Chapter 193 Jun Yu's Temper

"Prince Regent, thank you for helping the Western Regions to tide over the difficulties this time. Our king originally wanted to visit you in person, but we are unwell and tired..."

Santa, the confidant of the King of the Western Regions, gave Jun Yu the highest standard of ceremony in the Western Regions, and then began to thank and apologize.

He also ordered someone to bring in several carriages of thanks.

After the king of the Western Regions was rescued, his poor health became even more uncomfortable, and he would not be able to travel and travel at all, otherwise he would have to come to Haicheng to thank Jun Yu in person.

But Jun Yu just glanced at those thank you gifts calmly, and then said softly: "Take all these thank you gifts back. I didn't purposely help the Western Regions. The purpose of repelling Banner was for Chi Yan." That's all."

"Jun Yu, this is a thank you gift from my father, you just accept it." Yun Mo walked in and sat down on the chair next to him carelessly.

Santa turned to look at Yunmo, with shock that couldn't be concealed in her eyes.

Before he came, he had heard that the third prince had been trained under Chi Yan's regent's subordinates.

This time they were saved thanks to the third prince.

He already felt in his heart that the third prince must have changed.

Seeing him now, he really felt that the third prince's aura had undergone a radical change.

Santa nodded in relief.

Now, the King of the Western Regions has a real successor.

"When will you go back to the Western Regions?" Jun Yu glanced at Yun Mo, and said in a cold tone.

Yun Mo was going to pick up an apple to eat, but he heard Jun Yu's merciless order to evict the guest.

He curled his lips, and said with some displeasure: "This king has lived and died with you, how can you get rid of this king after the matter is settled!"

Seeing that Jun Yu didn't intend to pay any attention to him anymore, Yun Mo continued to mutter: "I will definitely go back when I go back, but I haven't told Xiao Budian that I want to invite her to the Western Regions as a guest."

"You want to invite Yin'er to the Western Regions as a guest?" Jun Yu looked sideways again, and his indifferent eyes fell on Yun Mo's face.

There was a slight coldness in his words, anyone could sense that he was unhappy.

Only Yunmo didn't feel anything wrong.

He said generously: "That's right, the king and the concubine mother said that it was thanks to the little one that the matter of Hagaki was resolved this time, and the concubine has repeatedly told the king to invite the little one to the Western Regions... This is not what the king said, but what the queen mother and concubine said."

While explaining, Yunmo snorted coldly in his heart.

If you don't let me abduct someone, then I invite you openly, isn't that okay?
Shen Chuannan just stepped in at this time and heard Yunmo's words.

He shook his head helplessly and chuckled.

After all, the third prince of the Western Regions is still a bit dull.

Do you have to take the little girl away in front of the Ninth Emperor Uncle?

"Wuxi, pack up the things for the third prince and General Santa, and send them out of Haicheng in half an hour. You send someone to personally escort them back to the Western Regions." Jun Yu put down the teacup in his hand and said without doubt.

Yunmo: "???"

"Jun Yu, what are you doing? Half an hour is not enough for me to say goodbye to my little one. Why are you in such a hurry to drive me away?"

Yun Mo protested loudly.

But Jun Yu didn't even bother to give him a look at this time.

Patting the folds on his body that didn't exist at all, Jun Yu walked away with a flick of his sleeves.

Yunmo still wanted to catch up with Jun Yu to discuss something. Fortunately, Santa had been an official in the Western Regions for many years and was tactful.

He quickly pulled Yun Mo back, and said in a low voice, "Third Prince, the regent seems to be unhappy, so don't provoke him anymore."

"Why is he unhappy!" Yun Mo looked like he was also unhappy.

He felt that he hadn't done anything, why would Jun Yu be unhappy!
Seeing that the third prince hadn't enlightened yet, Santa pressed his brows helplessly. Isn't it because you want to take away the little girl, Jun Yu, as the emperor's uncle, would he be willing!

"Princess, Prince Yunmo is about to leave for the Western Regions." Wuyi quickly walked into Yuan Deyin's room and told her about it.

Yuan Deyin was originally reading medical books.

Hearing Wuyi's words, she quickly threw the book down, and then said doubtfully, "Why are you in such a hurry? Forget it, sister Wuyi, follow me out."

