Chapter 171 Uncle Nine Emperors Angry at Deyin
"Princess." When Gan Qing saw Yuan Deyin, she ran over with red eyes and knelt down to her.

"Gan Qing, I made you suffer." Yuan Deyin stood up and patted Gan Qing's shoulder lightly.

"Princess, you are talking nonsense again, why do you let the slaves suffer?" Gan Qing shook her head, with a look of disapproval.

"It's because the princess didn't investigate thoroughly. I didn't expect that Hao Jinglue was the one who caused your people to come here, and let you follow into Hao's residence." Yuan Deyin looked sad.

"Princess, that's not the case. The slaves and the villagers of Li Village should thank you. If it wasn't for you, how could we be saved and know the truth."

As Gan Qing spoke, she kowtowed heavily to Yuan Deyin again.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. After all, Hao Jinglue and the others have been caught now. Their behavior is simply too bad and lawless, so the princess has already suggested that Uncle Nine Emperors behead them tomorrow, including Tan Hong and Tan Ling..." Yuan Deyin said solemnly.

"Princess, why, why so fast?"

Gan Qing's expression froze, and her tone seemed a little flustered.

"No, the bad guys should die sooner. Otherwise, how can we appease the people's anger?" Yuan Deyin tilted his head and said solemnly.

"But... But, the matter hasn't been investigated yet?" Gan Qing hesitated for a moment, then said.

"No, it has been found out that it was Hao Jinglue who did it, don't you think it wasn't him?" Yuan Deyin asked back with big bright eyes.

"No, no, this servant thinks that the collaborator is Hao Jinglue, but Mrs. Hao, haven't you decided yet?" Gan Qing said tentatively.

Hearing her words, Yuan Deyin patted his head, as if he had just suddenly realized.

"You have reminded this princess, Mrs. Hao, although she is Hao Jinglue's wife, but the truth has not been found out, you can't wrong innocent people..." Yuan Deyin said in a tangled voice.

At this time, Wuyi took a quick step forward and said in a serious tone: "Princess, don't worry, the prince will not wrong any good person. We have already found many treasures in Tan Ling's room. At the same time, Still in Tan Hong's room, I found a letter from her to contact Ban Mude from the Western Regions on behalf of Hao Jinglue!"

"how is this possible!"

Before Yuan Deyin could speak, Gan Qing retorted emotionally.

The atmosphere instantly cooled down.

"Gan Qing, what are you talking about?" Yuan Deyin pulled out a smile.

"Jun, princess, what this servant means is that Mrs. Hao doesn't look like a collaborator at all. Princess, she is in the mansion, but she takes good care of you, you should feel it." Gan Qing's tone said bluntly.

"That's right, Mrs. Hao really doesn't look like a collaborator. Maybe there is some misunderstanding? The princess will have a good chat with Uncle Nine Emperors about this matter, but Mrs. Hao can't just lose her head like this Ah." Yuan Deyin said softly.

"The servant girl, please leave first."

Gan Qing secretly looked at Yuan Deyin from the corner of her eye, and found that she seemed to really want to help Tan Hong, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief before she was willing to quit.

After Gan Qing went out, Wuyi took a quick step forward.

"Princess, as you expected, Gan Qing cares about Tan Hong very much. Their relationship must be unusual. Moreover, the servant has been observing in prison for a period of time. Tan Hong really doesn't care about Tan Ling as much as the rumors say, but rather. , when Tan Ling was about to kill Gan Qing, she panicked."

Wuyi told all the situation.

Yuan Deyin stretched, then sat down on the chair next to her, and yawned leisurely.

She continued: "Sister Wuyi, what do you think?"

"Princess, could it be...Tan Ling is not Tan Hong's younger sister at all, and her younger sister is someone else?" Wu Yi boldly expressed his guess.

"That's right, there might be someone else... After all, there are some sisters whose features are too similar." Yuan Deyin said this out of boredom, holding her small face.

And her eyes were fixed on the footprints on the ground.

Those are the footprints left by Gan Qing, big on the left and small on the right.


At night, Yuan Deyin walked into Jun Yu's tent with soup in his hand.

Behind her were Wuyi and Gan Qing.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin has something to tell you." Yuan Deyin put down the soup, and then said cautiously.

"Say." Jun Yu looked down at the military book, and said this word in a low voice.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Mrs. Hao is not a bad person, maybe she didn't know what Hao Jinglue did? Can you let her go, she is innocent."

Yuan Deyin said in a low voice.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and Jun Yu's breath was a bit suffocating.

"Who asked you to intercede for her?" Jun Yu raised his head, his black eyes were full of coldness.

Yuan Deyin was so nervous that her body trembled a little, she shook her head, and said in a low voice: "No one asked Deyin to intercede, but Deyin felt that Mrs. Hao didn't look like a bad person. When Deyin lived in the house, she was the one who took care of her. As for Deyin, Uncle Nine Emperors, she is really not a bad person, so just let her go."

"Absurd," Jun Yu slammed the book on the ground, looking at Yuan Deyin with a dark face, "Where did you use the things my king taught you? Look at people, do you only have feelings? Could it be that you Forgot, how did your father die, how can a collaborator rely on his feelings?"

Such a furious Jun Yu was unprecedented.

