The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 166: Investigating the Mansion at Night

Chapter 166: Investigating the Mansion at Night
In the middle of the night, Yuan Deyin was wearing a night suit and opened the door furtively.

"Princess, servant girl will go with you." Wuyi stood behind her and said worriedly.

"No, in case Mrs. Hao and the others come to me in the middle of the night, you can still pretend. If you're gone, wouldn't you be a gangster?" Yuan Deyin shook his head and said in a serious tone.

"But, princess, it's dangerous for you to be alone, no, the slaves still have to report to the prince." Wu Yi thought for a while, and wanted to send a letter to Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Don't, don't, if Uncle Jiuhuang finds out, then I really won't be able to investigate anything. Uncle Jiuhuang will definitely not let me take risks..." Yuan Deyin shook his head, acting like a baby to Wuyi.

Worried that Wuyi still didn't agree, Yuan Deyin continued to act like a baby: "Brother Wuying will follow in secret, and nothing will happen."

"Okay, then you must pay attention to safety."

Wuyi continued to exhort Yuan Deyin.

After being assigned to take care of the little princess, Wuyi felt that he had said everything he hadn't said in the past ten years.

"Yes, I will."

Yuan Deyin nodded obediently, and quickly ran out of the room on tiptoe.

But when she was about to walk out of the courtyard gate, a slightly cold voice came from behind, "Where are you going?"

She was so frightened that she raised her paws and turned her head nervously, only to see Yunmo in a blue robe standing behind her.

"What are you doing, you're so scary!" Yuan Deyin asked angrily.

"My lord sees you being sneaky, are you going to do some secret operation?" Yunmo raised his eyebrows and stared at her quietly.

"My princess just thinks there are secrets in this mansion, so I want to investigate."

She felt that Yunmo was half of her own, so Yuan Deyin didn't hide it from him.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yunmo became interested.

"It turns out that it's an investigation, and the king wants to join us." Yun Mo folded his arms and said in a firm tone.

"You are wearing blue clothes, so you can be seen at a glance in the dark!" Yuan Deyin looked disgusted.

"You don't have to worry about that, my martial arts are still good, and you can protect you with me." Yunmo folded his arms and said in a low tone.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Deyin thought it made sense.

So she didn't dislike it in the end, and nodded directly: "Then you can follow, but it's agreed, everything must be under the command of the princess."

Alas, in the barracks, you have to listen to Jun Yu, come back, and listen to the little one...

Yunmo sighed in his heart, but in the end, he still stood silently behind Yuan Deyin.

Because Yuan Deyin was thinking about something in his heart, he walked faster and faster, and Yunmo was also hiding something in his heart.

What Jun Yu said in the morning has troubled him for a whole day.

"Hey, little one, I'm asking you, who do you think is better between me and your Ninth Emperor Uncle." After hesitating for a while, Yun Mo still asked the question.

"Of course it's Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin answered without hesitation.

Yun Mo's smile froze: "Why? Why not me?"

"Can you beat Uncle Nine Emperors? Are you good looking like Uncle Nine Emperors? Are you as rich as Uncle Nine Emperors? Are you smarter than Uncle Nine Emperors?" Yuan Deyin asked four questions in a row.

Yunmo: "..."

Damn it, these words are so embarrassing that the king doesn't even have the confidence to answer them.

"Then there must be someone better than your Nine Emperor Uncle..." Yun Mo said sourly.

He looked like Yuan Deyin was young and thoughtless.

But just after he finished speaking, Yuan Deyin denied it in a very firm tone: "No, there won't be. In the eyes of this princess, Uncle Nine Emperors is the same as King Father. They are both the best. But Father The king is no longer alive, so who else in this world can be better than Uncle Nine Emperors?"

Yun Mo: "..." Can we still have a pleasant chat?

"Then do you like the Western Regions?" Yun Mo thought of another way.

Before Yuan Deyin could answer, he continued to coax: "There are many delicacies in the Western Regions, and you can ride horses in the desert. There are many interesting small animals, and you don't have the constraints of the capital. Do you want to go?"

"I don't want to." Yuan Deyin said these two words without any hesitation.

"Why?" Yun Mo felt his heart constricted.

"Because there are no Nine Emperor Uncles in the Western Regions." Yuan Deyin replied seriously.

Yun Mo: "..." Forget it, this king shouldn't ask these questions.

Enduring the urge to vomit blood, Yun Mo finally calmed down and stopped asking questions.

Yuan Deyin came to the back door of the mansion. At this time, the servants in the mansion were disposing of the garbage in the mansion.

"Tell me, are you, the prefect, a full man who doesn't understand a hungry man's hunger, and poured out so much food?" A middle-aged man looked at the buckets of leftovers that were sent out, and said with a complicated expression.

"What's the matter? The food and drink expenses in our mansion are all in accordance with the imperial palace's standards. It's a small problem if the magistrate has money." The servants of the mansion waved their hands, looking indifferent.

