Chapter 184 Departure from Li Village
The next night.

"Princess." A group of soldiers walked in quickly.

Yuan Deyin was treating other wounded soldiers. When she heard the voice, she quickly raised her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Deyin stood up and asked.

"Princess, the situation on the battlefield is very bad now. Mr. Shen asked the younger one to report to you and tell you to evacuate as soon as possible." One of the soldiers said sadly.

"The battle situation is not good? Do you want to evacuate as soon as possible?" Yuan Deyin's face changed drastically.

She looked at the dark sky outside, and there was still the sound of war that could not be stopped in the distance.

That's right, since the news of Uncle Nine Emperor's "unaccounted for" spread, the morale of the soldiers in Haicheng has been very low.

Although Master Shen is also a military genius, he is far inferior to Uncle Nine Emperors when it comes to boosting morale and actually leading troops to the battlefield.

She thought they could last a little longer, but she didn't expect it to be so soon...

Gan Qing walked over quickly, and asked in a worried tone: "Princess, what do they mean? Haicheng is about to lose its hold?"

Before Yuan Deyin could answer, the little soldier said solemnly: "Master Shen, Mr. Shen said that he will try his best to protect Haicheng, but just in case, he hopes that you will retreat to Li Village first. "

"Li Village?" Yuan Deyin frowned, why is it Li Village again.

"Princess, the highest village near Li village is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the city gate really can't be defended, it can become another city tower." The soldier explained seriously.

"Yes, Princess, the terrain of Li Village is indeed good enough. Moreover, if it is not someone who is familiar with Li Village, it will be difficult to find that place in a short time, which will be extremely disadvantageous to the enemy." Gan Qing also nodded quickly.

"Well, we will arrange for the people to retreat now." Yuan Deyin nodded.

She knew they had no choice now, so she agreed.

"Princess, Mr. Shen said that the common people will arrange for others to lead the retreat. Now you retreat first." The soldiers hurriedly said again.

"How can the princess escape alone first?" Yuan Deyin denied the other party's words very seriously with a small face.

Hearing her words, the other party became anxious again: "Master Shen, this is what Mr. Shen means, I must take you away as soon as possible."

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was not willing to leave at all, Gan Qing quickly grabbed her hand and said in a worried tone: "Princess, Mr. Shen has his reasons for doing this. You are the princess of Chi Yan. The Halberd Kings who have passed through the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions, if they really break through the towers, they will be the first to let you go... If you really become a prisoner, then Master Shen and the whole Chi Yan will be very passive."

"Yes, Princess, there is Chi Yan behind you. If the enemy captures you and threatens Chi Yan, it will be a serious disaster." Those soldiers all turned red-eyed anxiously.

Listening to their sincere advice, Yuan Deyin could no longer say no to it.

She sighed, and then nodded: "Well, the princess will take all the wounded here to Li Village first, and you must take the other people to retreat later."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, he quickly ordered the wounded soldiers who were not seriously injured to be treated in the mansion to help the other wounded soldiers who were more seriously injured to set off.

She also ordered the servants and maidservants who were summoned temporarily to bring dry food and bedding.

I basically brought all the things I needed, and there were a few vehicles outside to send the wounded soldiers.

"Doctors, you have worked hard to save people these two days. Because there are still soldiers from Haicheng fighting ahead, we still need someone to stay and treat new wounded soldiers..." Yuan Deyin looked at the doctors who had already gathered, with a tone of voice Speak complicatedly.

But she couldn't finish her words, and several young doctors immediately said loudly: "Princess, we are young, agile, and can save many people, so you can take some old seniors to Li Village with you. Old wounded soldiers still need to keep changing their medicines..."

"Yes, princess, we are all willing to stay and fight with the soldiers of Haicheng to the end." The rest of the doctors also shouted loudly.

His eyes were full of fear of death.

These days, they have seen too much death, and they are almost numb.

As natives of Haicheng, they have never tried to kill the enemy, but they are unwilling to let the person who kills the enemy die.

Looking at their firm eyes, Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red.

"You'll be fine. The princess promises you that you won't be fine." She murmured these words in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin raised her eyes and said firmly, "Well, the young doctor stays, and the older doctor follows me."

The team was about to set off, Yuan Deyin gave up his carriage to the wounded soldiers and walked by himself.

"Princess, let us protect you." The soldiers walked to Yuan Deyin's side.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head quickly: "No need, you go to protect the other wounded soldiers, the princess has her own guards to protect."

"Guard? Princess, who is protecting you?" Gan Qing couldn't help asking in confusion when she heard Yuan Deyin's words.

Her tone was already a little urgent.

"Of course the boat sank." Yuan Deyin said softly.

After speaking to Gan Qing, she turned around and called softly to the room: "Shen Zhou, come out."

After her words fell, a tall figure dressed as a guard appeared in everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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