The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 186 Princess Deyin, long time no see

Chapter 186 Princess Deyin, long time no see

Soon, a familiar woman walked out from behind the group of people from the Western Regions.

Except that Tan Hong's face was a little paler, the rest was not much different from when he first met her, and he still looked like the elegant and dignified wife of the magistrate.

She glanced at Yuan Deyin, and said in a very calm tone: "Princess Deyin, long time no see."

"Mrs. Hao, you and Gan Qing are sisters... what about Tan Ling?"

"That's just an orphan girl I adopted, so I don't deserve to be mentioned." Tan Hong snorted coldly.

She looks like this, as if she is the real her.

She was staring at everything, and there was inadvertent contempt in her eyes looking at Yuan Deyin.

"Madam Hao, you are the collaborator, not Master Hao at all." Yuan Deyin looked at Tan Hong and asked in a trembling voice.

"That's right, it was indeed me, he was just a scapegoat." Tan Hong snorted again.

When she mentioned Hao Jinglue, she only had indifference in her eyes, and she didn't look like she was treating her husband who had been with her for ten years.

"Hao Master Lingdang was imprisoned, and he never thought of exposing you. Do you really think that he knows nothing?" Yuan Deyin's tone became lower and lower.

She felt a little uncomfortable, it was not worth it for Hao Jing.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Tan Hong's expression froze for a moment, and a complicated flash flashed in the depths of his eyes.

But soon, that bit of complexity was ruthlessly erased.

Hao Jinglue and she are not in the same group, and they are destined to be used.

"The princess is so elegant, and she still feels sorry for others. You should think about what will happen to you." Tan Hong snorted coldly.

At this time, the people in the village were also dragged out.

Their clothes were ragged, their hair was disheveled, and they had wounds of various sizes. They looked like they had been tortured.

"You are despicable, they are all innocent people, how can you deal with them!" Yuan Deyin accused them angrily.

In the end, Ban Mude just sneered, "People trained by Jun Yu actually have kind hearts, stupid!"

"Gan Qing, they are all people who have lived with you, do you really want to watch them suffer?" Yuan Deyin tried to wake up Gan Qing's last bit of mercy.

In the end, she still underestimated the cold-bloodedness in Gan Qing's heart.

Gan Qing didn't even look at those villagers, and then said proudly: "If it wasn't for fulfilling the task of the master, I wouldn't have lived with these unruly people in this poor village for so long."

"Okay, don't talk so much, tie up Yuan Deyin, and kill the rest. The master has insisted on the plan for so many years, and it will succeed." Tan Hong looked at Gan Qing's side.

Only when talking about their plans, Tan Hong's face will be a little happy.

When the people from the Western Regions heard this, they immediately walked towards Yuan Deyin with a big knife in hand.

All the wounded soldiers gathered together and stood in front of Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin was moved. At this moment, what they were thinking about was her comfort.

Sighing inwardly, Yuan Deyin tugged on the sleeve of "Shen Zhou" beside him, and then took the initiative to come forward.

She looked at Qi Mude and Tan Hong's group without fear, and then said loudly: "Tan Hong, your master, who is that big man in the court? How much kindness does he have to you, worthy of you three brothers and sisters?" Planning for him for ten years?"

"And you, Ban Mude, the great prince of the Western Regions, what kind of benefits did that person give you, so that you couldn't wait to attack your father?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Tan Hong said expressionlessly: "Princess Deyin, you are about to become a prisoner. Does it make sense to know who is your enemy?"

"It's Mei Chengyun." Yuan Deyin said these five words calmly.

After her words were spoken, the opposite side fell into a rare atmosphere of dead silence.

Although Tan Hong was suppressing his emotions, he still couldn't help revealing a bit of shock.

Yuan Deyin knew it in his heart.

It really is Mei Chengyun!

"Yuan Deyin, how did you know? Forget it, we don't bother to hide the matter now. That's right, our master is Mrs. Mei."

Gan Qing was not as calm as Tan Hong, when she heard Yuan Deyin provoke her with words, she immediately said everything.

It was too late for Tan Hong and Tan Jie to stop it.

"Qing'er." Tan Hong called Gan Qing seriously.

But when Gan Qing heard her warning, not only did she not intend to stop, but she said loudly: "Anyway, she is a prisoner, sister, are you still worried that she will have a chance to tell her Nine Emperor Uncle? "

As soon as Gan Qing's embarrassing words fell, she heard a cold hum.

"She really doesn't need to tell this king, because this king can hear it himself."

Jun Yu walked to Yuan Deyin's side, staring at the group of people opposite with deep and indifferent eyes.

When he said "this king", the expressions of the rest of the people changed.

Qi Mude stared at Jun Yu with a ferocious expression, and asked loudly, "Who the hell are you?"

Jun Yu raised his hand and tore off the human skin mask on his face, and a sharp and cold face appeared in everyone's sight.

"Ghost, ghost?" Gan Qing said these two words in shock.

Tan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, "Ninth Prince, are you still alive?"

"Hmph, none of you are dead, why did Uncle Nine Emperors die?" The little girl beside Jun Yu glared at them angrily.

With Uncle Nine Emperors by her side, she is not afraid of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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