Chapter 169
Yunmo wanted to untie Yuan Deyin.

But Yu Shengxiao retreated not far away very quickly. He picked up the dart in one hand and a piece of cloth in the other.

"This genius doctor thinks that those who are skilled in darts should be blindfolded. Prince Yunmo, this genius doctor will let you take a step. This genius doctor should blindfold you."

Yunmo: "Sick!"

Yuan Deyin: "Sick!"

Yunmo found that the rope was extremely difficult to untie today, and he didn't know whether he was too nervous or Yushengxiao used the unique knotting method of the genius doctor Gu.

Forget it, cut it directly.

Yun Mo gritted his teeth, and wanted to find a dagger to break the rope away.

But after he groped around himself, he realized that he didn't have a dagger at all.

He wants to curse!

Turning around, it turned out that Yu Shengxiao had already picked up the dart and shot it.

Yunmo gritted his teeth and stood in front of Yuan Deyin.

When the dart was only half a foot away from them, a sword flying out of the coach's tent directly hit the dart and threw it away.

The loud "bang" shocked Yu Shengxiao a lot.

He quickly tore off the strip of cloth, only to see Jun Yu in silver armor standing in front of him, looking down at him with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Yu Shengxiao swallowed her saliva, and asked with a smile: "Jun Yu, what are you doing outside the tent to deal with military affairs? Do you want to compete too? How about I give you a space?"

The generals on the side, who were booing, saw Jun Yu appearing, and they realized that it was half dark that day.

After touching their arms, they felt for the first time that this hot day could penetrate people.

"It seems that you like watching dart games very much, and you like dart games very much." Jun Yu's indifferent eyes swept across the generals present, and then landed on Yu Shengxiao, with a strange arc on his mouth.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Uh, why does this miracle doctor suddenly feel uneasy in his heart.

The rest of the generals were in exactly the same mood as Yu Shengxiao at this time.

After a quarter of an hour.

Yu Shengxiao was blindfolded and tied to a pillar with a grape on her head.

On the opposite side of him, a dozen generals who had been kicked out of the ducks were holding darts.

The darts in their hands are neither good for shooting nor not for not shooting.

Who is Doctor Jade!
Move your fingers, give them some medicine, they may not see the sun tomorrow.

But, who is the Ninth Prince? He is the same person as Lord Yan!

Seeing their hesitation, Wu Xi said with a blank expression: "My lord has ordered that everyone must throw darts at Doctor Jade until everyone hits grapes ten times before stopping. If anyone fails to complete the task, Military law!"

The last four words, like a gust of cold air, crawled from the soles of their feet to their necks.

They swallowed a mouthful of saliva and made up their minds.

It is better to offend Miracle Doctor Jade than to offend the prince.

After all, to offend the former may be death.

However, offending the latter, life would be worse than death!

Thinking this way, they figured it out.

So in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen darts were shot directly at Yu Shengxiao like rain.

Yu Shengxiao couldn't even see it, and could only judge by the sound of "swishling" that they had already made a move.


Screams like slaughtering pigs resounded throughout the barracks.

Accompanied by another sentence: "Shen Fox, save this genius doctor!"

Shen Chuannan was on a high platform not far away, eating grapes while watching.

"Hey, the grapes from Haicheng are sweeter than those from Beijing." While eating, he sighed with emotion.

The mouth corners of the soldiers behind them twitched.

In this barracks, the most dark-bellied person is probably Mr. Shen.


Jun Yu went down with a knife, and Yuan Deyin's rope was untied.

She rubbed her red eyes, and didn't forget to say: "Thank you, Uncle Nine Emperors."

When she heard the screams in the distance, she couldn't help asking: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you are trying to teach Jade God a lesson... no, are you teaching Master?"

Seeing her frowning face, Jun Yu raised his eyebrows and said in a serious tone, "Could it be that you want to intercede for him?"

"No, what Deyin means is that after you finish your lesson, Deyin wants to beat him up without locking him up!" A certain little girl said angrily.

Jun Yu: "..."

Well, it's ruthless enough, it's worthy of being cultivated by this king.