"A magistrate, food and drink expenses are in accordance with the palace's standards, heh, what a bold tone." Yunmo snorted coldly in Yuan Deyin's ear.

Yuan Deyin's small face wrinkled a little.

Listening to their tone, it seems that this situation has been maintained for a long time. Is a magistrate really so rich?
She even asked Wuyi specifically today, and Wuyi said that Hao Jinglue also came from a poor family, and after he became an official, his living conditions improved a bit.

The magistrate's salary is indeed not low, can't be so high, it can make them spend so much.

"Go." Yuan Deyin gave Yunmo a look, and they walked back quickly.

When walking to the backyard, suddenly a group of patrolling people came in front.

Yuan Deyin's heart hangs, as if he has nowhere to go.

"Don't be nervous." Yun Mo said softly beside her, then took her arm, and quickly flew to the rockery behind.

Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief when the patrolling people walked over with torches.

She put her hand on the rock and wanted to climb down from the rockery by herself.

But when her foot stepped on a stone, her body suddenly fell.

Seeing Yuan Deyin falling directly from the gap in the rockery, Yunmo shouted anxiously: "Little one."

He jumped down almost without hesitation.

Yuan Deyin got up from the ground, and she shook her head.

"Are you okay?" Yuan Deyin realized that he had landed on Yunmo's body.

When he jumped down just now, he pulled her up, and he used it as a human body pad once, so that she didn't get hurt.

Yuan Deyin saw a ferocious bloodstain on his arm, and the blood dripped down his fingers.

"It's just a small problem." Yun Mo frowned, and wanted to retract his arm.

"Don't move, such a serious wound, how can you say it's a minor injury. It needs to be treated!" Yuan Deyin glared at him angrily.

Then, regardless of whether he would refuse, she took out the wound medicine from her body, sprinkled it directly on his wound, and simply bandaged it.

Seeing her seriously bandaging his wound, Yun Mo's eyelashes trembled slightly, and complexities flashed in his ice blue eyes.

"Father said, the wolf in the desert, it's okay to get hurt a little bit, so when I was young, no matter how I was trained by the generals in the barracks, as long as I couldn't die, he wouldn't let me bandage him. It's..." Yun Mo was silent for a long time, and then said something depressing in a hoarse voice.

When Yuan Deyin looked up, he saw Yunmo looking at her with complicated eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that, I hurt you?" Yuan Deyin asked in a low voice, with a nervous expression.

"Nothing." Yun Mo withdrew his eyes, and stood up with the other hand propped up, with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.

Yuan Deyin didn't have the time to guess what he was thinking. Seeing that he stopped talking, she thought he was fine.

"Strange, why is there such a dark room under the rockery?" Yuan Deyin looked at the empty space around him with a puzzled expression.

Yun Mo walked around and knocked on the wall a few times.

Soon, he stopped at one of the walls and said coldly, "Behind this wall is empty!"

When Yuan Deyin walked over, Yunmo had already pushed the door open with internal force.

After the wall door was pushed open, Yuan Deyin found that there was something strange inside.

Below is actually a small courtyard, equipped with everything.

"What kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful." Yuan Deyin saw a few pots of beautiful flowers beside him, and wanted to touch them.

But Yun Mo quickly reached out to grab her hand, and said in a serious tone: "Don't touch it, this flower is poisonous."

"Poisonous? What kind of flower is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"This flower is called 'Huanming', and the petals are highly poisonous, but it is suitable for keeping in a dark room, because there are more insects and ants in the dark room, and this flower is their nemesis."

"It turned out to be like this. It's amazing. My concubine also loved flowers before, and there are many flowers in our village, but why have I never heard of this flower?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"You were born in the capital of Chiyan, so of course you haven't heard of it. Because it's unique to the Western Regions." Yun Mo said coldly, with a serious expression on his face.

"It's unique to the Western Regions, so why did it appear here?" Yuan Deyin also realized that something was wrong, and her tone became a little serious.

After thinking for a while, she continued to ask tentatively: "Haicheng is not far from the Western Regions, and the climate is actually not that different. Maybe someone found the seeds of this flower and planted them?"

"Impossible, the conditions for growing 'Hunming' are very strict, and it can only survive in the Western Regions. However, at the beginning, a businessman saw that someone liked this flower, so he put this flower in a pot in the Western Regions. Then transport it around and sell it. However, this flower can only be kept in the pot for ten days at most, and it will wither after a long time..."

Yun Mo's tone was extremely firm.

He was born in the land of the Western Regions, and he knows everything very well.

"This flower looks so delicate and beautiful, so it must not have been more than ten days old. However, because of the battle between the Western Regions and Haicheng, Haicheng has been closed for a long time. How did this flower come in from the Western Regions? This place, Whose is it?"

Yuan Deyin asked two questions in a row, and the atmosphere gradually became depressed.

At this moment, they suddenly heard movement from above.

"No, there's someone!" Yunmo came to his senses, took Yuan Deyin's hand directly, and hid in the closet next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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