Chapter 174

Yuan Deyin came out of the barracks.

She didn't bring anyone with her, only Gan Qing.

And Jun Yu was also angry, and he ignored her when he heard that she had left the barracks.

"Princess, there are only two of us, can we really rescue people?" Gan Qing grabbed Yuan Deyin's sleeve, looking extremely nervous.

"You are afraid, then the princess can go alone, you don't have to follow."

Yuan Deyin flicked his sleeves, as if very angry.

"Jun, princess, slaves don't mean that." Gan Qing quickly shook her head.

"Okay, okay, the princess knows that you are just worried about the princess. But don't worry, the princess has this." Yuan Deyin said, and took out a soldier talisman.

The moment she saw the soldier talisman, Gan Qing's eyes flashed with a bit of sternness.

But when she looked at Yuan Deyin's place, her eyes regained calm.

She asked in a low voice, "The princess, what are you going to do?"

"At night, the security in the prison will not be so strict. The princess will go in directly with the token. If someone blocks them, help knock their people unconscious, so that we can rescue Mrs. Hao... "

Yuan Deyin said seriously.

"But, but, there should be many people guarding the dungeon." Gan Qing still looked worried.

"You don't have to worry about this. The princess just stole a map of the prison from Wuxi. We can go in from a place with few people. Moreover, the princess has a soldier talisman in his hand. Even if they find it, they won't go in." How dare you do anything to this princess. But just in case, you bring a set of maid's clothes and let Mrs. Hao change into the maid who pretends to be the princess, so it's safer."

"Princess, you are so smart." Gan Qing nodded excitedly, she made no secret of her praise of Yuan Deyin.

"However, Gan Qing, can you knock people out?" Yuan Deyin tilted his head, his expression seemed a little tangled and worried.

"Princess, you can rest assured about this. The slaves are in Li Village, but they often do farm work, and their strength is no worse than that of men."

As Gan Qing spoke, she also took out her hand.

She also pointed to the cocoon on it and said to Yuan Deyin: "Princess, look at this cocoon, which is left by the servant girl when she was doing farm work, so you bring the servant girl in, the servant girl can really help."

"That would be great." Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief with a satisfied expression.

But when she turned her head, her smile faded.

When they were young, there were also many simple villagers near their village. They planted a lot of land, and there were many thick calluses in the palms of their hands.

But the cocoons are all around the palm.

But Gan Qing's calluses are around a few fingers.

This doesn't look like a cocoon left from doing farm work at all, but it looks like it's left from practicing swords, just like Uncle Jiuhuang's hand.


Late at night, in the prison.

A jailer stood there yawning frequently.

He woke up instantly when he heard movement at the door.

Soon, he saw Yuan Deyin walking in slowly.

Behind her is Gan Qing who is carrying a basket

Gan Qing's basket was covered with a piece of cloth, and it was impossible to see what it was.

"Join the princess in a humble position."

The jailer was a little hesitant at first, not sure about Yuan Deyin's identity.

But when Yuan Deyin took out the soldier talisman, he immediately knelt down.

In Haicheng, who doesn't know that Princess Deyin has a soldier talisman, which can mobilize soldiers and horses in the city!

The little girl in front of me must be Princess Deyin.

"Princess, it's so late, I don't know why you came to the prison?" the jailer lowered his head and asked cautiously.

"The princess wants to visit Mrs. Hao." Yuan Deyin said coldly, directly explaining the purpose of coming.

"But princess, Mrs. Hao is a repeat offender. The prince has given an order, no one is allowed to see it. And tomorrow morning, they will be beheaded. Princess, it's a bit unlucky for you to meet a dying person."

The jailer tried to persuade Yuan Deyin to give up the idea of ​​visiting Tan Hong.

But when Yuan Deyin heard it, her face turned cold.

She said in a very dissatisfied tone: "What? The princess just wants to visit someone now, so it's your turn to dictate?"

This this……

The jailer turned pale with fright.

Didn't people outside say that Princess Deyin has a very kind heart and saved the lives of a whole city?

And many old doctors who have met her said that she has no airs at all.

