The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 176 The situation is not optimistic

Chapter 176 The situation is not optimistic

That's right, Gan Qing is Tan Hong's real sister.

Ten years ago, the three brothers and sisters came to Haicheng.

But they didn't come because of escape, but for the prefect of Haicheng.

They had no parents since they were young, and it was the master who rescued them and gave them enough food to eat.

It is the master who gave them life, and the master is their biological parents to them.

Therefore, the master asked them to go to Haicheng to perform tasks, and they had no complaints.

The elder sister changed her name to Tan Hong, and went to Hao Jinglue's side.

In order not to make Hao Jinglue suspicious, she also adopted a "sister", that is "Tan Ling".

Over the years, she tried her best to cultivate Tan Ling into a jealous and inferior person, hoping that one day, Tan Ling would be useful as a pawn.

Her second brother, Tan Jie, has been living in the Western Regions and is one of Hatake's little-known confidantes.

And she, Gan Qing, became the daughter of the head of Li Village.

It is to take advantage of the special location of Li Village to build a tiankeng nearby for casting ironware.

Part of it was given to Hatake to sell his favor; part of it was sent to other countries.The money obtained will be used for their masters to achieve great things in the future.

In addition, they also opened up another commercial route. Hao Jinglue didn't know about the goods sent from here, and all the tax deducted fell into their hands.

Moreover, half of the wealthy businessmen in the Jiangnan area have relations with them.

The tiankeng has been there for many years, because Hao Jinglue absolutely trusts his sister, so Hao Jinglue has not found anything wrong under the cover of his sister all the time.

This time, the reason why Jun Yu discovered the existence of Tiankeng so quickly.

Jun Yu didn't think they were smart, did he?
How stupid!

Back then, when they were sent to Haicheng, the master had told them.

What he wants is not just to make a lot of money from Haicheng.

What he wants is the magistrate of Haicheng, the whole Haicheng... and even the whole northwest, the whole Chiyan in the future, are all under his control.

Hao Jinglue was loyal to Chi Yan and had no ambiguity towards the former prime minister. It was almost impossible to shake such a person's heart.

So from the very beginning, they never planned to make Hao Jinglue theirs.

What they wanted was for Hao Jinglue to become the fuse for the estrangement between the Shen family and the Prince Regent's Palace.

Shen Chuannan's father, Shenzhou, trusted Hao Jinglue so much. If Hao Jinglue colluded with the enemy, corrupted, and disregarded human life, would Jun Yu still trust the Shen family?
Today, what Jun Yu said to Shen Chuannan in the barracks is enough to prove that Jun Yu has already doubted the Shen family.

Shen Chuannan was also angry with Jun Yu.

I'm afraid that in the future, Shen Chuannan is not willing to help the Jun's family anymore.

In Chi Yan, the only ones who can guard Chi Yan are Jun Yu, Ji Wang and the Shen family.

King Ji died, and Jun Yu and the Shen family broke up.

Who else can defend the country of the Jun family?

Jun Zhouhan who just came to the throne?

Hehe, he's just a yellow-haired kid, nothing to be afraid of!

However, what Gan Qing didn't expect was that she had fooled Yuan Deyin, and her sister was unwilling to escape from prison.

I'm afraid my sister is worried that Jun Yu will become suspicious at the last moment.

"Sister, you will be fine, I will find a way to rescue you." Gan Qing gritted her teeth and said.

She ran back to her room quickly, wrote the letter, and then called the carrier pigeon to pass her letter out.


In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, Yuan Deyin woke up with fright.

She quickly opened the door and asked anxiously, "Gan Qing, what's the matter? Has your head been beheaded?"

"Princess, don't panic, the enemy army from the Western Regions came again in the middle of the night last night, and the beheading has been postponed. Mrs. Hao is still safe." Gan Qing said while holding Yuan Deyin's hand, her eyes hidden I couldn't help being excited.

Yuan Deyin also let out a long sigh of relief, "It's good that Mrs. Hao is still alive, there is still hope for everything."

But her heart was soon suspended again, and she asked anxiously: "The Western Regions have committed crimes again, so how is the situation now?"

