Chapter 181 Uncle Nine Emperors Calls Shen Zhou
"Princess." Wuying saluted Yuan Deyin respectfully.

"En." Yuan Deyin nodded lightly to the other party.

Her face was still extremely pale, and her eyes were red and swollen.

It was a look that was still immersed in sadness and could not get out.

Wu Yi felt distressed when she saw it, so she quickly stepped forward and gently persuaded: "Princess, don't blame yourself too much, the prince will not blame you. Can you let the servant stay by your side to take care of you?"

"Princess, I request you to stay by your side to protect you." Wuying quickly knelt down and said respectfully to Yuan Deyin.

The rest of the hidden guards also knelt down and said sincerely.

Seeing this scene, Mingmu next to Yuan Deyin and Gan Qing not far away had flashes of anger in their eyes.

If there are so many hidden guards by Yuan Deyin's side, how can they do it easily in the future?
Facing the loyal eyes of Shang Wuying and the others, Yuan Deyin shook his head with a full face of desolation.

"No need." She said softly.

"Why princess, do you blame your subordinates for not protecting the prince well?" Wu Ying and the others became anxious.

Yuan Deyin quickly shook his head and denied, "It's not what you think. It's just that there is no danger here for the princess, and I don't need your protection. You are all strong generals around Uncle Jiuhuang. You are needed on the battlefield. Uncle Jiuhuang does not." What has been done, needs you to help him complete it.”

"However, what the lord cares about most includes you, princess, princess, let your subordinates protect you." Wu Yi said with red eyes.

Yuan Deyin walked to Wuyi's side, gave her a gentle hug, and said seriously, "I can see your sincerity, but if you still respect me in your heart, go to the battlefield to help Lord Shen."

Seeing that Wuyi and the others were still worried, Yuan Deyin said seriously: "If you are still worried about me, I can select guards from among these wounded soldiers. They were once strong generals on the battlefield, but they were only temporarily injured. "

When the wounded soldiers around heard it, they immediately shouted loudly: "I will protect the princess to the death."

They respect the vowel sound from the bottom of their hearts.

"The county master..."

Wuyi and the others opened their mouths, wanting to say that these people have been hurt like this, how should they protect the princess?

However, seeing Shangyuan Deyin's unquestionable eyes, they knew that this was also an order given to them by the princess.

"Subordinates obey."

They responded heavily, and then retreated to the barracks.

Yuan Deyin looked back and glanced at all the wounded soldiers present.

"Princess, let the humble officer protect you. The humble officer was only stabbed, and it will not affect you." A soldier said respectfully to Yuan Deyin.

"Princess, a humble position can also protect you." The rest of the soldiers who were not seriously injured all spoke anxiously.

But hearing their self-recommendations, Yuan Deyin continued to shake his head.

She pointed directly at Jun Yu behind her and said to everyone, "This princess will choose him as his bodyguard."

"Princess, he is the most seriously injured, and his face seems to be destroyed."

Soon someone stood up to persuade Yuan Deyin.

Everyone stared at Jun Yu whose face was covered in blood, and couldn't see the original appearance. They really didn't understand why the princess chose him.

Even Gan Qing and Ming Mu looked at Jun Yu with sharp eyes, trying to see something tricky from him.

But Jun Yu lowered his head to hide his aura, and then said to Yuan Deyin in a humble and hoarse voice: "This subordinate will definitely do its best to protect the princess."

Yuan Deyin glanced at everyone, knowing that if he didn't explain clearly, the people hiding in the dark would definitely target Uncle Nine Emperors.

At that time, Uncle Nine Emperors will be exposed very easily.

She had to think of a suitable rhetoric.

So, she coughed lightly, and then said in a serious tone: "The princess knows that you are all curious why the princess chooses the most injured person as a guard. The princess is hiding in the city, what is the danger?" The real danger is on the battlefield, those of you who are not seriously injured, this princess hopes that you can return to the battlefield and fight to protect Haicheng."

"You are all warriors on the battlefield, this princess cannot waste your strength and sincerity."

Yuan Deyin's firm voice reached their ears, making their hearts surge.

It turned out that the princess chose the most seriously injured person as her bodyguard for this reason. Although she was young, she thought so deeply, it was because they were superficial.

"Princess, after we have finished bandaging, as long as we can go, we will definitely return to the battlefield and protect our Haicheng!"

Those soldiers shouted loudly, all of them were full of enthusiasm.

Yuan Deyin then withdrew his eyes, fell on Jun Yu, and pretended to say indifferently, "What's your name?"

"The humble job name is Shen Zhou." Jun Yu replied respectfully.

Is the boat sinking... Is the boat sinking?

Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows, and a bit of cunning flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, Shen Zhou, from now on, you will be the guard of the princess. But the princess ordered you, these days, you have to heal your injuries, understand?"

"Honestly obey orders."

When Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin talked, they were loyal and nervous throughout the whole process.

It was exactly what a guard who was suddenly picked should look like.

Gan Qing and Ming Mu looked at it for a long time, but they didn't find anything unusual, so they turned their eyes away.

(End of this chapter)

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