Chapter 188 Just Kill It

"Damn it, how dare you betray this king." Seeing that none of these people obeyed his orders, Qi Mude's eyes became extremely gloomy.

"Prince, why don't you ask the third prince to intercede for you." Qi Mude's confidant whispered to him.

After all, they are all afraid of death.

"You asked me to make those cowards succumb?" Hatake was provoked by those words.

He drew his sword and chopped off the head of his confidant with one blow.

The surrounding soldiers from the Western Regions turned pale when they saw this scene.

They retreated faster, and their hearts became more determined that they could no longer obey Hatake's orders.

"Brother King... No, my father said it long ago. A wolf in the desert can only point his sword at the enemy. If he points his knife at his own people, he is not worthy to be his son. Hatake, you are not worthy at all!" Not counting as the king’s brother. Today, it’s time for us to make a break.”

Yunmo clenched the knife at his waist, quickly flew from the horse and fell in front of Hatake, and started fighting with him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you want to help him?" Yuan Deyin carefully tugged Jun Yu's sleeve and asked worriedly.

She was a little afraid that Yunmo would be hurt by Hatake.

But after Jun Yu glanced coldly at the two fighting over there, he said in a cold voice, "No need, if even a mere banner can't win, Yun Mo is not worthy of cooperating with me."

Hatake attacked Yunmo like crazy.

But Yun Mozai is no longer the same as before. Under Jun Yu's guidance, both his mind and martial arts have improved rapidly.

Therefore, Hatake at this time is not his opponent at all.

In just a dozen rounds, Hatake was knocked to the ground by Yunmo.

"Yunmo, kill me if you have the ability, otherwise, when I return to the Western Regions, both you and the old man will die!"

At this time, not only did Hatake not have any fear, but he even talked nonsense and threatened Yunmo.

But it was also at this time that Jun Yu said "close your eyes" in Yuan Deyin's ear.

Then he walked quickly to Yun Mo's side, without waiting for the others to react.

Directly wiped Hatake's neck.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Jun Yu, did he strike too fast?

Doesn't he want to get something out of Hatake's body?
Hatake's eyes widened when he died, and he didn't expect Jun Yu to refuse so much.

Jun Yu glanced sideways, seeing Yun Mo's dazed look, he said indifferently: "The last truth this king taught you. Never be kind to your opponent. A wolf will always be a wolf."

When Jun Yu left, Yun Mo shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly.

Yes, wolves are wolves after all.

He was thinking just now that he wanted to send Qi Mude back to wait for his father's disposition.

He completely forgot one thing, the father and Hatake should always be related by blood.

Father, you may not be able to be ruthless.

This time, Hatake wished in his heart to tear them apart and eat their flesh. He was afraid that if they had a chance to stand up, they would definitely be miserable.

It's because he didn't think carefully.

"This time, this king owes you a favor." Yun Mo said such a sentence with his back to Jun Yu.

This is the first time he has not treated Jun Yu coldly.

Hearing his words, Jun Yu's cold eyes did not show the slightest wave.

He helped him only because he wanted him to go back to the Western Regions as soon as possible, and he didn't bother to thank him at all.

"Ah Yu, how do we deal with this?" Shen Chuannan looked at the three brothers and sisters of the Tan family, and turned to ask Jun Yu.

"Send them back to Beijing, and then give their master a big gift." Jun Yu said indifferently.

"Don't even think about it!" Gan Qing shouted anxiously when she heard this.

Tan Jie also drew out his sword, wanting to commit suicide.

However, Wuxi was standing on the sidelines, how could he give them this chance.

A few hidden guards quickly dodged to their side and controlled them all, so there was no chance for them to commit suicide.

Tan Hong didn't speak from the beginning to the end, she lowered her head with a compassionate expression.

When she was impounded into the carriage, she turned her head and looked at Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, where have all the villagers gone?" Yuan Deyin asked worriedly when she remembered this incident.

The villagers here are all pretended to be people from Jiuhuangshu, so what about the original villagers.

"The king has already ordered Wuyi to take them out early. When Qi Mude entered the village, the so-called villagers he saw were all pretended by our people." Jun Yu explained softly.

That's it, Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, Uncle Nine Emperors has always been far-sighted in doing things, so how could he let the common people have trouble.

Only then did the wounded soldiers present understand what was going on.

It turned out that the Ninth Prince was not dead, but saved the whole city.

Their eyes were cloudy and they kept wiping away their tears.

Seeing that all the brothers and sisters of the Tan family were taken away, Ming Mu's eyes flashed with anger.

Cooperating with them, I originally hoped that they could kill Jun Yu, and then help him kill Yu Shengxiao, but I never thought that they would be so useless.

And Qi Mude, it was really a waste of him pretending to be a military adviser, being angry with him for so long, and helping him poison the people in Haicheng, he was defeated by his third brother in the end.

It's really muddy that can't support the wall!

After Mingmu cursed in his heart, he glanced at Yu Shengxiao who was not far away with hatred, and wanted to sneak out while it was still chaotic.

But just as he was about to move, a crisp voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Pei Heng, where do you want to hide?"

Yuan Deyin's "Pei Heng" not only shocked Pei Heng, the medicine box fell directly to the ground, but also made Yu Shengxiao's face change drastically.

His sharp eyes swept over, and in the next moment, he flashed in front of Pei Heng with the jade bone fan.

He stared at Pei Heng's old face for a long time, and finally saw something tricky.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fist tightly, as if the fist was about to hit him in the next moment.

He gritted his teeth, stared at the other party and said, "Pei Heng, so you have been pretending all along, and you are hiding in Haicheng."

(End of this chapter)

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