Chapter 179 Don't Cry Anymore

"The princess!"

Everyone shouted anxiously.

In the end, Mingmu stood up quickly, and he solemnly told Gan Qing: "Hurry up and send the princess back to the house."

Fortunately, several nurses and cooks came to the mansion in the past two days, and they hurried over to help send Yuan Deyin back to the house.

Mingmu carried the medicine box and followed up.

The other doctors were waiting anxiously outside.

Soon, Mingmu pushed open the door and walked out.

He stroked his beard and said in a complicated tone: "It's nothing serious for the princess. It's probably because the matter of the regent has hit her too hard. She was so angry that she passed out."

What Ming Mu said made the other doctors fall silent.

The regent's accident is a disaster for the entire Haicheng...and even the entire Chiyan.

I'm afraid that the sky in Haicheng will be gray in the future.

in the room.

Gan Qing looked at Yuan Deyin's eyes closed and lifeless, she snorted softly with a look of contempt.

I thought how long it would take to deal with Jun Yu.

It turned out that without Shen Chuannan's help, Jun Yu was just a tiger without minions.

In the past, the cooperation of Junyu and Jiwang can scare the armies of other countries.

Now, without King Ji and the Shen family by his side, Jun Yu would not be able to live by himself.

Shen Chuannan took away most of the soldiers and horses at such a critical time.

Heh, even if he really wins this battle and returns to the capital, the new emperor Zhou Han will not let him go.

After all, the person who died was Jun Zhouhan's Nine Emperor Uncle.

Besides, she didn't think Shen Chuannan could win this battle.

After all, they have been planning this game for nearly ten years!
The Jun family and the Shen family... are finally about to split.

It's time for the Jun family to change hands.

As for Yuan Deyin...

Gan Qing glanced at Yuan Deyin again, and she sneered again.

Originally, because Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu broke up so quickly, she was still a little worried.

I'm always afraid that all of this is Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu's acting.

But now seeing Yuan Deyin crying so sadly, with a look of guilt, she was completely relieved.

In her opinion, Yuan Deyin is just a little girl who is arrogant and will only bring Jun Yu into trouble.

If he was unhappy, he directly denied Jun Yu, regretted it, realized that he was wrong, and started crying again.

Such a person will only implicate Jun Yu!
For them, it is the best weapon to use against Jun Yu.

Thinking about it, Gan Qing took out a dagger from her sleeve, stared at Yuan Deyin's neck, and wanted to stab her down.

They originally wanted to threaten Jun Yu with the vowel sound.

Now that Jun Yu is dead, Yuan Deyin has no meaning to exist.

However, she suddenly remembered the way Yunmo, Shen Chuannan and Yushengxiao attached importance to Yuan Deyin just now.

"Forget it, you still have other uses. Your life will be saved for the time being." Gan Qing sneered and put away the dagger.


the next day.

The whole Haicheng was shrouded in sadness.

There was constant artillery fire ahead, and the people in the city were already crying.

In the dark room, Hao Jinglue knelt there motionless like a wooden sculpture.

There were several meals not far from him, but he didn't eat a single bite.

As if his soul had been hollowed out, he kept staring at the wall in front of him in a daze.

Suddenly, the stone wall behind him was opened.

Wu Xi, covered in blood, walked in.

He held a sword and pointed it at Hao Jinglue's neck, about to chop it off.

It was the first time Hao Jinglue saw such an angry Wuxi, and he was taken aback.

He didn't understand why Wuxi, who had been unwilling to do anything to him, suddenly wanted to kill him.

However, he didn't want to bother with these details anymore, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a relieved arc.

It would be good to die, so that you can wash away your sins, and you don't have to think about the deceptions in the world.

However, just when Wu Xi's sword was about to fall on his neck.

The Wujing and Endless people who followed quickly blocked his sword.

Wuyi yelled angrily: "Wuxi, calm down, if you kill him now, the prince will not come back."

The prince will not come back...

These words exploded in Hao Jinglue's mind.

He raised his head stiffly, panic finally appeared on his face.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and asked in a panic: "What did you just say? Why won't the prince come back?"

