Chapter 190 Die in front of him
"Yuan Deyin, what did you do to me?" Pei Heng's eyes were scarlet, he curled up on the ground trembling, gritted his teeth, turned his head, and asked loudly.

"I didn't do anything to you, I just returned all the medicine you wanted to give to this princess." A certain little girl replied calmly while hiding behind Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Impossible, Gan Qing said that you have already drank all the soup and medicine. Also, my medical skills are so good, if I drink the poison, I will definitely find out..."

While rolling on the ground, Pei Heng firmly denied it.

"With your ability to prescribe medicine, you still want to prescribe medicine to this princess, there is no way!" Yuan Deyin snorted in disgust.

At the end, she still did not forget to add: "Your medical skills are indeed good, but you have forgotten that you are also a conceited person. This princess just added a little something to your food to cover the taste of bone erosion powder. It’s the same thing I can’t eat.”

"" Pei Heng vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes were empty.

He and Yusheng Xiao have been fighting for nearly 20 years, and he has never admitted that he has lost.

But he never thought that in the end, he would be tricked by a little girl.

Yusheng Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at Pei Heng indifferently.

"Pei Heng, you have been scheming for so long, and finally once, you were plotted against." He said indifferently.

At this moment, Pei Heng was frantically looking for medicine on his body with trembling hands.

He hasn't defeated Yu Shengxiao yet, and he hasn't proved that he is the most powerful person in medicine, so he can't die.

Seeing his actions, Yu Shengxiao felt sad.

He told the truth mercilessly, "Pei Heng, as you said, the disease is terminally ill and there is no antidote!"

"Can you save me? You must have a way. We grew up together. Do you want to watch me suffer and die?"

Pei Heng, who was so painful that his voice trembled, finally let go of his arrogance at this time.

He curled himself up into a ball, and then grabbed Yu Shengxiao's clothes with difficulty, wanting Yu Shengxiao to save him.

But Yu Shengxiao shook his hand away without hesitation.

"Pei Heng, you have become like this because of your own fault. Master treats you like his own child, but you treated him like that. It's time for you to go down to Master and apologize."

After Yu Shengxiao finished speaking, he bent down, trying to wipe off the age spots on Pei Heng's face.

But after he wiped Pei Heng's face vigorously for a long time, he was shocked to find one thing.

"You, why did your face become like this?" Yu Shengxiao's voice was so shocked that it trembled a little.

The age spots on Pei Heng's body were not painted at all.

On the contrary, it seems that it really grew out of the body.

Yu Shengxiao quickly grabbed Pei Heng's hand and carefully felt his pulse.

The longer the pulse was detected, the uglier Yu Shengxiao's face became.

Finally, he looked at Pei Heng with a complicated expression, and said slowly, "Why did you become like this?"

"Hahaha... I made all the poisons in the master's book. In order to find the antidote and become famous all over the world, I used my own body to try the medicine. You should be happy, those poisons have changed me. Become a gray-haired old man, no one will argue with you anymore... Hahaha..."

"I thought I could win you, but in the end, it's just me. After fighting for so many years, no one will fight with you anymore, no more..."

As he spoke, Pei Heng spat out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes changed from anger, to sadness, and then to desolation.

Finally, the eyes closed completely.

At the last moment of his death, he was still chanting: "Finally no one will argue with you..."

"I never thought that we are in a competitive relationship." Yu Shengxiao stared at Pei Heng's wrinkled face for a long time, and then said this in a lonely way.

People who grew up together and agreed to be brothers, why did they become what they are today.

"Yushengxiao, it's not your fault."

Shen Chuannan did not expect that Pei Heng would end up harming himself after harming others.

Worried that Yu Shengxiao would blame himself, he walked over quickly and comforted him softly.

Yu Shengxiao let out a sigh of relief, he pretended nothing happened, picked up his jade bone fan, and then said loudly: "It's just cleaning up the house, what's so sad about this miracle doctor!"

"Master." Yuan Deyin came out from behind Jun Yu, she looked at Yu Shengxiao's appearance of deliberately making herself laugh, she called him a little uncomfortable.

"Good apprentice, you've done a good job." Yu Shengxiao came over and rubbed Yuan Deyin's head lightly.

This was the first time he spoke with Yuan Deyin in such a serious and calm tone.

In his eyes, there was even an emotion that Yuan Deyin couldn't see through.

Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, wanting to say something else, but Yu Shengxiao had already turned around and walked into the night.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did Deyin poison Pei Heng, did he do something wrong?" Yuan Deyin turned his head and asked Junyu in a lonely tone.

She could tell that although Master hated Pei Heng very much, Master was unwilling to watch Pei Heng die.

"You're right. Pei Heng killed so many people, he deserves to die. Yu Shengxiao is just standing on his own ground, and it's hard to accept the result for a while." Jun Yu comforted Yuan Deyin in a deep voice.

"Forget it, A Yu, you guys go back first, I'll go see that kid." Shen Chuannan walked past them, and quickly chased in the direction Yu Shengxiao left.

(End of this chapter)

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