam Hao, let's go and see Sister Tan Ling."

When they came to Tan Ling's room, Tan Ling was helped up from the bed.

The other maids knelt on the ground to clean up the dirty blood she spit out.

"Sister..." After Tan Ling survived the catastrophe, when he saw Tan Hong, his expression was full of excitement.

But Yuan Deyin caught sight of Yuan Deyin from the corner of her eye, and her smile froze a bit.

Because at this time, her mind was full of images of her own diagnosis being wrong, and even secretly drinking Yuan Deyin's medicine.

Although she was in a coma, she was still somewhat conscious, so she naturally knew that Yuan Deyin had actually agreed to give her the last antidote.

Being rescued by someone I despise from the bottom of my heart, this kind of feeling is very aggrieved.

But in the end, Tan Ling still whispered to Yuan Deyin: "The daughter of the people thanked the princess for saving her life."

"Sister Tan Ling, since you're awake, the Princess will cut to the chase and ask you a few questions. You said your master is Pei Heng, but do you know that Pei Heng is a traitor to the Miracle Doctor Valley?"

Yuan Deyin's voice was extremely severe at the end.

Her words successfully made Tan Ling's bloodless face even paler.

The "master" next to Yuan Deyin is Yu Shengxiao, the current owner of Miracle Doctor Valley. Huixiang has already told her in her ear, so Tan Ling knows now.

Yuan Deyin's master is actually Yu Shengxiao!
Yu Shengxiao's name, but even ten Pei Heng can't match it!

What's more, her master is not Pei Heng.

Holding her face tight, Tan Ling knew that she had no way out now, so she could only lower her head and said in an embarrassing tone: "Princess, the daughter of the people is actually not Pei Heng's apprentice at all?"

"Aren't you Pei Heng's apprentice? But, didn't you call yourself a medical saint's apprentice from the very beginning? Besides, you still have the manuscript of the medical skills of the genius doctor Gu in your hand." Yuan Deyin frowned, not knowing what Tan Ling wanted to do for a while. .

Being questioned by Yuan Deyin, Tan Ling's expression became more and more embarrassing. She whispered: "Actually, three years ago, when Pei Heng settled down in the prefect's mansion, the Minnv wanted to ask him to accept the Minnv as a doctor, but he didn't agree." , so Minnv can only order someone to steal his book, copy it down, and then put it back secretly..."

While talking, Tan Ling raised her head and secretly glanced at Yuan Deyin.

Tan Ling was annoyed to death when she opened up her embarrassing things in front of the person she hated.

But she also knew that if she didn't explain clearly, she would be in more trouble.

Because Huixiang whispered in her ear just now, that there is a commotion outside now, and everyone said that the poisoning this time was caused by Pei Heng.

Now the people are accusing her, saying they want to arrest her for interrogation.

If she doesn't explain clearly and picks herself clean, then she is really finished.

Tan Ling can still tell which is more important at this time.

"After getting the manuscript, Minnv consulted several old doctors, and then secretly began to learn medical skills. Pei Heng lived in the mansion for half a month and left without a trace. Minnv used his name He did a lot of things, but he didn't come out to stop him, so Minnv became more and more courageous, and began to call herself his apprentice..."

Tan Ling shed tears as she spoke, and with Hui Xiang's support, she began to kneel down.

"Princess, I really don't know that Pei Heng did the poisoning this time, I really don't know anything..." Tan Ling cried and begged for mercy, and her maid also knelt on the ground.

Tan Hong came over and knelt down after him.

"Princess, it's the minister's wife who taught her sister Wufang, and let her get into such a disaster. But the princess, Ling'er, she doesn't have any malicious intentions, please see that she also worked hard to save the people Come on, spare her once." Tan Ling began to beg for mercy with a sad expression.

"In order to satisfy her vanity, she almost killed so many people. How should the princess forgive her?" Yuan Deyin shook his head with a complicated expression.

No matter how she thinks, she can't imagine that the truth is like this.

In order to satisfy her own vanity, Tan Ling really can do anything.

"Princess, my wife will let Ling'er do more good deeds, and she will definitely make up for the mistakes she made." Tan Hong promised in a solemn tone.

"Well, now it seems that this is the only way to go. This time, many people died. Sister Tan, I will leave it to you to deal with the aftermath of the family members. Can you do it?" Yuan Deyin looked at Tan Ling and asked.

