Chapter 182 The Mei Family
Yuan Deyin put Jun Yu in a separate side room, in the name of letting him have a good rest.

late at night.

A certain prince stood by the bed and lit the letter in his hand with a torch.

This is a letter from the capital.

Earlier, he suspected that the incident in the tiankeng in Haicheng had something to do with the people in the capital.

So he sent a letter to the emperor, asking him to investigate an official in Beijing who adopted a child ten years ago, and the child is no longer with him now.

There are three words written on the letter.

"Mei Chengyun."

Master Mei.

"Yeah." There was a sudden soft sound.

The door was pushed open.

"Who?" Jun Yu asked sharply.

A sharp sword immediately fell into his hand.

Soon, a petite little girl moved towards him with a cat-like body.

"Hush, Uncle Nine Emperors, it's me." The little girl whispered.

Seeing that it was a certain little girl, the murderous look in Jun Yu's eyebrows disappeared instantly.

"In front of those people today, I can't say much to you. How are you?" Jun Yu frowned and checked Yuan Deyin from head to toe.

"It's okay, although Deyin knew that Gan Qing wanted to stab me to death that day, but in the end, as I expected, she didn't do it." Yuan Deyin shrugged.

Speaking of these things, she looked relaxed, as if she was talking about the weather today.

"She wants to kill you?" Jun Yu couldn't hide the murderous look on his body.

"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors, calm down, we've been acting for so long, and we managed to fool them. Don't let yourself be fooled just because you're angry." Yuan Deyin quickly shook his head and said seriously.

"En." Jun Yu replied coldly.

But he was holding the sword tightly in his hand, and the murderous look in his black eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't worry, Gan Qing will definitely not kill me right now. I suspect that she wants to use me to threaten Mr. Shen. After all, it is Mr. Shen who controls the military power of the entire Haicheng." Yuan Deyin Said in a firm tone.

She clapped her hands, and snorted arrogantly: "She and Pei Heng poisoned the princess, hum, is it a fool to be the princess, the princess can't taste such a strong smell of poison?"

"Did they drug you?" Jun Yu's killing intent became stronger.

There was still a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

If they knew that these people would attack Yin'er, they should arrange more people to protect her when they planned to lure the snake out of the hole by acting.

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's anxious appearance, Yuan Deyin pressed her brows helplessly, tilted her head, and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Jiuhuang, is that the point? The point is, Pei Heng poisoned me! "

"En." Jun Yu answered absently.

All he can think about now is to make those people pay the price.

Yuan Deyin: "..." Why does she feel that Jiuhuangshu is getting less and less intelligent now.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is talking about Pei Heng, that Mingmu is Pei Heng, the master's enemy!" Yuan Deyin reminded Jun Yu anxiously.

"Well, I know." Jun Yu glanced sideways at a little girl who was extremely anxious, and said calmly.

"Huh? Uncle Nine Emperors, how did you know?" Yuan Deyin was shocked.

"During the day, I saw Mingmu bandaging those people. Although he deliberately concealed his clumsiness, I still recognized it. The technique was very similar to Yu Shengxiao's." Jun Yu said softly.

Yuan Deyin shook his head.

She also wanted to tell this news to shock Uncle Jiuhuang, but she didn't expect that Uncle Jiuhuang could tell at a glance.

Jun Yu glanced at a certain little girl's dejected look, his black eyes sank, then he rubbed her head with his hands, and said softly: "Yin'er is already very good, just spend two days with her, and she can guess her identity." status, and your master is too dull, the enemy is standing in front of him, he hasn't noticed yet."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Uncle Nine Emperors, if you praise me, you can praise me, why do you still demote my master!
"Uncle Nine Emperors, Pei Heng really belongs to Gan Qing and the others. I suspect that there will be big disturbances in the past two days. If not, Tan Hong wouldn't even be afraid of death. She must be trying to cover up something with death." .It's just that we still don't know who is behind the scenes..."

Yuan Deyin sighed, looking very annoyed.

"They may be from Mei Chengyun." Seeing her upset look, Jun Yu didn't hide anything, and directly told the news he just got.

It's just that when Mei Chengyun was mentioned, his eyes were a little harsh.

To let Mei Chengyun plan under his nose for more than ten years, he underestimated the enemy.

"Mei Chengyun, this name is so familiar..." Yuan Deyin frowned and muttered in a puzzled tone.

"He is Grand Master Mei. When my father was alive, he had won his father's trust. His daughter, you also know, is Jun Zhouchen's concubine Mei Qingxue." Jun Yu quickly explained.

"It turned out to be Concubine Mei's father, but why did he do these things." Yuan Deyin's face was full of doubts.

"Qian and Bing Ma Mei Chengyun are preparing, I'm afraid, what he covets is the dragon chair. This king must wipe out Gan Qing and the others, so that he can bring the criminal evidence back to the capital and interrogate Mei Chengyun himself." Jun Yu added in a cold voice.

Yuan Deyin nodded clearly.

According to Uncle Nine Emperors, Grand Master Mei was at least a veteran of the three dynasties, and his mouth was not so easy to pry open.

We must find the actual evidence of the crime.

(End of this chapter)

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