Because Yu Shengxiao and other generals existed as precedents, although other people in the barracks were full of curiosity about Yuan Deyin, they did not dare to come over.

Yuan Deyin hopped and jumped three times behind Jun Yu, but when she was about to enter the barracks, she stopped quickly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, the commander's tent is very important to the barracks. There must be a lot of secrets, so Deyin won't go in." Yuan Deyin shook his head as he spoke.

"My king's people don't have so many rules." After Jun Yu said this, he carried her in with his hands.

After Yuan Deyin went in, he realized that there was something strange inside.

Although it doesn't look very big from the outside, there are all the things that should be equipped inside. There are many military books on the table.

Yuan Deyin leaned over and saw the title of the military book, she said excitedly: "Deyin also saw his father read these books when he was a child, Uncle Nine Emperors, these books..."

"It was given to me by your father." Jun Yu said quietly.

Brother Ji Wang, you can be regarded as a kind of teacher to him.

"Really?" The little girl picked up the book carefully, her eyes were a little red.

"Then Uncle Nine Emperors, will Deyin be able to read these books in the future?" The little girl asked in a low voice, her tone was a little cautious.

"You don't need to ask me, you don't need to ask, you can watch whatever you want, and use whatever you want." Jun Yu replied quietly when he heard her words.

"It's the same with me. If you are interested in the Western Regions, I will definitely get you here!" At this moment, Yun Mo opened the curtain and strode in.

Seeing a certain wolf cub come in, Jun Yu's face darkened slightly.

Seeing Yunmo, Yuan Deyin thought of something else.

She patted the seat next to him, let him sit down, and then asked curiously: "Did you find anything wrong with Hao Jinglue when you came to the barracks?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a voice came from the door: "My lord, Mr. Hao is asking to see you."

"Come in." Jun Yu's indifferent voice fell.

Wearing a black gauze cap and crumpled official uniform, Hao Jinglue hurried in, followed by Shen Chuannan.

When he got to the front, Hao Jinglue knelt down directly: "My lord, I am guilty of the crime. The people in the capital have suffered such catastrophe. I only learned the news today. I have not been able to solve the problems for the people, nor have I been able to help the lord to solve their problems. I am guilty of the crime."

When Hao Jinglue was talking, he kowtowed heavily, his eyes were so red.

It sounds quite sincere, but I just don't know if I can take it seriously!

Yuan Deyin and Yunmo looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

During the long silence, cold sweat broke out on Hao Jinglue's forehead.

He didn't know what Jun Yu was thinking.

After a long time, Jun Yu said coldly: "You are busy dealing with the food problem in the army today. No one told you about these things. It is understandable that you don't know."

"Thank you, my lord, for not coming down." Hao Jinglue kowtowed again.

"Master Hao, I don't know if you still remember what my father told you?" Shen Chuannan sat down on the chair next to him, and said so in an unclear tone.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Hao Jinglue hurriedly said loudly: "Mr. Shen, the old prime minister's kindness in recommending him for quite a long time, the next official will never forget it for a day. He said in the past, let the next official be a good official for the people, and the next official I have been working hard, and I hope to protect this important tower of Haicheng, and make life easier for the people..."

Speaking of deep love, Hao Jinglue's eyes turned red.

At this time, he really looked like an ordinary good official for the people.

When facing an official with a higher position than him, he was cautious, walking on thin ice, for fear that he would say anything wrong.

But when it comes to the people he guards, his eyes light up instantly.

Judging from the scene in front of him, he really looks like a good official for the country and the people.

But what happened to the money in his mansion?

What happened to those two people from the Western Regions in that dark room?

And that day in the tiankeng, how should he explain why he arrived so quickly?

For a moment, everyone was guessing quickly in their hearts.

"Okay. Master Hao, you go down first." Jun Yu said coldly.

Hao Jinglue wiped the cold sweat off his forehead again, nodded, and then stepped back and walked out.

"Hmph, this pious old man pretends to be very similar, conspired with my elder brother, and played us around, sooner or later, this king will expose his true colors!" Yunmo said angrily.

"The real face? What do you think his real face is?" Jun Yu suddenly evoked an indifferent arc.

(End of this chapter)

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