The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 168 The prince said, the most beautiful little girl

Chapter 168 The prince said, the most beautiful little girl
"Princess, Caomin also remembered something. Mr. Hao once asked Caomin one thing, whether a wise person would pass this disease on to their children. Caomin was a little suspicious at that time, would it be... What about Mrs. Hao's situation?"

The old doctor frowned and added.

Too many fingers?

Normal people have ten fingers and ten toes, but some people will have one or more fingers and toes than normal people from birth.

Something flashed through Yuan Deyin's mind quickly, but it was too fast, and she couldn't catch it for a while.

"Then what did you say, old doctor?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Naturally, to tell the truth, although this multi-finger situation is relatively rare, Caomin actually met such a family when he was young, so he still has some understanding. If the parents have this symptom, the child is likely to have it too. .” The old doctor said sincerely.

Could it be that Tan Hong didn't want a child for this reason?

Yuan Deyin lowered his head in thought.

After a while, she raised her head and said to the old doctor in a relaxed tone: "Old doctor, the princess will not bother you. The princess has something to do, so let's go first."

After finishing speaking, she quickly got into the carriage with Wuyi and Wuying.

The old doctor was stunned behind for a while, and then hurriedly chased him out.

"Princess, you haven't told the grass-roots people whether it can be cured, and if it can be cured, how should it be cured?"

However, there was no sign of Yuan Deyin here, the carriage had already reached the street and disappeared from his sight.


When Yuan Deyin arrived at the gate of the barracks, he was stopped.

"Who is coming? Outsiders are not allowed to enter the barracks." A few soldiers held up their spears and stopped the carriage. They had serious faces and wary eyes.

Yuan Deyin poked his head out, trying to reveal his identity.

But who knows, she didn't even open her mouth, but after poking her head out, those soldiers immediately knelt down.

"See the princess!"

Yuan Deyin: "???"

"Why do you know the identity of the princess?" Her big eyes were full of curiosity.

"Princess, can... can you not say it?" The soldier in the lead turned red, as if he was very embarrassed.

Yuan Deyin wasn't too curious at first, but seeing the other party like this, her curiosity was aroused instead.

She lifted the curtain, sat on the side of the carriage, put her face on her face, and said with a smile: "No, the princess must know today."

"Because, because the prince said that if a little girl comes to the barracks, it will be Princess Deyin. Don't stop her."

The little soldier was worried about offending Yuan Deyin, so he answered quickly.

"However, there are so many girls in this world, if a fake one comes and breaks in directly, wouldn't it cause a lot of trouble?" Yuan Deyin disagreed now.

If the enemy breaks in, the problem will be bad.

"No, I won't admit my mistake..." The little soldier blushed again, as if he was a little embarrassed.

Yuan Deyin tilted his head and asked with a smile: "Then tell me, how can you not admit your mistake?"

"Because, my lord...said...said...the prettiest little girl is the princess."

That little soldier was only about fourteen or fifteen years old. After he said what the prince said, his ears turned red, and his whole face seemed to be on fire.

The surrounding soldiers also lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Why did the prince have a calm face when he said this, but when they said it, they were so shy.

After a certain little princess heard this, her eyes lit up and her smile spread out, not to mention how bright her smile was.

She happily rolled back into the carriage, and said excitedly, "Sister Wuyi, Uncle Jiuhuang said that I am the most beautiful little girl."

"Yes, yes, the prince is telling the truth. Our princess is the prettiest princess, the prettiest little girl." Wuyi couldn't help laughing while coaxing Xiao Deyin coming.

Although she admitted that what the prince said was true.

In order to carry out her mission, she has traveled to so many places over the years, but she has never seen a little girl like the princess, with such a delicate appearance, and such a cute personality, it is hard not to like it.

But what the prince it too out of line with his usual personality.

If the prince's mouth can be so sweet to other girls, I'm afraid he won't be almost 17 years old, and there is not half a mistress in the Prince Regent's mansion.

As a subordinate, Wuyi felt that his heart was going to be broken.

Amidst the little girl's laughter, the carriage drove into the barracks and stopped directly in front of the coach's tent.

Because the Western Regions have been beaten to pieces recently, Hatake's vitality has been severely injured, and he dare not make any moves these days, and the military camp in Haicheng can also breathe a sigh of relief.

So today's barracks has a less oppressive atmosphere and more relaxed atmosphere.

Yuan Deyin jumped off the carriage, and saw Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao playing darts.

"Xiao Deyin, are you here?" The moment Yu Shengxiao saw Yuan Deyin, he slapped the jade bone fan and walked over, shaking a few strands of hair from his temples.

"Jade Doctor." Yuan Deyin shouted sweetly.

"What are you still calling Yu Miracle Doctor, Master!" Yu Shengxiao's suave smile disappeared instantly when he heard Yuan Deyin's words.

He put away the jade bone fan and punched Yuan Deyin directly on the head.

