Chapter 173 Hao Jinglue's Secret
The two Westerners were dragged to another prison, listening to the heart-piercing shouts next to them.

Their legs are shaking.

I'm afraid I will be like that too.

They looked at Jun Yu at the door and kowtowed non-stop, "Regent of Chi Yan, we have all produced evidence, please let us go now."

"Yes. Wuxi, you choose one of them to let go, and the rest will be executed." Jun Yu said coldly.

torture?Only let go of one person?
The two panicked.

They asked loudly: "Didn't you say that you would spare the two of us? Why only let one go now?"

"Oh, I just promised to spare you two... one life. You have to keep the rest of your life for this king."

As Jun Yu spoke, he patted the dust off his body.

The tone of his speech seemed to be not about human life.

"My lord, it's really hard for my subordinates to choose who to let go. Otherwise, we will let them fight a duel, and whoever wins will let him go?"

Wu Xi frowned, and then said an idea.

"It's a good idea, let's do it this way." After Jun Yu left such a sentence, he walked away indifferently.

Whoever wins can go?
Wu Xi's words stimulated the nerves of those two people from the Western Regions.

"Javier, leave this chance to live to me." After Tang En finished speaking, he picked up the iron chain next to him and threw it at Javier.

"Twain, you despicable villain." After Javier came to his senses, he rushed over with a grim expression.

Wu Xi glanced coldly at the two people who were entangled with each other, and then walked out.

After nearly half an hour, there was finally no sound inside.

The dying Tang En was carried out.

"My lord, I won, can you let me go." Javier gritted his teeth and asked.

Tang En inside was already dead.

"Of course, our lord always does what he says." Wu Xi nodded, and signaled the people below to carry Javier out.

"Wuxi, just let him go like this? Don't you need to interrogate him again?"

Wujing came out from the dark, walked to Wuxi's side, and asked suspiciously.

"No, this person, the value of his survival can only be realized by letting him go out." Wu Xi patted the blood on his body, and then said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Wu Zing frowned, he didn't quite understand.

"Brother, you are better than me in martial arts, but your brain is a little hanging." Wu Xi patted Wu Zing's shoulder, gave an inscrutable smile, then turned around and left quickly.

No trace: "..."

Is he talking about him, stupid?

With the sound of "ah", Hao Jing woke up with a little fright.

He got up quickly.

It turned out that what caught the eye was a piece of pitch black.

He touched under his body, which was a bit soft bed board.

Strange, wasn't he executed in a prison?
He remembered that when the hidden guard of the Prince Regent's Mansion approached him with a whip, he was so frightened that he passed out.

He touched his body, it was not tied up, and there was not a single wound on his body.

So strange.

"Could it be that this is hell? Is there no pain in hell..." Hao Jing said to himself in a slightly decadent manner.

"Master Hao, you know nothing about hell."

Suddenly at this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind Hao Jinglue.

He was so scared that he almost rolled out of bed.

But at this time, the oil lamp next to him was lit.

Only now did he see clearly what was in front of him.

It is a sealed room with a bed and a simple table.

It is completely inconsistent with the prison.

Therefore, this should not be a prison.

And not far from him, Jun Yu was sitting on a chair with two cups of tea beside him, standing behind him were Wu Xi and Wu Ting.

"Wu Xi, why don't you pour tea for Mr. Hao?" Jun Yu said in a cold voice.

Wu Xi quickly poured a cup of hot tea, then served it to Hao Jing.

When Hao Jinglue took the tea, his hands were trembling.

Holding the cup of tea, he whispered to Jun Yu, "My lord, could it be that this cup is poisonous tea?"

"Hao Jinglue, do you know why this king can find things and catch people so quickly?"

Jun Yu didn't answer the question about tea, he just calmly talked about another matter with Hao Jinglue.

Hao Jing swallowed a little, his lips were so dry that they were cracked, and he was in a daze.

But when he heard Jun Yu's words, his pupils shrank slightly.

In fact, he already guessed who it was.

"It's your wife. She told the king that you and Qi Mu had to conspire. She handed over all the evidence to the king. The only request is to spare her life."

Jun Yu said these words leisurely.

His tone really seemed to be just chatting with Hao Jinglue.

