The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 194 The old friend of Shen Chuannan is here

Chapter 194 The old friend of Shen Chuannan is here
"My lord, the new magistrate has arrived." Wu Zing walked in quickly and said.

Not long after Yun Mo left, another group of newcomers arrived.

After knowing that there was something wrong with Hao Jing, Jun Yu sent a letter to Jun Zhouhan, asking him to appoint the new prefect of Haicheng.

Hearing Wu Ting's words, before Jun Yu could respond, Shen Chuannan quickly put down the teacup, frowning, as if he wanted to escape from here.

Yuan Deyin was eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the opposite chair, and when he looked up, he could see Shen Chuannan fidgeting.

She couldn't help but asked Yu Shengxiao in a low voice: "Master, who is the magistrate? Why does Master Shen look so anxious?"

"Now that there is a shortage of people in the court, it is almost impossible to transfer someone from the capital to take up the post. So your brother emperor decided to select talented people from the southwest and northwest, and let him be the magistrate of Haicheng... ..."

"So, who is it?" Yuan Deyin's curiosity was aroused, and she asked anxiously.

"The person who was transferred this time is called Shen Zhi." Yu Shengxiao continued to explain.

"Shen Zhi is also surnamed Shen." Yuan Deyin said with his head tilted.

Thinking of something, she hurriedly continued to ask: "This person must be a relative of Mr. Shen."

"That's right, Shen Zhi is the adopted son of the King of the Southwest County. Although he is not his own, the King of the Southwest County thinks highly of him. He is in the Southwest area, and his status is no worse than that of his son. After all, he is Shen Chuannan's cousin. And he himself, He is also a man of both civil and military skills, let him act as the prefect of Haicheng temporarily, and he will definitely be able to clean up this mess as soon as possible..."

Yu Shengxiao is such a picky person, when he mentioned Shen Zhi, he couldn't help but praise him a lot.

It can be seen from this that Shen Zhi is indeed an excellent person.

"Since it's a cousin relationship, shouldn't Mr. Shen be happy? Why is he so worried?" Yuan Deyin's eyes became more curious.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yu Shengxiao actually laughed "hehe" a few times.

He raised his eyebrows, and then said gossipingly: "Shen Huhu is not afraid of his cousin, he is afraid of seeing Tao Lin. As a teacher, I heard that the person who escorted Shen Zhilai this time, But Tao Lin."

"Tao Lin? It sounds like a woman." Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, and her interest in gossip was also aroused.

Jun Yu glanced over, and could see two gossiping people walking together, chatting about Tao Lin with sparkling eyes.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

He shouldn't let Yin'er recognize Yusheng Xiao as his master, it seems that Yin'er has been spoiled.

"Master, master, tell me, what is the relationship between Tao Lin and Master Shen." Yuan Deyin begged in a low voice.

"Cough cough cough, alright alright, seeing how curious you are, let me tell you as a teacher. Tao Lin is the daughter-in-law of the Tao family in Southwest China. She has a good relationship with the Southwest County King, so Tao Lin was brought up by the Southwest Princess when she was a child..."

"and then?"

"Then, because of some incidents in the Shen family back then, Shen Chuannan didn't actually grow up in Shen's family in the capital. He stayed in the southwest for a few years, and he was brought up by the princess of the southwest. So, he and Tao Lin are actually childhood sweethearts. .”

"Oh~~~" Yuan Deyin opened his mouth exaggeratedly, as if he had heard a shocking secret.

"Then, what happened next? Does Mr. Shen like sister Tao Lin?"

Yuan Deyin grabbed Yu Shengxiao's arm and shook it, as if he wanted him to shake out all the gossip.

"Ahem, cough, well, how does a teacher know about his childhood sweetheart? All I know is that after returning to the capital, every time we mentioned Southwest Tao's house, Shen Huhu would show embarrassment. So, I Guess, something terrible must have happened between them..."

Yuan Deyin: "..." Master, you might as well not say what you said!

"You're so young, why are you so gossip?" Suddenly, Jun Yu tapped Yuan Deyin's head directly from behind.

Yuan Deyin covered his head, and said aggrievedly: "Deyin just, just wants to know more about Mr. Shen."

"Want to know about Shen Chuannan and the Tao family?" Jun Yu asked a little girl who was wronged condescendingly, raising his eyebrows.

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's strategizing, the little girl quickly nodded: "Yeah, Deyin wants to know, Uncle Jiuhuang, do you know everything?"

While talking, Yuan Deyin still grabbed Jun Yu's arm, and whispered coquettishly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, just tell Deyin."

"The king, I didn't tell you." Jun Yu snorted softly, then took his hand away from her little hand and walked out quickly.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

"Hahaha, I am dying of laughter." Yu Shengxiao couldn't help laughing out loud seeing Yuan Deyin's embarrassing scene.

Yuan Deyin looked at Yushengxiao helplessly with a mournful face.

The master laughed at the apprentice, and only her master could do it.

Yuan Deyin didn't want to pay attention to this unreliable master anymore, she held up her skirt and ran over quickly.

Seeing them all go out, Shen Chuannan sighed silently, stood up, and walked out slowly.

When Jun Yu just left the gate, Shen Zhi just got off his horse.

He quickly saluted Jun Yu: "I, Chen Zhi, see the Regent."

"You don't need to be too polite." Jun Yu nodded lightly.

"This, is Princess Deyin?" Shen Zhi's eyes quickly fell on the little girl who jumped out behind Jun Yu.

When the other party called out her name, Yuan Deyin raised her head quickly.

As a result, he saw a man in a green shirt, smiling at him.

The Shen family... are all beauties after all.

Although Shen Zhi was not born in the Shen family, his delicate features still caught people's attention.

Especially the warm and jade-like aura on his body, it doesn't look like a person with high martial arts skills at all, but like a gentle scholar.

This temperament is exactly the same as that of Shen Chuannan.

"Well, Deyin is, you are Lord Shen Zhi." Yuan Deyin nodded obediently.

"It's the minister. The minister sees Princess Deyin." Shen Zhi smiled and saluted Yuan Deyin again.

"You don't need to be too polite." Yuan Deyin quickly supported him with his hands.

At this moment, the curtain of the carriage was lifted.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman slowly stepped out of the carriage.

Her eyes were watery, but a little cold, her cheeks were not made up, but they were beautiful, her fingers were flamboyant, and her skin was as creamy as fat.

She was wearing a light blue long dress with a white brocade belt pinned around her waist. As she walked, her eyebrows were like a blooming cold and lonely flower.

Yuan Deyin was so dumbfounded that he didn't even blink his eyes.

With Jun Yu beside her, he could see her gaffe at a glance.

His temples popped.

Why can't she hide her saliva every time she meets someone who looks a little better.

Who did she learn from her interest?

Although his heart was agitated, Jun Yu's face was still calm. He raised his hand, pulled her to his side, and said in a low voice, "Wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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