Yuan Deyin's head hurt from the beating. She covered her head and said aggrievedly: "Master, I know I was wrong. But can you stop beating me on the head next time, I won't grow taller."

"That's right, the little girl isn't tall in the first place, and you still beat her. If she really isn't tall, I will be the first to settle the score with you." A sour smell of sweat.

It can be seen that he has honed a lot in the barracks these days.

He had long since lost the emaciated appearance he had when we first met. This appearance really resembled the one his father said, the most heroic prince on the prairie, and the most ferocious wolf in the hearts of the people of the Western Regions.

"The truth advises you, it's better to put on your clothes." Shen Chuannan walked over and threw a robe to Yunmo.

"Why? The weather is so hot. I have just finished practicing martial arts, and you let me get dressed. Are you deliberately trying to heat me to death?" Yunmo glanced at Shen Chuannan, and his tone was very angry.

Shen Chuannan raised his eyebrows. He glanced at the coach's tent, and then said calmly: "It's hot, He Zhen is dead. The truth advises you, choose hot."

"What's hot, what's dead, Master Shen, what are you talking about?" Yuan Deyin was beside her, unable to understand Shen Chuannan's words, she was full of doubts.

"You will understand these things when you have children in the future." Shen Chuannan turned around and showed Yuan Deyin an old father's smile.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

What a weird explanation.

Forget it, don't worry about it!
Yuan Deyin didn't continue to dwell on this issue anymore, she approached Yunmo and asked, "Did you tell Uncle Jiuhuang about the dark room, what's his plan, you..."

"Of course I told Jun Yu a long time ago, but I don't know what his plan is." Yun Mo rolled his eyes and replied leisurely.

"What are you two talking about, Xiao Deyin, this is your first time in the barracks, do you want to play something exciting?" Yu Shengxiao approached Yuan Deyin with a smirk like a wolf with a big tail. in front of.

"Stimulating things? What?" Yuan Deyin's big eyes were full of curiosity.

"Of course it's darts, but it's really boring to play alone for the teacher just now, how about you play together too?" Yu Shengxiao winked at Yuan Deyin.

"I don't like playing darts." Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to refuse. .

"Don't be so anxious to refuse. This game of darts doesn't necessarily mean that you can fly. In fact, you can be that dart." Yu Shengxiao's smile gradually became strange.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

She didn't react at all, Yu Shengxiao grabbed her hand, pulled her to the side of the dart target, tied her to the pillar, and put an apple on top of her head.

"Shen Huli always said that this genius doctor's darts are too bad. Today, this genius doctor wants to prove to you that even if someone is a target, this genius doctor is still a master of darts!" Yu Shengxiao said proudly.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Everyone: "!!!"

"Yushengxiao, do you want to die?" Yunmo rushed over with his sword in hand.

"Calm down, little prince, are we going to have a competition? Find someone to be a target, and then we'll see which of the two of us hits the apple on their head first." Yu Shengxiao said to Yun Mo in a provocative tone.

"Master..." Yuan Deyin was about to cry.

It was the first time she came to the military camp, why she was targeted for no reason!

"Princess." Wuyi and Wuying were also very anxious.

Within a few hundred li radius, even though they don't know that Miracle Jade Doctor's medical skills are unrivaled in the world, his martial arts cannot be described in words.

Among these martial arts, only the light function used for escaping can be considered martial arts, the rest, especially darts, are simply...too bad!

The rest of the generals came over curiously when they heard the commotion here.

When they heard that Yu Shengxiao was going to compete with Yun Mo, they all got excited and whistled and booed.

This scene seems to be a little overdone...

Shen Chuannan looked at Yusheng Xiao's little smug look that was about to raise his tail. This is the legendary person who is addicted to vegetables!
Moreover, he returned food without knowing it.

It seems that only a certain prince who protects the calf can come forward.

Shen Chuannan silently helped Yu Shengxiao light a candle in his heart, and strode into the coach's tent.

"Promise him, promise him, Bi, Bi, Prince Yunmo, Bi!"

The rest of the generals who heard the sound booed loudly.

Yun Mo gritted his teeth and said to Yu Shengxiao: "This king is no match, your darts are so bad, what if you hurt the little one?"

Yuan Deyin also had red eyes, and nodded frantically beside her, like a chicken pecking at rice.

She didn't want to die young!

However, seeing her terrified look, Yu Shengxiao not only didn't hold back, but raised his hand and patted her head like a puppy.

He said extremely "gently": "Xiao Deyin, I am really touched by being a teacher. You actually keep nodding your head in support of being a teacher."

"No, master, that's not what I meant..." Yuan Deyin quickly shook his head instead.

"Don't deny it, the teacher already understands your intentions, and you just trust him very much. Since the teacher knows your good intentions, I will definitely solve it quickly." Yu Shengxiao continued to promise gently.

Yuan Deyin: "..." Woohoo, come and take him in!
(End of this chapter)

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