"You still have the nerve to ask, it's all because of you, a collaborator, the prince fell off the cliff, and his life and death are unknown!" Wu Xi's veins were violent, and he wished he could lift the sword and stab Hao Jinglue to death.

"Ninth Prince, is he still alive or dead?"

Hao Jinglue's head buzzed again, his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground in a panic, so flustered that he didn't know how to think.

"Hao Jinglue, do you still have a conscience? Mr. Shen recommended you to be the prefect back then. Later, Mr. Shen was gone, how many people in the court wanted to replace you, and how many villains in the court gave you some unnecessary money The crimes were all blocked by the prince for you. Are you worthy of the prince? "

Wuyi came up and slapped Hao Jinglue hard on the face.

This slap was so strong that Hao Jinglue's face was swollen.

But instead of being angry, Hao Jinglue curled up into a ball, crying with his head in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know that things would turn out like this, I don't want to kill the Ninth Prince, I don't want to..."

At this time, Hao Jinglue was crying heartbreakingly.

He scratched the floor with his fingers, and there was blood coming out, but this was not worth the pain in his heart.

"Wuxi, don't waste any more time here. The enemy has already reached the gate. Although the prince is gone, we still have to guard Haicheng." Wuyi turned around and said to Wuxi in a solemn tone.

"That's right, Wu Xi, the most important thing now is to retreat from the enemy, otherwise, the prince's protection at the beginning would be meaningless." Wu Zing comforted Wu Xi with a sad expression.

Wu Xi clenched his fists tightly, he gritted his teeth and said to Hao Jinglue.

"When I kill those dogs in the Western Regions, I will kill you first when I come back."

After finishing speaking, Wuxi turned and left bitterly.

Wuyi and the others followed closely behind him.

But just when they were about to walk out of this dark room.

Suddenly, a hoarse voice of grief came from behind them.

"I, I know that the enemy army in the Western Regions may enter the city in one place and outflank it..."


"Princess, you are not feeling well, go back and rest."

When Gan Qing saw Yuan Deyin coming out of the room, she rushed over and helped her up.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head with a pale face, "No need, this princess should not be so downcast, everyone is resisting the enemy, and this princess must do her best... In this way, the I will not let down the painstaking efforts of Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Okay, princess, if you feel unwell, you must tell your servant." Gan Qing said with red eyes, with a look of distress.

"Yes." Yuan Deyin nodded.

After she finished speaking, she quickly walked over to help take care of the wounded soldier.

Although her body seemed to be much weaker, her footsteps were extremely firm.

"Quick, there are new wounded soldiers coming."

I don't know who yelled this, and soon, a large group of wounded soldiers were carried, carried, and helped in.

Seeing their bodies dripping with blood, Yuan Deyin's abdomen rolled and she wanted to vomit, but she held back.

She took a deep breath, picked up something, and helped heal.

She saw a wounded man in the corner at a glance. The blood on his body had already coagulated, and his face was covered with blood, and he couldn't see his original appearance.

The position of the shoulder, and the marks of being stabbed by the arrow.

The whole person looked badly hurt.

Yuan Deyin didn't care about that much anymore, she walked towards that person quickly.

The man was wearing a soldier's clothes. She first knelt down and cut the cloth on her shoulders with scissors.

It turned out that there was already rotten flesh around the arrow.

Half of his sleeve was also completely stained with blood.

How much blood did he shed?

Her eyes instantly turned red.

With such a severe injury, how did he persist until here?

When Uncle Nine Emperors was injured, would it be the same?

Thinking about it, Yuan Deyin's big tears flowed from his eyes.

Her voice was trembling, but she still insisted on appeasing the man: "Don't be afraid, the princess will not let you have trouble."

However, when she put her hand on the arrow and tried to pull it out, her hand was shaking, and her tears became more and more violent.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that a big warm hand was holding her small hand.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly opened her eyes wide.

It turned out that the man lying on the ground held her hand with his right palm.

And his other hand circled around his body and stopped in front of her eyes.

A big palm was spread out in front of her, and in the palm was a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake wrapped in oiled paper.

"Don't cry, if you cry again, I won't be able to coax you well."

(End of this chapter)

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