"Minister...Minister..." Tan Ling originally wanted to say that she didn't want to go to the homes of the dead to clean up the aftermath.

But thinking that if she refused, there might be worse consequences, so she could only nod reluctantly.

Wu Yi watched the behavior of their princess, a young adult, and she felt relieved.

The princess is really becoming more and more like a prince, and now she can handle the problem alone.

"Sister Tan Ling's matter has been dealt with, but Mrs. Hao, can you explain why you didn't say anything about Pei Heng's settlement in the mansion three years ago?" Yuan Deyin's sharp words fell to the ground again. Tan Hong's side.

Before Tan Hong could answer, the maid behind her quickly kowtowed.

"Princess, you have misunderstood my wife. It's not that my wife didn't want to say it, she didn't know about it. Three years ago, when Pei Heng settled down in the mansion, my wife was supervising the construction of the temple on the mountain."

"Yes, princess, there are many things that my lord is too busy to do, all of which are done by my wife. At that time, my wife was not in the mansion. When I came back, Pei Heng had already left, so she didn't know about such a past. "Another maid hurriedly helped explain.

"That's it...that's because the princess misunderstood Mrs. Hao, and I apologize in advance." Yuan Deyin said apologetically.

"Princess, you don't need to apologize. It's the minister's wife who didn't find out these things clearly, and the minister's wife can't escape the blame." Tan Hong quickly shook his head and accepted the mistake.


Coming out of Tan Ling's room, Wu Yi saw that their little Princess had been wrinkling her face, as if she was thinking about something important.

She couldn't help but asked worriedly, "Princess, what are you thinking?"

"Tan Ling, what do you think of Mrs. Hao?" Yuan Deyin turned her head and asked curiously.

"Knowledgeable and sensible, she is a sensible person. Moreover, she has a good reputation among the people of Haicheng. After all, she often helps Mr. Hao to do things for the people. In short, she is a rare and virtuous wife..."

"What else?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"What's more, she loves Tan Ling very much. It can be seen that she is a good sister. And from the way people protect her, it can be seen that she should be good to servants on weekdays..."

"anything else……"

"What else, Princess, I really can't figure it out." Wuyi looked helpless.

"Sister Wuyi, don't you think she is rich?" Yuan Deyin leaned over, put his foot in Wuyi's ear, and said in a low voice.

The expression on Wuyi's face gradually froze, even a little distorted.

A little rich woman, Quan Chiyan's richest little princess, whispered in her ear that another person was very rich.

This feeling, as a listener, why is she always a little weird!

Seeing Wuyi's frozen expression, Yuan Deyin shook his head helplessly.

It seems that sister Wuyi misunderstood what she meant.

Sighing in her heart, Yuan Deyin continued to lower her voice and said: "My Princess said that she is rich, and she is compared with the expenses of Chi Yan's other magistrates' wives."

Yuan Deyin's words awakened Wuyi instantly.

Wuyi thought about it carefully, and then remembered that Tan Hong's clothes looked very plain.

But the fabric of those clothes is not simple. , And those jewellery, although they are not gorgeous at first glance, they are not gold or the like, but they are rare jade.

This is, invisible wealth!

And today, the device in Tan Ling's room also made Wu Yi feel a little weird.

"By the way, princess, what you said reminded this servant of one thing."

"what's up?"

"One day, my servant went to the kitchen to serve you food. When I saw a cook cooking something, she saw the servant passing by, and she closed the lid in a panic. The servant didn't even ask her what she was cooking, so she just In a panic, she said loudly that she was just stewing some vegetarian food. However, the slave girl is in Huancai Pavilion, so she hasn’t smelled anything? That’s clearly the smell of bird’s nest..."

Wuyi said in a solemn tone.

"Bird's nest..." The little girl secretly swallowed, and then asked in a low voice, "Then, where did you take the bird's nest?"

"In Mrs. Hao's room." Wuyi replied calmly.

Yuan Deyin rubbed her chin and whispered, "Actually, it's nothing for a prefect's wife to drink bird's nest. Although Haicheng is poor, it's not enough to starve a majestic magistrate's wife. But, why, the other party is so ignorant? Nervous, as if trying to hide something..."

"That's right, the slaves are also a little confused, but what are they trying to hide?" Wuyi frowned.

"Want to know? Don't you know if you check it?"

Yuan Deyin snorted lightly, a sly flash of eyes flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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