"I heard that it was the regent who led the troops to the battle. Now the artillery fire outside the city is constant, and there are many people who want to flee on the street." Gan Qing replied, while carefully looking at Yuan Deyin with tentative eyes.

Yuan Deyin heard Gan Qing talking about Uncle Nine Emperors.

She snorted coldly and said indifferently: "Don't mention him to the princess. Forget it, once the war starts, the people will suffer. Gan Qing, you go out with the princess to have a look."

Yuan Deyin and Gan Qing went outside, and they saw that the street was much deserted, only a few people were walking on the street, but their faces were flustered.

The entire Haicheng was shrouded in panic.

Although it was still far away from Cheng Cheng, Yuan Deyin could still hear the sound of artillery fire.

In the distant sky, bursts of black rose.

Even if Yuan Deyin didn't see the scene, he knew that the place must be full of blood.

"Princess, are you alright?" Gan Qing yelled softly when she saw Yuan Deyin staring at the sky in a daze.

"It's okay." After Yuan Deyin came back to her senses, she shook her head gently.

At this moment, the sound of galloping horses came from behind them.

Yuan Deyin turned around, only to see a group of people coming on horseback, followed by a group of soldiers.

The leader is Uncle Nine Emperors in silver armor.

Jun Yu's expression was indifferent, and there was a hostility all over his body.

Perhaps, this is his nature.

Out of the corner of his eye, he had already caught sight of Yuan Deyin standing by the road, but he ignored her, passed her directly, and then rode away.

"Little boy, what's the matter with you and Uncle Nine Emperors? Why haven't I seen you come to the barracks for the past two days." Yun Mo brought another team of soldiers and horses over, and when he saw Yuan Deyin from a distance, he stopped the horses .

He jumped off his horse and stood in front of Yuan Deyin.

"My princess doesn't want to see him, and I don't want to hear his name." Yuan Deyin gave Yunmo a hard look.

It seemed that because he mentioned Uncle Nine Emperors, she hated him as well.

Yun Mo was secretly startled.

Isn't this little guy the one who defends her Nine Emperor Uncle the most? Others can't even say a bad word about her Nine Emperor Uncle.

Why do you still resent her Nine Emperor Uncle today?
Forget it, it would be better if she hated her Uncle Nine Emperors.

Yun Mo made up his own calculations in his heart.

He raised his hand, patted Yuan Deyin's head lightly, and said in a gentle voice: "Okay, we are going to the battlefield. This war is already a last stand between the two armies, and there must be a result before it can end This war. So in the next few days, it will be really dangerous, little one, you have to protect yourself."

After instructing Yuan Deyin, Yunmo took a deep look at her, then got on his horse and left quickly.

Only when the two teams of soldiers and horses disappeared completely did the common people dare to speak louder.

"The regent just went through a fierce battle last night. I heard that he was still injured. Why is he going to fight again today?"

Yuan Deyin and Gan Qing heard the whispered discussions of the people nearby.

Gan Qing immediately looked at Yuan Deyin's face.

It turned out that her face was indifferent except for indifference, as if she didn't care about the life and death of her uncle Nine Emperors.

It seems that yesterday, they really broke up completely.

"I heard that the lord has broken up with Lord Shen because of Master Hao's affairs." Another voice came from the common people.

"Yes, I never thought that Mr. Hao is such a person. But why did the Regent break up with Mr. Shen because of Mr. Hao? Don't they have a good relationship?"

"You don't know that. Mr. Hao was strongly recommended by Mr. Shen's father. Some people say that Mr. Hao is a flag buried in Haicheng by the former prime minister. The regent should be suspicious of Mr. Shen now..."

"Ah? What can we do then? Will this affect us?"

"That must have affected us! Lord Shen came to the barracks as a military adviser. It is said that the army in the Western Regions was beaten to pieces because of Lord Shen a few times ago. Yesterday, Lord Shen deliberately did not come. On the battlefield, although our Haicheng won, it was a bit embarrassing to win. Today, our vitality has been seriously injured..."

(End of this chapter)

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