Chapter 189
"It's really stupid. I'm not afraid to tell you that the military adviser who was beside Qi Mude before was also me. Didn't he say that he wanted to cut me into pieces? Why didn't he recognize me for so long when he saw me?"

Pei Heng stared at Yusheng Xiao and laughed wildly.

Even though he has no advantage at all now, he is still unwilling to let go of his so-called arrogance.

"Yuan Deyin, how did you find me?" He turned his head and stared at Yuan Deyin with some resentment.

He doesn't think he has anything to do with it.

"You said back then that the princess had only learned medical skills from the master for less than a month, but her comprehension was so high...but an ordinary old doctor in Haicheng, how did he know the time for the princess to study with the master? Woolen cloth?"

Yuan Deyin crossed his arms and looked at Pei Heng calmly.

Pei Heng laughed at himself a few times.

He originally thought it would be easier to start with Yuan Deyin.

But he never thought that it was this girl who he didn't take seriously that saw him through.

"Even if you see through me, so what, it still won't change the fact that you can't win against me. Yuan Deyin, do you really think that I am by your side to help you save people?"

Pei Heng stared at Yuan Deyin contemptuously.

Yu Shengxiao instantly understood Pei Heng's meaning, his face darkened, and his tone was a little flustered: "Pei Heng, what did you do to Xiao Deyin?"

When Yun Mo came back here, he was also full of anger.

"Old man, if you dare to hurt her, I will be the first to kill you."

"Oh, do you think I'm afraid? Yuan Deyin has drunk the poison I personally prepared. Yu Shengxiao, if you were by her side early in the morning, if you treated her early in the morning, you might be able to save her... It's just that the poison is gone now. It has infiltrated into her bones and corroded her internal organs, even the gods of Da Luo will not be able to save her..."

Pei Heng laughed arrogantly.

"Damn it, what poison did you poison!" Yu Shengxiao threw the jade bone fan aside, and directly picked up Pei Heng's collar, with eyes that wanted to cut him into pieces.

"It's nothing, it's just some bone-eroding powder. I want to see how you can save her, Master Gu, whom the master likes. Hahahaha..."

Pei Heng laughed again, this time, he even started to cry.

"Yu Shengxiao, no matter how powerful you are, what's the use? You can't even protect your apprentice. Hahaha, I, Pei Heng, can take your apprentice to be buried with you. Even if you die, it's not a loss..."

Pei Heng spoke arrogantly like a lunatic.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter how hard he tried, the master only praised Yu Shengxiao.

Talent is a thing that straddles between him and Yu Shengxiao, and he can't get over it no matter what.

When he sent Guili to the people of Haicheng, he wanted to see Yu Shengxiao and regret that he had offended him.

But he never thought that Yu Shengxiao and his little apprentice would actually concoct the antidote.

He escaped from the valley of genius doctors and studied hard for so many years, but he was still at a loss.

Yu Shengxiao, he actually did it, he did something that neither he nor his master could do.

It made him mad with jealousy.

However, he seems to care about the vowel sound.

How about letting Yuan Deyin die!

"Little one, how is your health now?" Yun Mo panicked when he heard this.

During the fight just now, Yunmo, who was like the fiercest wolf warrior in the desert, panicked at this moment.

Shen Chuannan's heart also sank.

"Bastard!" Yu Shengxiao cursed, and was about to pinch Pei Heng's neck.

Seeing them all in such a panic, Pei Heng laughed even more arrogantly.

"How terrible is the bone erosion poison, my good junior, do you need me to tell you? When the poison enters the body, there will be no reaction, because it secretly gnaws at human bones. When his bones are extremely fragile, this person is not far from death..."

Pei Heng laughed wantonly, he still didn't forget to turn his head, and said to Yuan Deyin in a sullen tone: "According to the time, you should have completely suffered from bone erosion at this time, do you feel like 1 insects are gnawing on you?" Your bones?"

"This should be the princess who asked you." Yuan Deyin asked back with a smile.

From the beginning to the end, Yuan Deyin and her Jiuhuangshu Oudu were as calm as outsiders.

"What?" Pei Heng's expression changed when he heard Yuan Deyin's words, and he began to feel uneasy.

Suddenly, bursts of tingling pain came from his body.

He shook Yu Shengxiao away, and then kept rolling on the ground.

Because of the pain, he kept biting his arm, the scene was too bloody.

Jun Yu pulled the little girl behind him and helped her block the bloody scene.

"Isn't this what the bone-eroding poison looks like..."

Yu Shengxiao looked at Pei Heng, then at Yuan Deyin who was completely safe behind Jun Yu, he frowned, a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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