Chapter 195 The king likes to beat you

"Ah?" Yuan Deyin came back to his senses.

She quickly wiped the corners of her mouth and smiled silly at Tao Lin.

"Lord Nine, Princess Deyin." Looking at the two people in front of her, Tao Lin naturally guessed Yuan Deyin's identity. She smiled slightly and saluted them.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Yuan Deyin continued to smirk.

Jun Yu: "..." Hold on, this king raised me, no matter how much you despise him, you can't throw them away.

"Princess, it's not the same as the rumors." Seeing Yuan Deyin's appearance, Tao Lin's cold face showed a sincere smile.

"What's the difference?" Yuan Deyin became interested in this question.

"When I came all the way, I heard that the people in the northwest praised how clever the princess was to expose the enemy's conspiracy. The maid guessed that the princess should be a little girl of ghost horse spirit, but now I see it, she is a cute little girl " Tao Lin said with a smile.

Yuan Deyin was praised for being cute, and she happily spread out her small white teeth, with dimples looming.

She took the initiative to run to Tao Lin's side and whispered: "My master said that sister Lin is a superb martial artist. Deyin thought that my sister should be riding a horse and appearing heroically. But I didn't expect that my sister actually appeared in the form of a fairy. Appeared."

Yuan Deyin's words made Tao Lin cover her mouth and chuckle.

This little princess has a sweet mouth.

Shen Zhi also choked back his laughter.

He really didn't expect that the lonely and cold-tempered Ninth Prince would raise such a sweet-talking little girl.

No wonder when my cousin wrote a letter from Beijing, he said that the current regent is different from the past.

With such a small princess, the Prince Regent's Mansion will naturally change.

What my cousin said was true.

"Ahem..." At this time, Shen Chuannan, who came out of the mansion, found that he had been ignored for a long time, and he couldn't help coughing a few times.

"Cousin, you can be regarded as showing up." Shen Zhi walked over quickly, and took the initiative to embrace Shen Chuannan's shoulders.

It can be seen that their relationship is very good.

And Tao Lin's smile gradually froze when Shen Chuannan appeared, and finally the smile disappeared, leaving only a cold face.

Yuan Deyin happened to notice the change in Tao Lin's expression.

She pouted, and couldn't help muttering in her heart: Master Shen and Sister Lin must have a secret.

"Come in and chat, what are you doing standing at the door?" Yusheng Xiao slid out with a jade bone fan, and he spoke in the tone of a master.

to the inside.

Jun Yu sat on the main seat, and Yuan Deyin, Yusheng Xiao and Shen Chuannan sat on his left.

On the right are Shen Zhi and Tao Lin.

Jun Yu and Shen Zhi were chatting about taking office.

When Tao Lin raised her eyes, she could see Shen Chuannan on the opposite side.

She turned her face away with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Yuan Deyin watched from the side, feeling anxious.

She said silently in her heart: Master Shen, that is a great beauty, why don't you take the initiative.

At this time, Yu Shengxiao ate a grape, and then Youyou said in her ear: "Xiao Deyin, do you know what you look like?"

"Like what?" Yuan Deyin was used to her master's sudden conversation, she asked back.

"Like a eunuch. The emperor is not in a hurry." Yu Shengxiao said seriously.

Yuan Deyin: "..." Hold on, the master was chosen by myself, I can't dislike it, I can't dislike it.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin turned her head away. She didn't plan to pay attention to her unreliable master.

"Okay, I've finished talking about the things I need to pay attention to, and I'll leave the rest to you, Shen Zhi. Tonight, I'm leaving for Beijing." Jun Yu said softly.

The capital is not too peaceful, and when the new emperor ascends the throne, naturally some villains are ready to move.

Also, the matter of Mei Chengyun is still waiting for him to go back and report to the emperor, so they absolutely cannot stay in Haicheng any longer.

"Let's go tonight, so fast." Shen Zhi frowned.

However, he also knew the current situation in the capital, so he naturally understood Jun Yu's eagerness to return to the capital.

