The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 167 The man behind the scenes is Hao Jinglue

Chapter 167 The man behind the scenes is Hao Jinglue
They hid in a cupboard when they heard two people coming down from it.

"The tiankeng has been destroyed, what should we do now?" A man's voice sounded.


And this accent, it doesn't look like a Central Plains person at all.

Yuan Deyin's heart tightened, and she quickly looked through the crack of the door, only to see two men who looked like people from the Western Regions standing there.

She turned her head and exchanged glances with Yunmo.

Yun Mo's eyes were also a little dignified.

People from the Western Regions appeared in the mansion of the prefect of Haicheng, and they talked about the Tiankeng...

Heh, I'm afraid that the magistrate has a different heart!

Over there, another person from the Western Regions waved his hand: "Forget it, Mr. Hao said that this is not important, the most important thing now is how to let the Western Regions win Haicheng in the battle between the Western Regions and Haicheng, and let Jun Yu There is no back and forth!"

"Yes, you are right. The Tiankeng is just for us to lose a little money. Jun Yu is still a treasure for that little weapon! He doesn't know how much iron our Lord Hao has smelted and sent to the Western Regions in Haicheng for so many years. , and made a lot of money by using it, and he is a majestic regent, and he has to go to battle to kill the enemy, without even knowing that he is about to be killed by his own people..."

"Hahaha, from this point of view, Jun Yu is nothing more than that, and we play him around."

"Come on, the limelight has been too intense recently, Mr. Hao told us to return to the Western Region camp as soon as possible, so as not to be sniffed by Jun Yu's dog nose."


After speaking, they began to move things in the dark room, and soon left.

Yuan Deyin didn't let go of her strained heart until the sound outside completely disappeared. She pushed open the door of the cabinet, and then walked out.

"It turns out that it was Hao Jinglue who conspired with the Western Regions, and it really was him!" Yun Mo was full of anger.

In his opinion, Hao Jinglue's cooperation with his elder brother not only harmed Chi Yan, but also harmed his father!

"No, I'm going to tell Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin made up his mind and began to climb up.

But when she returned to her yard, she saw Gan Qing walking back and forth in front of her.

Yuan Deyin only remembered at this time, because of the incident of poisoning, she almost forgot about Gan Qing.

She asked Yunmo to go back to the barracks to report about Uncle Nine Emperor's darkroom, and then climbed into the room by herself through the window.

Wuyi helped her change her clothes, and then she opened the door.

"Gan Qing, what are you doing walking around at the door of this princess?" Yuan Deyin said directly.

Gan Qing quickly knelt down.

"Damn the servant, I disturbed the Princess. But the servant is a little confused, why the princess is so indifferent to the servant after returning from Li Village, did the servant do something wrong to make the princess unhappy?"

"Gan Qing, you misunderstood. It's just that you can't help you with the things you have to do during this time, so you are not allowed to follow you. You have done nothing wrong, why does the princess dislike you?" Yuan Deyin said with a smile.

After hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Gan Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

She continued to ask tentatively: "The slave girl, can I come back and continue to serve you?"

Yuan Deyin has transferred her to help in other yards these days, and she has always wanted to come back.

"That's natural." Yuan Deyin continued to smile.

"The servant thanked the princess, and the servant will not disturb the princess's rest." Gan Qing stood up happily, and quickly turned and retreated.

After Gan Qing left, Yuan Deyin closed the door.

Wuyi lit the oil lamp, only to see that the little princess had no expression on her face, and her eyes were even a little cold.

"Princess, is there something wrong with Gan Qing?" Wu Yi walked over and asked worriedly.

She followed Yuan Deyin, so she knew her emotions very well.

That day, she failed to go to Li Village, but she also heard from Wuying.

After the woman in Li village finished speaking, the princess was in a bad mood, and became very wary of Gan Qing.

I don't know what Gan Qing did.

Yuan Deyin sat down on the chair, dangling her two feet, holding her little face, and sighed.

Then he said slowly: "Why are there so many deceptions between people, the princess doesn't want to doubt Gan Qing, but..."

Yuan Deyin told Gan Qing what Li Jiao said that day.

"If what Li Jiao said is true, then Gan Qing is lying. She lied to us, what good will it do her?" Wuyi looked puzzled.

Suddenly, she thought of another possibility, and she hurriedly continued: "Princess, could it be that Li Jiao lied?"

"I also thought about this possibility at the time, so when Gan Qing said that she would follow her into Li Village, I agreed. During the period, I found that the expressions of those villagers were very indifferent when they saw Gan Qing. As I said, if the villagers love her so much, then their attitude cannot be like that..."

Yuan Deyin shook his head while analyzing.

"Brother Wuying, how did you find out what I asked you to investigate?" Yuan Deyin suddenly said to the dark place outside the window.

The shadowless that merged with the night quickly appeared.

He knelt down on one knee: "This subordinate sees the princess, what you asked my subordinate to check, my subordinate has already checked it out."

"Gan Qing is really the adopted daughter of the head of Li Village?"