After hearing Jun Yu's words, Hao Jinglue's first reaction was not shock.

He lowered his head as if relieved, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

All of this seemed to be in his imagination.

"My lord, this official is now being criticized by thousands of people. Therefore, you should give this official a good time as soon as possible, so as not to waste your time."

Hao Jing slightly raised his head and said to Jun Yu with a smile.In his eyes, there is only the desire for death.

"Master Hao is really free and easy about death. You are sincere to Mrs. Hao, but in the end, Mrs. Hao only wants to betray you. Don't you hate it?" Wu Xi stared at Hao Jinglue and asked.

Hao Jinglue laughed, and then said indifferently: "The crime of collaborating with the enemy is intolerable to a righteous person. No matter how much my wife cares about me, I am nothing but a traitorous beast. It is understandable for her to expose me. "

This time, Hao Jinglue degraded himself to the dirt.

"Do you know this person, do you have an impression?" Jun Yu asked Wu Xi to open a portrait.

On it was a small soldier who looked like a Central Plains man.

This portrait was drawn by Jun Yu in his study that day.

Seeing the man's appearance, Hao Jing opened his mouth slightly, and was about to say something.

But his reason was tightly controlling his voice, preventing him from uttering a word.

I don't know how long it took, but he could only ask tiredly and nervously: "How did the prince get this portrait? Where is the person in the portrait now?"

"I don't need to answer these questions for you. On the contrary, you should tell me, do you know the person in the painting?" Jun Yu's voice was so indifferent that no emotion could be heard.

"Excuse me, I don't know." Hao Jing slightly shook his neck stiffly.

"That's really a pity. Seeing that this person looks somewhat similar to Mrs. Hao's wife, I asked Mrs. Hao specifically, but never thought that Mrs. Hao didn't know this person. That's all..."

Jun Yu raised his hand and asked Wu Xi to put away the portrait, and then quietly added: "Since this man is not an acquaintance, Wu Xi, you just pull him out of the prisoner camp and just behead him."

Cut directly?

Wu Xi frowned.

Isn't this little soldier still in the barracks in the Western Regions? This man is not a prisoner yet.

and many more……

Something flashed through Wu Xi's mind for an instant.

He said why the prince wanted to draw an irrelevant soldier that day.

It turned out that this little soldier had somewhat similar looks to Tan Hong.

Could it be that he is someone from Tan Hong?

And Hao Jinglue knew about it, the prince is actually testing Hao Jinglue now!
Wu Xi quickly figured out some things, and he was still secretly shocked at the same time.

I'm afraid the lord has already started to doubt Tan Hong at that time!

Taking a deep breath, Wu Xi suppressed the shock in his heart, and nodded as if nothing had happened: "This subordinate obeys the order, and this subordinate will arrange for the captives to be beheaded with them tomorrow."

All the conversations between Jun Yu and Wu Xi tortured Hao Jinglue all the time, and he felt that his sanity was about to collapse at any moment.

Finally, Hao Jinglue collapsed.

He clenched his fists and roared loudly: "My lord, kill the lower official, kill the lower official! There is no meaningful clue on the lower official, and it is meaningless for you to torture the lower official, you kill the lower official!" "

However, Jun Yu didn't even give him a look.

Jun Yu put down the teacup, stood up, and turned around with a flick of his sleeves.

His tall body turned his back to Hao Jinglue, and then he said in a cold voice: "I heard that you have always wanted to have an heir, but you have always been unsuccessful. Then you know that the reason for the failure is only because of you. Ma'am, I've been secretly drinking the Bizi Tang."

"What did you say?"

Hao Jinglue, who had a dejected look just now, suddenly raised his head when he heard Jun Yu's words, his expression shocked.

"Hao Jinglue, you have your sincerity. But, is your sincerity worthy of the trust that the people of Haicheng have in you? If you make a mistake, the people of Haicheng will die, and the roots of Chiyan will be hurt. This is the last advice this king left you, you should think it through yourself."

Jun Yu left the last words, and then walked out directly.

Wu Xi and Wu Zing glanced at Hao Jinglue, and then left quickly.

Hao Jinglue was the only one left in the huge room.

He knelt down in embarrassment, put his head in his hands, and began to cry bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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