Wuyi was so frightened that he quickly knelt down, "My lord, the princess is still young and doesn't understand these things, so don't be angry."

Seeing this, Gan Qing also knelt down in fear, and whispered, "My lord, forgive me, my lord, forgive me."

"Deyin is not wrong, Uncle Nine Emperors, how could you say that about me! A few letters alone can't determine that Mrs. Hao is a bad person, what if someone else put the letter in..." Yuan Deyin said red Eyes, retorted loudly.

"So, Yuan Deyin, are you questioning this king?" Jun Yu's face darkened, the table in front of him was crumbling, and there was a feeling that a storm would come at any time.

"Deyin is not questioning you, just saying that you are too arbitrary, you are far behind father and king!" Yuan Deyin stomped his feet angrily, denying Jun Yu loudly.

"Say it again?" Jun Yu kicked the table away, and flew directly in front of Yuan Deyin, clasping her neck with his slender and powerful fingers.

Soon, Yuan Deyin began to cough violently, but she still said stubbornly: "I still want to say, you are a tyrant, reckless and self-righteous! Father Wang would not be like you. If it weren't for Deyin has no home, so Deyin won't be as hypocritical as you are!"

"You really think so?" Jun Yu's eyes turned scarlet, and murderous aura poured out of him.

"My lord, my lord, you are about to strangle the princess to death, my lord..." Wuyi shouted anxiously.

The scene was thrilling.

At this moment, Shen Chuannan, who heard the movement outside, walked in quickly.

"Ah Yu, are you crazy? You are pinching the little princess." Shen Chuannan stepped forward quickly and pulled Jun Yu's hand away.

At this time, Yuan Deyin fell to the ground, coughing continuously, tears still flowing, she kept wiping her tears, and said weakly: "Uncle Jiuhuang is a bad person, Deyin will never trust you again... ..."

"Ah Yu, what's going on?" Shen Chuannan's face was full of sadness.

"It's none of your business." Jun Yu didn't even give Shen Chuannan a cold look.

"It's none of my business, you almost strangled the princess just now." Shen Chuannan's tone was also a little angry.

Unable to wait for Jun Yu to answer, he continued to speculate, "Is it because of Hao Jinglue and Tan Hong's affairs? Didn't I tell you that although this crime of collaborating with the enemy is unforgivable, have you ever thought about it? Maybe this is a trick of the enemy Well, with Hao Jinglue's personality, I still don't quite believe that he can do such a thing..."

"Shen Chuannan, this king has forgotten one thing. Hao Jinglue, it was your father. He overcame all difficulties back then, and no matter what he said, he wanted to recommend someone who would become the magistrate." Jun Yu sneered, and his cold eyes fell on Shen Chuannan. up.

Having been with Jun Yu for so many years, Shen Chuannan knew what kind of eyes he had.

Shen Chuannan's face turned pale, he took a few steps back, and said in disbelief, "Ah Yu, do you suspect that my father has something to do with this matter?"

"The letter of collaborating with the enemy found in Tan Hong's room lasted for ten years. At that time, it happened to be the time when your father let Hao Jinglue take over. This king is really curious. Back then, Hao Jinglue was just a mere detective, and there were no officials. After working in the capital for a few days, your father, why are you so determined to let him come to Haicheng to be the magistrate?"

Jun Yu said the most indifferent and suspicious words with no expression on his face.

Shen Chuannan staggered a few steps back with a dazed look on his face.

"Ah Yu, you, you think so? My father has been an official for many years, and he wholeheartedly serves the people. To solve the poverty problem in Haicheng, he wants to recommend a good official. Is this wrong?"

"A good official? Tell me, this is a good official?" Jun Yu angrily smashed the soup Yuan Deyin brought to the ground.

"Back then, the king's father and mother were poisoned and died. At that time, your father was the first to find them. Not long after, your father disappeared. Tell me, how do you explain this?"

"Ah Yu, so for so many years, you have actually suspected that my father has something to do with the death of your father and queen mother? Do you still suspect that Hao Jinglue's collusion with the enemy was also planned by my father ten years ago?" Shen Chuannanhong He closed his eyes and asked loudly.

However, Jun Yu didn't answer him.

Jun Yu's silent look has already told Shen Chuannan the answer.

"Jun Yu, good, good, very good! I regard you as a brother, but it turns out that you only regard me as an enemy who killed my father." Shen Chuannan laughed wildly, and walked out angrily.

Yu Shengxiao happened to come in from the outside and saw this chaotic scene.

He grabbed Shen Chuannan's arm anxiously, and asked puzzledly: "Shen Fox, what's the matter with you, I can hear you arguing from miles away."

However, Shen Chuannan shook off his hand directly and strode out.

"Little apprentice, why are you sitting on the ground?" Yu Shengxiao persuaded Shen Chuannan not to do so. When he saw Yuan Deyin sitting on the ground in a panic, he hurried over to help her up.

As a result, Yuan Deyin also shook his hand away heavily, and then ran out wiping his tears.

"Jun Yu, what's going on?" Yu Shengxiao could only beg Jun Yu to give him an answer.

In the end, Jun Yu smashed everything around him and shouted loudly, "Get out of here!"

Yu Shengxiao: "???" What did this genius doctor do wrong!

"Okay, get out!" Yu Shengxiao had never been wronged like this before, and he also walked out angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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