The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 192 Maybe, she is the person who knows Jun Yu best

Chapter 192 Maybe, she is the person who knows Jun Yu best
In the morning, bad news suddenly came from the prison.

Several secret guards hurried to Jun Yu's study.

Jun Yu, who wrote letters to the prefects of several nearby cities all night, slowly raised his head when he heard the movement, and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, Hao Jinglue actually brought poison into the prison. Tan Hong drank his poison and died of poison!" Wu Xi said urgently.

"Then Hao Jinglue, where is it now?" Jun Yu asked quietly.

"After he came out of the dungeon, he jumped into the river next to him. When he was picked up, he was out of breath. My lord, how could he live up to your kindness like this? Please take pity on him and let him go to see Tan Hong , but he actually helped Tan Hong commit suicide. And he died because of shame. Tan Hong is an important witness, and we haven't dug out more evidence of Mei Chengyun from her..."

Wu Xi said so many words in one breath, but Jun Yu's expression hardly changed at all.

"Have you finished?" Jun Yu asked Wu Xi indifferently.

Wu Xi was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly replied: "Subordinate, this subordinate is finished."

"It's over, let's go out." Jun Yu's voice was indifferent except for indifference.

go out?

Don't you want to countermeasure now?

Prince, why are you neither shocked nor anxious about this matter?
Since Wuxi and Wujing looked at each other, since they both felt extremely weird in their hearts.

However, since this is the order of the prince, it is not good for them to stay in the study.

So after saluting respectfully, they all withdrew.

After walking out of the study, they saw their little princess yawning and staring at them.

Yuan Deyin looked at them with dejected expressions. She tilted her head and asked curiously, "Hao Jinglue committed suicide? Tan Hong also committed suicide?"

"Princess, have you heard what we said?" Wu Xi asked in surprise.

"Well, I stood at the door for a long time. I heard everything you said to Uncle Jiuhuang just now." Yuan Deyin confessed earnestly.

"The princess, what do you say now, the prince is not in a hurry or angry at all." Wu Xi said anxiously.

"Brother Wuxi, don't worry, tell me, what's going on?" Yuan Deyin waved his hand and sat down on the stone steps next to him.

Wu Xi heard Yuan Deyin's words, and hurriedly told all the things of last night seriously.

"So that's how it is." Hearing Wu Xi's words, Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to sigh.

"Princess, why aren't you angry?" Wu Xi and the hidden guards looked puzzled.

"Brother Wuxi, you really don't understand Uncle Nine Emperors. Uncle Nine Emperors does have compassion in certain matters, but he has never been a person whose reason has been controlled by compassion." Yuan Deyin said patiently.

After her words fell, there was applause at the door.

Shen Chuannan, dressed in white, walked in with a smile while clapping his hands.

"Princess Deyin, you really understand A Yu." Shen Chuannan nodded to Yuan Deyin.

Endless followed him.

Endless quickly walked into the study.

There were endless voices in the study, and he said: "My lord, this is what Wu Zuo found from Tan Rong, and she wrote it down in blood, and wrote down the distribution of Mei Chengyun's power in detail. The subordinates think that we can get it as soon as possible." Wipe out all these forces..."

"Well, let's go." Jun Yu replied calmly.

There was no surprise in his tone, as if everything was under his control.

"Master Shen, the lord didn't mean to let Hao Jinglue go to see Tan Hong on purpose?" Wu Xi asked in shock.

If so, then the prince is really too powerful.

He even knew the hearts of Hao Jinglue and Tan Hong.

They tried so many ways, but they couldn't make Tan Hong let go.

It turned out that the opportunity was on Hao Jinglue.

"What Ah Yu knows best is the human heart. I'm afraid Hao Jinglue knew the result from the moment he appeared last night." Shen Chuannan shook his head and sighed silently.

He looked sideways, and asked Yuan Deyin in a joking tone: "Princess, do you think such a Yu would be scary?"

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Yuan De shook her head, but instead she retorted in a very serious tone: "No. Compared to being sent to the capital to be tortured, life is worse than death. This is Tan Hong's best destination. Uncle Nine Emperors ...He knows everything, and he gave Hao Jinglue and Tan Hong the best home."

"Master Shen, the prerequisite for insight into people's hearts is empathy." Yuan Deyin murmured softly.

Uncle Nine Emperors is actually more sensitive than anyone else.

He is not as cruel and heartless as the world says.

(End of this chapter)

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