He nodded and said solemnly: "Shen Zhi understands, Ninth Prince, don't worry, Shen Zhi will guard Haicheng well before the capital is the new magistrate. However, Shen Zhi has one more request..."

"You said."

"Lin'er came to Haicheng this time, not just to escort Shen Zhi, but she has other things to do." Shen Zhi continued.

Tao Lin quickly took Shen Zhi's words, and she said respectfully: "Lord Nine, my daughter was ordered by my father to go to the capital to arrest the traitors. Last month, a general of the Southwest Guizhou Army led by my father defected. It is reported that he has gone to the capital. If this traitor is not caught, the court lady is afraid of endangering the safety of the capital, so she must personally go and catch him back."

Hearing Tao Lin's words, Jun Yu's eyes gradually darkened.

The king of Southwest County has a good command of soldiers, and there are very few traitors.

This time it was a general who defected.

This matter can be big or small.

"General Tao has already reported this matter to the emperor, and the emperor also sent a letter to mention it to the king. Miss Tao is familiar with the general, and it will be more convenient for you to arrest him. Just follow." Jun Yu nodded. .

"Thank you Ninth Prince." Tao Lin thanked immediately.

Shen Chuannan was listening to their conversation. His expression was a little complicated, but he didn't say anything in the end.

When Uncle Jiuhuang asked them to retreat to pack their things, Yuan Deyin bounced to Yu Chenxiao's side.

She whispered: "Master, I can see that Master Shen and Sister Lin must have had emotional entanglements at one time."

"This, as a teacher, you don't need to look at it, okay? Two childhood sweethearts, suddenly old and dead, have no contact with each other. Isn't it love and hatred?"

Yu Shengxiao rolled his eyes at Yuan Deyin, and he said with a very experienced look.

"It makes sense. But I still feel very strange about one thing. Although Master Shen and Sister Lin seem to be a good match, I think Master Shen is also a talented person. Why doesn't Sister Lin consider him?"

Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

But Yusheng and Xiao didn't answer her, suddenly a big hand came around from behind her and flicked her head.

Yuan Deyin covered her head and turned her head away, only to see Uncle Jiuhuang coming behind her again at some point.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why are you playing Deyin's head again?" Yuan Deyin asked aggrievedly.

"Let you guess wildly!" Jun Yu gave her a cold look.

"Shen Zhihe has his own wife, and the two of them are very affectionate. Do you still want to mess up the relationship?"

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin was shocked.

Oh, why didn't she think of it.

Master Shen Zhi looks to be 24 or [-] years old. At his age, he should have married a wife and had children long ago.

"Well, it's all because Master Shen, Master, and Uncle Jiuhuang didn't get married at all ages, which made Deyin think that you men don't need to get married anymore." Yuan Deyin complained, and she even blamed her mistake Blame it on the three of Jun Yu.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

Why was this genius doctor injured while lying down?

So what happened to this genius doctor who was 21 and unmarried at the age of two?
Have you eaten your rice?
A certain miraculous doctor said that he was very manic!
"My king hasn't reached his twenties, and he hasn't reached the crown yet. Why do you want to get married?" Jun Yu blushed and punched a little girl on the head again.

Yuan Deyin covered her head with her hands, almost crying.

"Oh," Yuan Deyin took a breath, nodded aggrievedly, and said cautiously, "although, although it has been said since ancient times that men get married when they reach the crown, isn't the royal family married at the age of 16... "

"That's another royal family." Jun Yu said coldly.

"But, even if Deyin is wrong, Uncle Nine Emperors can't beat people. Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you always like to beat Deyin on the head recently?"

The little girl plucked up her courage and protested aggrievedly.

"I like it. If you have any objections, you can beat me up."

Jun Yu leaned over, staring at her aggrieved face with black eyes, said in a deep voice.

"I, I..." The little girl pursed her lips, but finally she was discouraged.

She can't win!

(End of this chapter)

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