The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 178 Jun Yu, life and death unknown

Chapter 178 Jun Yu, life and death unknown

The next day, after Yuan Deyin got up, he found that there were many more wounded in the hall of the mansion.

I heard that the flames of war did not stop last night.

This time, the Western Regions was determined to fight Haicheng to the end.

Yuan Deyin rolled up his sleeves and walked over to help.

With her appearance like this, she didn't have the airs of a princess at all, and the other doctors were all moved when they saw her.

"Princess, how are you doing today?" Ming Mu walked to Yuan Deyin's side and asked earnestly.

"I was a little tired at first, but after drinking the soup you prepared, senior, I woke up today without any fatigue. Senior, your prescription is really amazing." Yuan Deyin's face was full of gratitude.

The other doctors nodded when they heard it, "That's right, Doctor Ming's prescription is amazing, and we also found that we are not so tired today."

"It's my honor to be able to relieve everyone's fatigue." Ming Mu nodded, with a look of honor and disgrace.

Suddenly at this time, there was commotion at the door.

Yuan Deyin looked over and saw that the wounded soldiers were sent over from the barracks.

But this time, it seemed that there were more people than the previous few times.

And every wounded look like blood dripping, looks shocking.

One of them is very familiar.

"General Zhuang, how are you?" Yuan Deyin walked quickly to one of the men in the general's armor.

Zhuang Min was covered in blood and needed support to stand up.

When he saw Yuan Deyin, embarrassment and guilt appeared on his face.

"County, princess, the enemy army suddenly came fiercely. The prince fell off the cliff, and his life and death are unknown. We retreated quickly to avoid more serious losses..."

The regent fell into the cliff, and his life and death are unknown?

Everyone present changed their expressions.

Yuan Deyin's hand holding Zhuang Min's arm fell silently, and she lowered her head, her eyes instantly turned red.

"No, how could something happen to Nine Emperor Uncle, he is so powerful, nothing will happen..." Yuan Deyin kept shaking his head with red eyes.

The other wounded soldiers were crying silently.

The terrain of Haicheng is complicated, and falling from such a high place as the cliff, even a person with such superb martial arts skills as the regent king, would be in bad luck.

"Princess, princess..." Seeing that Yuan Deyin was about to fall, Gan Qing hurried over to support her.

"Gan Qing, do you think this princess has done something wrong? This princess should not have lost her temper with Uncle Nine Emperors. This princess shouldn't have scolded him. He is so powerful, how could something happen to him..."

Yuan Deyin wept loudly, her face was covered with tears, and her skirt was wet.

At this time, Yun Mo and Yu Shengxiao hurried over with a group of people.

They were all dirty, with bloodstains on their faces, and they were extremely embarrassed.

But Yunmo watched Yuan Deyin cry heart-piercingly from a distance, but he didn't dare to get close.

Finally, with all his courage, he walked towards Yuan Deyin step by step.

"The general is lying, Uncle Nine Emperors is fine, right? Tell me, tell me quickly."

Yuan Deyin grabbed Yunmo's arm tightly and questioned loudly.

"Little one, my lord... my lord..." Seeing Yuan Deyin crying so hard, Yunmo also felt uncomfortable.

However, he couldn't lie to her.

Because, he saw Jun Yu fall off the cliff with his own eyes.

Below, is the abyss.

"Little Deyin, calm down, something really happened to your Uncle Nine Emperors." Yu Shengxiao couldn't stand it anymore, he walked over directly, she grabbed Yuan Deyin's hand, and said loudly.

Yuan Deyin looked at Yu Shengxiao blankly.

It turned out that Yu Shengxiao's suave and suave face in the past actually had tear stains today, and his eyes were also very red and swollen.

"Master, you are crying. Did you see... Uncle Nine Emperors, did you fall?" Yuan Deyin asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes, as a teacher... all... have seen it."

Although the facts are cruel, Yu Shengxiao still answered truthfully.

After finishing speaking, Yu Shengxiao's eyes turned red again.

Although he spurned Jun Yu and bullied him every day, when he saw Jun Yu fall off the cliff, he felt very uncomfortable.

After hearing Yushengxiao's answer, Yuan Deyin's eyes completely lost light.

She sat on the ground awkwardly, this time, Gan Qing couldn't hold her back.

Everyone at the scene looked at Yuan Deyin's appearance, and no one was moved.

The relationship between the regent and the princess is so good, and now the regent's life and death are unknown, how sad the princess must be.

Also, what should Haicheng do?
The regent is the head coach of Haicheng, and now the life and death of the head coach is unknown, so the gate of Haicheng was breached in one fell swoop?

Just when the atmosphere was extremely suppressed, Shen Chuannan in armor walked up.

He went straight to Yuan Deyin and held out his hand to her.

"Princess Deyin, I'm sorry, it was the truth that harmed A Yu. If the truth hadn't transferred most of the soldiers and horses, A Yu would not have been forced to the cliff by the enemy..."

Shen Chuannan apologized in a hoarse voice, his eyes were also very red, and his voice was still trembling.

It could be seen that he was suppressing his emotions.

Ah Yu is his brother who grew up together, how could he not be sad.

"You bastard!" Yusheng Xiao clenched his fists tightly and punched Shen Chuannan directly in the face.

"This is a war. What dissatisfaction do you have with Jun Yu? Can't you settle it later? You transferred so many soldiers and horses away, and you killed Jun Yu directly." Yu Shengxiao roared loudly.

He has lived for more than 20 years and has never been so angry as he is today.

Not far from Yushengxiao, Mingmu lowered his head, as if he dared not look at the scene in front of him.

But only he himself knew that he lowered his head and the corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

Yushengxiao, it turns out that you will be angry too.

"It doesn't matter how you resent me. After returning to the capital, I will personally ask the emperor for guilt. Now, the most important thing is that I will lead the soldiers of Haicheng to repel the enemy, so that we can go to the cliff to find A Yu's identity." The corpse of ..."

Shen Chuannan choked up a few times before he could say the word "corpse".

After finishing speaking, Shen Chuannan straightened his back, turned around and left quickly.

Wearing the same silver armor as Jun Yu, he actually felt sad.

Yunmo looked at Shen Chuannan's back, and then at Yuan Deyin who had lost much of his anger.

He gritted his teeth, and finally told Gan Qing: "Take care of your princess."

After speaking, he turned around firmly and quickly followed the team.

Jun Yu's protection for the little one, let him guard it!
Yusheng and Xiao also clenched their fists.

Although he really wants to beat Shen Chuannan to death now, he also understands that the Haicheng army without Jun Yu as the backbone can only rely on Shen Chuannan.

Angry in her heart, Yu Shengxiao finally followed.

The group of dogs in the Western Regions, this genius doctor wants to avenge Jun Yu himself!
But before Yu Shengxiao left, he still didn't forget to tell Yuan Deyin, "Xiao Deyin, you have to take good care of your health. This genius doctor will come back to see you after he has avenged Ah Yu."

"Princess, it's cold on the ground, can this servant help you up?" Yusheng and Xiao had left, and Gan Qing leaned over with a distressed look on her face.

But Yuan Deyin seemed to have not heard it.

She kept shaking her head in a guilty voice, "I was wrong, I was really wrong, Uncle Nine Emperors, I didn't mean to talk back to you, I was just angry for a while, can you come back, Madam Hao We can discuss things calmly, as long as you come back..."

As he spoke, Yuan Deyin's eyes darkened for a moment, and he passed out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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