Chapter 180 Temporary Change of Plan
this sound?
Yuan Deyin turned her head in shock, and met a pair of deep black eyes.

She opened her mouth, almost shouting the words "Uncle Nine Emperors".

But Jun Yu quickly tapped the back of her hand with his fingertips.

Yuan Deyin was picked up quickly.

She gritted her teeth to keep her tears from crying again.

Because her back is facing everyone, and she is still in the corner.

So this position is relatively safe, but she still didn't dare to speak loudly, so she could only mouth to Jun Yu: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you scare us!"

"Don't cry, I'll give you another piece." Jun Yu slightly curved his lips, and then took out another piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from his bosom.

Although the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was crushed into pieces, the outside of the oil paper was dirty, but the inside was intact. It could be seen that someone was caring for it.

Yuan Deyin originally had the urge to stop her tears, but she wanted to comfort her after seeing Uncle Jiuhuang suffer such a serious injury.

Her beady tears could not be held back again, and flowed out directly.

The harder she wiped, the harder the tears flowed.

"Why are you still crying? Is it because the osmanthus cakes given by the king are not enough?"

Jun Yu said this with deep eyes, and then took out the third piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from his bosom, and then the fourth piece...

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's eyes were still red, he sighed helplessly.

"The king is really gone."

This serious look actually made Yuan Deyin almost laugh out loud, not so sad anymore.

She took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, didn't we agree, just pretend to have a fight, and then lure the enemy out. Why are you pretending to be dead? You scared us to death Already!"

The more Yuan Deyin talked, the more aggrieved she became.

She literally cried to death last night.

The quarrel with Uncle Jiuhuang was just for show, but after the news of Uncle Jiuhuang's bad news came back, she felt that her whole world had collapsed.

Because at that time, she really thought that Uncle Nine Emperors was really dead.

"Actually, the unknown of life and death was not calculated by this king, because this king did not expect this situation. The other party even planted eyeliners in our camp. I was unable to lure people out for a long time, and I happened to be surrounded by them. When I reached the edge of the cliff, a new plan suddenly appeared in my heart. If this king is 'dead', the enemies hidden in the dark will surely surface slowly."

Jun Yu patiently explained.

Seeing a little girl crying out of breath, Jun Yu said apologetically, "It's my king who made you worry."

He also expected that she would be very sad when she heard the news, so he hurried back at the risk of being discovered.

"Then, why are you pretending to be dead and hurting yourself all over your body?" Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth, looking very angry.

Jun Yu sighed silently.

"The situation at that time was indeed too dangerous. After the king changed into the clothes of the soldiers under the cliff and came up, he mixed with the retreating soldiers of Haicheng. As a result, he was surrounded by the enemy. It is inconvenient for the king to reveal his strength. So you hurt yourself like this."

Although Yuan Deyin was still very angry, Uncle Jiuhuang explained it like this, and his body must be in pain.

Thinking of this, her anger disappeared in an instant.

She frowned and said in a serious tone: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm going to pull out the arrow for you. Hold on, it might hurt."

"En." Jun Yu nodded calmly, without any panic in his brows.

Meeting his trusting eyes, Yuan Deyin was not so flustered anymore.

She took a deep breath, and then she pulled out the arrow without shaking her hand.

But after the arrow was pulled out, the blood from the wound began to burst out.

Fortunately, she was prepared and covered the wound with medicine in time.

He Cai did not let the blood continue to flow.

After she bandaged the wound, she could breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly at this time, Mingmu's concerned voice came: "Princess, are you bandaging the wounded soldier? Do you need the old man's help?"

The moment she heard Mingmu's voice, Yuan Deyin's back stiffened, feeling a little flustered.

But when Uncle Jiuhuang tapped the back of her hand lightly with his fingertips, she immediately felt relieved.

She turned her head, maintaining a calm expression.

She nodded, and then said, "Yes. But it's already bandaged, old man, what do you want?"

"There's nothing wrong, it's just that the old man saw that the princess has been busy here for so long, and thought he had encountered some problem, so he just wanted to help." Ming Muxia explained in a kind tone.

His appearance is exactly the appearance of a kind old doctor.

Yuan Deyin nodded indistinctly: "Thank you, senior, for your concern."

At this time, Wuying, Wumu, and Wuxu walked in quickly, interrupting Yuan Deyin and Mingmu's courtesy.

(End of this chapter)

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