Chapter 185 Ambush

"Shen Zhou sees the princess."

Jun Yu saluted neither humble nor overbearing.

Everyone had been attracted by his impressive aura the moment he appeared.

However, when their eyes fell on his ordinary face, they frowned and then withdrew their eyes.

Gan Qing and Ming Mu looked at each other, and they were a little suspicious of the person in front of them.

When I saw him yesterday, wasn't he half dead? Why is he able to move freely today?

Sensing Gan Qing's and Ming Mu's scrutinizing eyes, Jun Yu coughed heavily and frowned.

But he still spoke with an extremely sincere look: "The subordinates will definitely do their best to protect the safety of the princess."

"But your body..." Yuan Deyin said, with a slightly worried tone.

"This subordinate has been in the barracks for many years, so this slight injury is fine for my subordinate." Jun Yu said firmly.

"Okay, then you can follow the Princess." Yuan Deyin nodded.

A large group of people is about to leave.

Jun Yu was right next to Yuan Deyin, as quiet as a transparent person.

Realizing that he wasn't a big threat, Gan Qing and Ming Mu then withdrew their appraising eyes.

When approaching Li Village, Yuan Deyin found that the front was eerily quiet.

There was only the sound of the strong wind, and the whole village was as quiet as if there was no one there, as if they had come to this village for the first time.

"Gan Qing, what happened to Li Village? Why is there no movement at all?" Yuan Deyin turned her head and asked Gan Qing curiously.

Although it is already night, but it is not late at night, so the whole village will not fall asleep.

"Princess, there are still people active in the city at this time, but Li Village is used to working at sunrise and returning at sunset. It is not surprising that they all rest at this time." Gan Qing replied quickly.

"Then with so many of us coming to the village, wouldn't it disturb them?" Yuan Deyin frowned with concern.

"Princess, you don't have to worry about this. There are many empty houses in our village. Minnv can arrange for everyone to live there first. Now we just need to enter the village." Gan Qing said to Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Yuan Deyin nodded: "Okay."

The group of them slowly entered the village.

But suddenly, the surrounding houses lit up.

A few dogs barking sounded, and a large group of men in black, holding torches, ran out from the darkness with gloomy faces.

Moreover, Yuan Deyin could still hear the sound of running down the mountain, probably from their people.

"Who are you?" Yuan Deyin walked quickly to the wounded soldier, staring at him vigilantly.

"Hahaha, Princess Deyin of Chiyan, who do you think we are?" A sneer sounded.

A man with a rough face came out. He had a high nose bridge with extremely sharp edges and corners, and a pair of ice blue eyes were as sharp as a goshawk.

Yuan Deyin glanced at him and found that the armor he was wearing had the logo of the Western Regions on it.

And those who stood beside him were extremely respectful to him.

Yuan Deyin held his breath, his heart was suspended, and his expression was not very good.

She couldn't help taking a few steps back, and asked in a trembling voice, "Could it be that you are Hatake."

"Oh, the people trained by Jun Yu are not so stupid, they can even guess the identity of this king."

Hatake had to break his neck, and the sound of "click, click" was creepy.

"Aren't you still on the battlefield? Why did you come to Li Village?" Yuan Deyin asked in a panic.

"On the battlefield? Heh, Jun Yu is dead. Who is this king's opponent? Just rely on Shen Chuannan. He was the one who indirectly killed Jun Yu. Those idiots in Haicheng, who will believe him?" Banner laughed wildly .

He looked at Yuan Deyin, and said quite proudly: "I heard that you are the Princess Deyin who the emperor's son cares about when Chi Yan is newly enthroned. If this king catches you, wouldn't there be someone threatening him?" Chips?"

"Despicable and shameless, you won't have this chance!" Yuan Deyin's face turned cold instantly.

Although the wounded soldiers who followed came with bad hands and feet, when they heard Hatake's words, they all drew out their swords angrily, and quickly blocked Yuan Deyin's side.

They glared at Hatake: "We won't let you hurt the Princess."

"A group of trapped beasts still want to challenge the majesty of this king? Shen Chuannan stood guard at the city gate, thinking that he would be able to block this king. He never thought that this king would kill him behind him and caught him off guard."

Hatake laughed wildly a few times, not paying attention to these remnants at all.

Because, this time, he brought thousands of elite soldiers to lurk from the secret passage.

Confronting each other, Shen Chuannan...will soon end up in the same end as Jun Yu.

"How did you manage to enter Li Village? What have you done to the people of Li Village!"

Yuan Deyin clenched her fists tightly, she gritted her teeth and questioned loudly.

"Princess, how did the new king of the Western Regions enter Li Village? Wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to ask me?"

Gan Qing who was standing beside Yuan Deyin suddenly sneered, she quickly walked away from Yuan Deyin, and then walked to Qi Mude's side.

"Gan, Gan Qing, you..." Yuan Deyin's eyes widened, and she looked at Gan Qing in disbelief.

"Hehe, Yusheng Xiao praised you for being smart, Shen Chuannan also praised you for being smart, and even the dead Jun Yu said you were smart, but in my opinion, you are just a fool." Gan Qing clapped her hands, her eyes contemptuous Looking at Yuan Deyin.

"It turns out that you are the real traitor! Gan Qing, aren't you from Li Village? Why do you want to kill your own people?" Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red.

"Clan people? When will I need these clansmen, I have my own relatives." Gan Qing snorted contemptuously again.

Have relatives?

"What relatives do you have? Aren't you the daughter of the village head of Li Village?" Yuan Deyin's tone was very anxious.

Gan Qing clapped her hands again at this time, and a young man came out from behind Hatake.

Gan Qing glanced at the man, and then turned her gaze to Hatake Mude.

She said in a leisurely tone: "King of the Western Regions, my brother has done a lot of things for you these years, the old King of the Western Regions can be controlled by you, and so many soldiers and horses in the Western Regions are for your use, all our master ordered us to do... "

"Of course, this king will never forget that your master has helped me. He has helped me realize my wish. What he wants, I will naturally help him realize."

Hatake spoke very arrogantly.

"Gan Qing, who is your master, why are you doing this!" Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red again anxiously.

"Princess Deyin County, don't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for being too stupid. You can believe what I say. If I tell you to save my sister, you will save her. You will not hesitate to break up with your Nine Emperor Uncle for my sister. Your Ninth Emperor Uncle is dead, and it's all your fault."

Gan Qing stimulated Yuan Deyin relentlessly.

"Your sister?" Yuan Deyin looked at Gan Qing in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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