Chapter 170
"Yin'er, what do you think?" Jun Yu suddenly looked sideways at Yuan Deyin and asked.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, before I met Mr. Hao, I was actually very firm in my heart that he was a dignified corrupt official and a traitor, but just now, I didn't seem to have this feeling anymore..." The little girl hesitated, and finally decided to put Speak out your own thoughts.

"Princess Deyin, did you find anything?" Shen Chuannan sat upright and asked Yuan Deyin in a serious tone.

"Well, I don't know if you have noticed a detail just now. When Hao Jinglue stood up, he staggered a bit. The shoes didn't seem to fit. Moreover, the sides of his shoes were worn down to fluff. If a corrupt Will a corrupt official who has paid a lot of money treat himself so harshly and wear such a worn-out pair of shoes?"

Yuan Deyin asked seriously.

Her words made everyone stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, they felt that it made a lot of sense.

"Could it be that he deliberately pretended to be like this in front of us, to make him look clean?" Yun Mo questioned.

He still didn't quite believe that Hao Jinglue would be a good person.

"No, when he got up just now, I also saw that there was a dirty mark under his right sleeve. That position is usually found by people who often use their sleeves to polish shoes. If the shoes are dirty, why don't you just replace them with new ones? If he even made this little trick out of scheming, I'm afraid he would have helped Hatake get it long ago."

"Such an analysis is very reasonable. However, we still have many problems that cannot be explained clearly." Shen Chuannan's expression was rarely entangled.

He raised his head and threw the question back to Jun Yu, "A Yu, what do you think?"

"Arrest Hao Jinglue now, and all the people in the prefect's mansion will be put in prison." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

"A Yu, you..."

Even Shen Chuannan, who knew him well, was stunned by Jun Yu's actions.

He just told Hao Jingluo to let him go back a moment ago, but when he turned around, he was taken into prison.

And this didn't just arrest Hao Jinglue, but all his family members and subordinates.

This move seems to have a feeling of involving innocent people.

If it is not done well, the common people will have some complaints. After all, the reputation Hao Jinglue has accumulated over the years is not low!

A Yu used to do things, it seems that there has never been such a big movement like today, why?
Standing at the door, Wu Xi heard Jun Yu's order and quickly led people into action.

Yun Mo shrugged, although he was a little shocked by Jun Yu's actions.

However, he did not intend to interfere.

After all, if Hao Jinglue really conspired with the big brother, then his death is really not a pity!
After Jun Yu's order spread, the entire military camp was shocked.

When the people outside heard it, they were also panic-stricken.

"Have you heard? Master Hao has been arrested."

"Yes, I've heard that too. It's said that it's because Master Hao betrayed his country and seeks glory. Well, how could Master Hao be such a person!"

"Have you heard about the incident in Li Village? So many people in the village were taken to the Tiankeng to cast iron. It was all done by Mr. Hao and the people from the Western Regions. Maybe, this time the Western Regions invaded, they will be returned. Master Hao knew about our poisoning!"

"That's really a crime. I used to think Mr. Hao was a good official."


The people on the street were talking about it.

But in the magistrate's mansion, it was deserted and terrified.

The door was guarded by heavy soldiers, airtight, not a single fly could fly in, and there was no one inside, and the entire mansion was caught in the prison.

"Let Miss Ben go out quickly, my brother-in-law is not collaborating with the enemy, nor is he corrupt, he is not!" Tan Ling shouted angrily in the prison.

However, no one paid any attention to her.

Finally, Tan Ling turned around angrily, looked at Tan Hong who was sitting on the ground, and said anxiously: "Sister, quickly find a way to explain to the prince, brother-in-law is not that kind of person."

"It's up to the regent to decide what crime your brother-in-law should be convicted of. It's useless for us to say anything." Tan Hong just raised his eyes and said coldly.

Soon, she began to chant scriptures, as if she had devoted herself to Buddha.

"Sister!" Tan Lingqi stomped her feet, why her brother-in-law's life and death were unknown, and their home was also destroyed, sister, she was not in a hurry.

"Brother-in-law has nothing wrong with it. Why did he suddenly say that he was collaborating with the enemy? Someone must have framed him!" Tan Ling said to herself.

As a result, a general at the door spoke indifferently.

"Second Miss Tan, it seems that you really don't know Mrs. Hao at all. When we sent you to the prison, we have already searched the prefect's mansion and searched several boxes of gold and weapons. A prefect, When did his salary increase so much?"

When Tan Ling heard this, she fell to the ground, her face pale.

The general standing at the door continued to say expressionlessly: "Also, Miss Tan Er, don't pretend to be shocked, after all, many priceless treasures have been found in your other courtyard. I'm afraid, you are also inseparable from the collusion with the enemy, treason and corruption, so you'd better be honest."

"Impossible, those things are all fakes, they're all for the sake of this lady's face, they're not real!" Tan Ling anxiously denied with red eyes.

She turned her head again and said anxiously to Tan Hong: "Sister, hurry up and talk, those things are indeed fakes, otherwise how could my brother-in-law get so many good things, and his salary is not much... "

However, no matter how much she begged, Tan Hong acted as if he didn't intend to speak.

In the end, Tan Hong cried until her eyes were swollen, and she looked at Gan Qing who was hiding in the corner with a ferocious face.

"Brother-in-law was always in front of his magistrate. Why did so many things happen after Yuan Deyin came? Did Yuan Deyin let the regent arrest brother-in-law and us? Did you frame us! "

While cursing, Tan Ling rushed forward and grabbed Gan Qing's neck, as if she wanted to strangle Gan Qing to death.

At this time, Tan Hong opened his eyes sharply: "Enough, Ling'er, how long are you going to mess around!"

"Sister, I didn't mess around, they framed us..." Tan Ling turned her head with red eyes, she was still very afraid of her sister.

When she lowered her head aggrievedly: "Sister, you don't want to save brother-in-law, I want to. If it weren't for brother-in-law, we still don't have a home..."

"Who said I didn't want to save it, but it's useless for us to quarrel. You calm down first, and I will find a way." Tan Hong said lightly.


Hearing Tan Hong's words, Tan Ling felt relieved.

"Thank you, ma'am." Gan Qing gave Tan Hong a weak look, and then thanked her in a low voice.

Suddenly at this time, the lock of the prison was unlocked, Wuyi walked in, and said indifferently: "Gan Qing, you can come out now, the princess said that she wants you to serve her by her side."

"Jun, did the princess really say that?" Gan Qing's eyes lit up and she quickly got up.

"That's natural. You are not the collaborating Hao family and Tan family. You are the princess's man. Come out."

When Wuyi said this, his cold eyes swept around Tan Ling and Tan Hong, and deliberately increased the volume of "Hao's family" and "Tan's family".

Gan Qing stumbled and ran out following Wuyi.

"Sister, look, they must have conspired to harm us. This Gan Qing, I will kill her myself sooner or later!" Tan Ling shouted sharply.

He didn't notice at all, but Tan Hong looked at her from the side, with a little more... anger.

(End of this chapter)

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