When Yuan Deyin walked to the door, Yunmo was being carried into the carriage by Wu Xi's group reluctantly, and could be sent away at any time.

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming out, he quickly shook off Wuxi's hand, and then ran to her.

"Little one, have you come to see me off? Have you changed your mind and are going back to the Western Regions with me?" He asked excitedly.

"Why does the princess want to go back to the Western Regions with you?" Yuan Deyin gave him a puzzled look, and then patiently explained, "You are considered a friend of the princess. If the friend sails home, the princess will naturally send you off." One way."

"By the way, there is also your most important mace bracelet, and the princess will give it back to you."

As Yuan Deyin spoke, she rolled up her sleeves, trying to untie the bracelet.

But after pulling back the wide sleeves, her eyes widened.

"The wolf tooth bracelet, it was still in my hand last night, why did it disappear after sleeping?" She muttered depressingly.

"This king is here." Suddenly at this moment, Jun Yu's deep voice came from behind Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin turned her head, only to see Uncle Jiuhuang in a dark robe appearing behind her at some point, with a mace bracelet in his palm.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why is it in your hand?" The little girl stretched out her hand to get it and asked curiously.

"Yes, why is it in your hands!" Yun Mo looked at Jun Yu angrily.

"This king didn't like it last night, so he tore it off." Jun Yu raised his eyes indifferently, and said quietly.

The corner of Shen Chuannan's mouth twitched, who was following behind, A Yu was honest.

"You..." Yun Mo opened his mouth angrily, but he didn't know how to refute for a while.

The moment he hesitated, Yuan Deyin had already put the wolf tooth bracelet back into his hand.

"Okay, you are safe from the battlefield. This bracelet can be returned to its original owner." Yuan Deyin said in a relaxed tone.

"Yes, but I want you to wear it all the time." Yun Mo was a little anxious.

"Wuxi, Prince Yunmo is homesick." Jun Yu said in a cold voice at this time.

Wu Xi understood in an instant, and he responded: "This subordinate understands."

He took a few people and quickly put Yun Mo on the carriage.

Yunmo: "..."

Jun Yu, you treacherous villain!

Up to now, there is still something that Yun Mo doesn't understand.

Jun Yu must have done it on purpose, and he didn't want him to have too much involvement with Xiao BuDian.

Gritting his teeth, Yun Mo finally put away the bracelet.

He poked his head out of the carriage.

"Little boy, this king's return to the Western Regions is to rectify the thieves. When the king handles the affairs of the Western Regions, I will definitely return to the capital to find you."

The carriage traveled far away, and Yun Mo's voice could still be heard.

Jun Yu's face turned dark.

Shen Chuannan glanced at Jun Yu's dark face, and he laughed silently.

Fortunately, Wuxi moved fast enough to send people so far now.

If not, let Prince Yunmo say a few more words, he has reason to believe that A Yu will order someone to lie in ambush on the road and assassinate Prince Yunmo.

Seeing the direction Yunmo left, Yuan Deyin looked a little disappointed.

Although she sometimes disliked Yunmo, he still helped her when she suffered from witchcraft.

He also helped a lot during the battle between the Western Regions and Haicheng.

He is actually a reliable friend.

"Reluctance?" Jun Yu was standing beside Yuan Deyin, he asked quietly.

"Well, Prince Yunmo is Deyin's friend. If he leaves, Deyin will definitely be reluctant." Yuan Deyin replied frankly.

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but ask back: "Uncle Nine Emperors, don't you feel reluctant? Shouldn't you be reluctant to leave your friend?"

"This king has no friends." Jun Yu left these six words in a cold voice, then turned and left.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

Shen Chuannan: "???" Then what am I!
"Master Shen, is Uncle Nine Emperors angry?" Yuan Deyin asked Shen Chuannan with annoyed expression while holding his hair.

Shen Chuannan sighed silently, and said softly, "Your Uncle Jiuhuang is not angry, he is just losing his temper."

There was helplessness on his face, but he was already laughing wildly in his heart.

Hahahahaha, Benxiang finally saw A Yu lose his temper today, hahahaha, he died laughing.

This 16-year-old brat was usually extremely lonely and calm, but now he finally looks like a kid.

(End of this chapter)

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