"Yes, that's right. The people under my command who visited Li Village unannounced spoke the same words as Li Jiao. Gan Qing was adopted by their village head ten years ago and treated like her own daughter. But the village head After her death, Gan Qing only wanted to be in power, so the villagers felt somewhat resentful towards her..."

"Wait a moment!"

Wuying wanted to continue talking, but Yuan Deyin interrupted him.

"You just said that the head of Li Village adopted Gan Qing ten years ago?" Yuan Deyin asked in a strange tone.

"Yes, Princess, the villagers of Li Village say so." Wuying replied respectfully.

"Why, it was all ten years ago..." Yuan Deyin muttered in a low voice with a complicated expression.

"Princess, did something happen ten years ago?" Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Wuyi felt strange.

Only then did Yuan Deyin tell what the little maid had said a few days ago, and what happened in the secret passage tonight.

"Princess, what do you mean, this Gan Qing may have something to do with Hao Jinglue? After all, Hao Jinglue came to Haicheng ten years ago." Wuyi looked at Yuan Deyin and asked.

"I have guessed this before, but I always feel that something is wrong..." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

However, she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Princess, don't embarrass yourself if you can't figure it out. Anyway, there must be something wrong with Hao Jinglue." Wuyi said in a serious tone.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the barracks and talk to Uncle Jiuhuang about this matter in person. They must not let their plot succeed. You must be careful these days." Yuan Deyin still did not forget to tell Wuyi and Wuying be safe.

The next morning.

Just after dawn, Wuyi packed up his things and prepared to escort Yuan Deyin to the barracks.

Because she didn't inform Tan Hong in advance, Yuan Deyin walked quietly to the door of the mansion.

"Princess Deyin, Cao Min has seen Princess Deyin." Suddenly, a somewhat hunchbacked old doctor came in from the door, and he recognized Yuan Deyin at a glance, and he knelt down to Yuan Deyin with an excited expression.

As doctors, they worshiped Yu Shengxiao as if they were gods. Naturally, they also worshiped his apprentice Yuan Deyin.

What's more, the people in Haicheng can detoxify, and they also have more Yuan Deyin.

Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die!

Therefore, when the old doctor saw Yuan Deyin, he was inevitably excited.

Yuan Deyin saw that she was still saluting to her even when she was old, so she quickly asked Wuyi to help him up.

"Old man, don't be too polite. Why did you enter the mansion? Is someone sick?" Yuan Deyin saw that the other party was carrying a medicine box, and there was a scent of medicine on his body, so he could naturally deduce the other party's identity.

"Reporting to the princess, Cao Min came here to recuperate Mrs. Hao's body under the orders of Master Hao." The old doctor said respectfully.

"What's wrong with Mrs. Hao?" Yuan Deyin asked with a frown.

She saw Mrs. Hao yesterday, she was in very good condition, and she didn't have any symptoms at all.

"Don't worry, Princess Hao. It's not that Mrs. Hao is sick. It's just that Mrs. Hao and Mrs. Hao have been married for many years and have never had any children, so Mrs. Hao is just a little anxious..." The old doctor glanced at Yuan Deyin's side Only then did he lower his voice and tell Yuan Deyin.

This voice was only enough for Yuan Deyin to hear.

Yuan Deyin raised his eyes, and he saw the old doctor's expression was a little painful, as if there was something unspeakable.

She also lowered her voice and asked: "Old doctor, could it be that you have encountered some problem? It's Mrs. Hao's body, it's too difficult to recuperate?"

"Princess, you learned medical skills from Miracle Doctor Jade, and your attainment may be deeper than that of Cao Min. Cao Min really has a difficult problem that I need to ask you."

"Please say."

"Actually, Mrs. Hao and Lord Hao are both in good health. Normally speaking, they shouldn't have children. All the doctors in our city have checked their pulses, and they all said so. But Lord Hao doesn't want to believe it. Always let us persevere, Caomin really can't bear to see him disappointed, so he has been persevering..."

"There is nothing wrong with the body, but have you never had an heir?"

Although it felt a little uncomfortable for her to be a little girl and an old doctor discussing the couple's relationship, Yuan Deyin thought that she was now a half-doctor, so she should be able to explain away the confusion.

So she quickly thought about this problem seriously.

She opened her mouth, and she had an idea in her mind.

"Old doctor, have you ever thought that there is another possibility. In fact, if you don't have an heir, sometimes it's not necessarily that you can't have it, but... you don't want it?" Yuan Deyin asked tentatively.

"How is this possible? Mr. Hao has repeatedly begged us to treat them regardless of his status. We are all moved by his sincere heart. It cannot be that he does not want children..." The old doctor shook his head otherwise.

But soon, his expression changed, "Princess, when you said this, Cao Min suddenly remembered that Mrs. Hao had never told us that she desperately wanted a child."

From this point of view, the problem may really lie with Tan Hong.

But why doesn't she want it?
Xiao Deyin's small face wrinkled, and she began to think seriously about this question.

(End of this chapter)

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