The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 175 Take the world of the king's family

Chapter 175 Take the world of the king's family
"Princess, thank you for your trust in my wife, but my wife is an adult's wife, no matter what he did wrong, my wife should also bear it with him."

Tan Hong shook his head, as if he was unwilling to leave anyway.

"Mrs. Hao, why are you so stubborn? Hao Jinglue has harmed you, so you should be more sober." Yuan Deyin stomped on the spot angrily.

"That's right, Mrs. Hao, it's not worth it for such a man!"

Gan Qing was also anxious, she grabbed Tan Hong's hand, and quickly wrote two words in her palm - believable.

Is Yuan Deyin credible?
Is it really believable?
Something flashed quickly in Tan Hong's eyes, but there was still some doubt.

Seeing her hesitate, Gan Qing was very anxious.

She held Tan Hong's arm tightly, and said anxiously: "Mrs. Hao, you are still so young. It would be so unworthy to die for Hao Jinglue. Besides, even if you don't think about yourself, you should Think about your sister."

At the end of Gan Qing's speech, she anxiously emphasized the word "sister".

When Tan Hong heard Gan Qing's words, her eyes flickered.

Then a stiff smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

"Gan Qing, thank you and the princess for being so kind to me. But if I escape and you and the princess are discovered, the consequences will be disastrous. I can't be so selfish."

Tan Hong clasped Gan Qing's wrist with his backhand, put a small note into her hand, and then gritted his teeth and said those words.

After reading the meaning of Tan Hong's words, Gan Qing's eyes turned red.

"Yuan Deyin, why are you here?" At this moment, Tan Ling, who had been absent-minded for a long time, woke up in a flash.

When she saw Yuan Deyin, she screamed.

Tan Hong hurried back to her side and covered her mouth: "Ling'er, don't make noise, the princess is here to help us."

"Come to help us? We were harmed by her. If she comes now, isn't it a weasel giving chicken New Year's greetings, uneasy and kind!" Tan Ling glared at Yuan Deyin, wishing to tear Yuan Deyin to pieces and drink blood.

Yuan Deyin didn't bother to pay attention to Tan Ling, she was focused on studying the lock.

"What to do, the princess forgot to steal the key, this lock can't be opened." Yuan Deyin was so anxious that he was about to cry.

"Princess, don't worry, let the servants try it. The servants learned how to open locks from their father when they were young."

Gan Qing walked up to Yuan Deyin, took out a small iron branch, and inserted it into the lock.

Soon, with a small "click", the lock opened.

"Okay, Mrs. Hao, the lock has been unlocked. You change into the maid's clothes, and the princess will take you out." Yuan Deyin took out the clothes from Gan Qing's basket and handed them to Tan Hong.

But Tan Hong pushed back the clothes.

She said firmly: "Princess, my wife sincerely appreciates your trust and help, but my wife really wants to advance and retreat with my husband, and I can't implicate you..."

At the end, Tan Hong glanced at Gan Qing behind Yuan Deyin from the corner of her eye.

"Therefore, the minister's wife must not leave, you go quickly, if the prince finds out, something will happen to you, the princess." Tan Hongyu said to Yuan Deyin earnestly.

"Sister, she really came to save us, so let's get out!" Tan Ling was so anxious that tears were about to come out.

She held Tan Hong's arm tightly, and wanted to take Tan Hong out together.

But Tan Hong pulled her back, shook his head, and said in a stern tone: "Ling'er, we can't harm the princess, life and death are destiny, everything is determined."

"Sister, I don't want to die. I'm still young. This is what Yuan Deyin owes us. I want to go out." Tan Ling shook her head desperately with red eyes.

Seeing Tan Hong, he didn't know how to persuade him, so Tan Hong looked directly at Yuan Deyin quickly.

"My sister doesn't want to go out, but I do. Take me out quickly. Change clothes, I'll change right away!" Tan Ling anxiously picked up the clothes on the ground, and was about to change.

But the moment she lowered her head, someone hit the back of her head hard, and she passed out directly.

Yuan Deyin frowned and looked at Tan Hong.

"Mrs. Hao, why did you knock sister Tan Ling unconscious? This princess can also rescue her."

"Princess, there's no need," Tan Hong shook his head with a wry smile, "Ling'er is stubborn, and I don't worry about her living outside alone. Besides, even if she does go out, she will still hurt you all."

After finishing speaking, she gently patted Tan Ling's back, and said distressedly: "Ling'er, sister, I'm sorry, I'm just worried that after you go out, if you are caught again, I'm afraid life will be worse than death. Why don't you go on the road with me tomorrow, so that we can still be sisters in the next life, and my sister will continue to take good care of you..."

"Princess, let's go." Tan Hong raised his head and nodded sadly to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin bit her lower lip, her eyes turned red again.

She hardened her heart, and then said: "Okay, Mrs. Hao, the princess is leaving."

After finishing speaking, she took Gan Qing's hand and turned around quickly.

But when she reached the door, her footsteps paused.

She turned her head and said in a very serious tone: "Mrs. Tan, you are a good sister, very good... sister."

Tan Hong's smile stiffened.

For some reason, she felt awkward about Yuan Deyin's compliment.

But before she could figure it out, Yuan Deyin had already taken Gan Qing out of here quickly.

"Princess, you have come out." Seeing Yuan Deyin coming out with red eyes, the jailer hurried forward to salute.

But when Yuan Deyin saw him, her face was full of anger, and she yelled: "Go away."

Then walk out quickly.

When he arrived outside the prison, Yuan Deyin still had a sad look on his face.

She turned her head and saw Gan Qing looking devastated.

She tugged at the other party's arm worriedly, and whispered, "Gan Qing, what's wrong with you? Why do you look more sad than this princess?"

Yuan Deyin's words successfully brought Gan Qing back to her senses.

She quickly shook her head, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said in a low voice: "Princess, slave, this slave is just feeling Madam Hao's affection for her family."

"That's right, the princess doesn't have brothers and sisters, and I haven't tried this kind of relationship before. She should be very lucky to be Mrs. Hao's relatives. Gan Qing, do you have brothers and sisters too?" Yuan Deyin asked unintentionally.

"Reporting to the princess, this servant once...had an older brother, but he got lost later." Gan Qing said with a lonely expression.

Now that he has asked about people's sadness, Yuan Deyin will naturally not continue to ask.

Although the magistrate's mansion had been sealed, Yuan Deyin had nowhere to go now, so she tore off the seal and lived in again.

"Princess, are you hungry? This servant will get you something to eat." Gan Qing said respectfully to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's face was full of exhaustion, probably from being exhausted in the prison.

She nodded, and then said, "Okay, you go."

Seeing Yuan Deyin closing her eyes on the bed, Gan Qing slowly withdrew.

She hid in an empty corner, and opened the note.

It read: "When the day after tomorrow, soldiers and horses from the Western Regions will enter Haicheng from Li Village by secret passage, so be sure to cover it well."

Gan Qing clutched the time note, tears dripped down, she whispered: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely help the master complete the great task, this Chi Yan, soon will not be the world of the Jun family."

(End of this chapter)

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