But why did he feel that she was too arrogant and unreasonable when he saw her tonight.

However, this is the princess, and it is not his turn to have an opinion.

So the jailer quickly lowered his head again, and whispered: "Princess, the Hao family are all serious offenders. They collaborate with the enemy and have very bad intentions. What should I do if I hurt you?"

"You can rest assured that our princess will take good care of herself. She has lived in the magistrate's mansion for a few days and has been taken care of by Mrs. Hao. Now I just want to see her for the last time before Mrs. Hao dies."


Gan Qing was beside Yuan Deyin and spoke in a cold voice.

The jailer was covered in cold sweat.

If the princess gets angry, then his head may be lost.

Therefore, he didn't dare to say a few more words in an instant, he could only nod his head quickly: "Princess, you go in."

"En." Yuan Deyin snorted coldly, and she stepped in.

But when she saw that the jailer was going to follow her, her face turned cold again.

"The princess wants to say some farewell words to Mrs. Hao, why, do you want to hear it too?"

Her sharp words made the jailer take a few steps back in fright.

He quickly shook his head and said anxiously: "I don't dare to be humble, I don't dare to be humble, princess, you go, if you have anything, you can call me humble at any time."

"It's really annoying!" Yuan Deyin snorted coldly, then walked inside with his sleeves thrown.

Just like an arrogant, unreasonable little princess.

Tan Hong's cell was at the end, and she and Tan Ling were locked together.

When Tan Ling heard that she was going to be beheaded tomorrow, she was about to cry blind.

She curled herself up into a ball and hid in a corner.

I can't wait to curse the most vicious language in the world on Yuan Deyin.

She still believes that Yuan Deyin framed them.

Tan Hong just sat there, motionless.

There was a sense of indifference to life and death in her eyes, but when she looked out through the small window above her head and saw the full moon, her eyes became a little more complicated.

"Mrs. Hao, Mrs. Hao, we are here to save you..."

When Gan Qing saw Tan Hong, she was so anxious that she forgot the etiquette, and directly passed Yuan Deyin, ran to this side, and called Tan Hong anxiously.

When Tan Hong heard the voice, sharp eyes flashed in her eyes, and she turned her head quickly.

"Gan Qing, why are you here?" Her tone was a little urgent and nervous.

"This princess brought her here." At this time, Yuan Deyin's soft voice came from behind Gan Qing.

Seeing Yuan Deyin, Tan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly.

But she didn't show any emotion on her face.

She patted the dust off her clothes, then stood up, with tentative eyes, and said, "Princess, why are you here?"

In this dark prison, Tan Hong didn't look embarrassed at all, she was as indifferent as an outsider.

Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red when he saw her.

She pursed her lips, and then said with a choked voice: "Madam Hao, you have suffered. It's all because of Hao Jinglue, why did he implicate you when he did bad things. And Uncle Nine Emperors, he doesn't know right from wrong, and he wronged a good person."

"Princess, do you think...the minister's wife is a good person?"

Tan Hong looked at Yuan Deyin's weeping face, and her eyes narrowed slightly again, with an irresistible temptation in her eyes.

Yuan Deyin wiped her tears, she did not hesitate at all, and said very firmly: "Mrs. Hao, if you are not a good person, who else is a good person? You do your best for the people. When you are in the mansion, you are the one who treats the princess a lot." I took care of you. The princess sees all your good things, how can such a person be a bad person!"

"However, those criminal evidences were all found in Mrs. Ben's room." Tan Hong continued to say tentatively.

"So what if it's found from your house," Yuan Deyin shook her head anxiously, and she said firmly, "The princess has lived in the mansion for so many days, and found that you don't like to be in your house on weekdays." Sleeping, you are resting in your own study, you are such an upright person, it is absolutely impossible for you to do such a thing."

The more Yuan Deyin spoke, the more tears she wiped away. She looked like she absolutely trusted Tan Hong.

"Mrs. Hao, time is running out. The county chief will rescue you as soon as possible." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

After speaking, she ran to the side to study the lock.

(End of this chapter)

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