Chapter 196 Returning to Beijing
Jun Yu said nothing.

After he gave the order, all the hidden guards packed up

In the evening, they also began to leave the capital.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do we have to drive at night, it's dark, it's so unsafe." The little girl lay on the side of the carriage with her small face in her hands.

"The people of Haicheng have enshrined you in their hearts. Do you think that if you leave during the day, you will be able to leave the city smoothly?"

Jun Yu was reading a book, and when he heard her doubtful voice, he raised his eyes and answered quietly.

Yuan Deyin suddenly realized.

Yes, it makes sense.

However, Uncle Nine Emperor's "Conferred God" just now pleased her.

She covered her mouth and giggled.

Seeing her turn her head back, Jun Yu took out a medicine bottle from her body and quickly put a few pills into her mouth.

Tonight is the night of Yeyuan, he must increase the dose of medicine to restrain his evil poison.

After coming to Haicheng for so long, he relied on the medicine that Yu Shengxiao prepared for him to survive.

Yu Shengxiao said, with the poison flowing in his body.

Maybe one day, these medicines will be useless.

He also didn't know what would happen to him after the medicine didn't work.

Now, we can only take one step at a time.

Yuan Deyin turned her back to Jun Yu, and her happy little face collapsed in an instant.

She lowered her head and poked her fingers sadly.

Every time Uncle Jiuhuang took medicine, he took it secretly, for fear that she would be worried if she saw it.

But he seemed to have forgotten that she was born with a keen sense of smell.

Now under Master's guidance, she is more sensitive to the smell of medicine.

When he took out the medicine, she could smell it.

Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin will definitely think of a cure for the evil poison on your body.

A certain little girl promised earnestly in her heart.

At this moment, there was a feeling of tension in the other carriage behind them.

"Shen Fox, are you looking for death? Why do you want to come to this genius doctor's carriage again? Don't you have a carriage yourself?"

Yu Shengxiao gritted her teeth and questioned Shen Chuannan.

How comfortable it is for him to occupy a carriage by himself, but in the blink of an eye, a certain heavy fox crawls in, can he not be angry?

"The carriage is so big, I'll take up some space, you won't die." Shen Chuannan glanced at him in disgust, and then quickly sat down beside him.

"Isn't there a carriage behind? Why don't you take that carriage?" Yu Shengxiao asked angrily.

"There are only three carriages in total. If I don't share one with you, I will share one with Tao Lin or A Yu." Shen Chuannan closed his eyes and said slowly.

"That being said, I am the best candidate." Yu Shengxiao rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement.

But soon, after he realized it, he leaned over with a gossipy face, and asked curiously: "Shen Fox, you haven't told this genius doctor yet, what's going on with you and Tao Ling?"

But the only response to him was Shen Chuannan's shallow breathing.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

This kid actually fell asleep!

They rushed all the way without stopping, and finally, a few days later, the carriage arrived outside the capital.

When the carriage drove into the capital.

Jun Zhouhan wore a bright yellow dragon robe and came down from Long Yu. He stood in the middle of the road, followed by hundreds of officials. They were waiting for the hero, Jun Yu, to enter the capital.

When they got to the carriage with the logo of the Prince Regent's Mansion, everyone shouted: "Welcome the Prince Regent back to Beijing."

The people and ministers all knelt on the ground.

Only Daoming's yellow body stood in it.

Behind Jun Zhouhan, kneeling is Mei Chengyun.

Mei Chengyun was wearing a black gauze hat, his head was buried in the soil, and his palms were covered with cold sweat.

It's really strange, as the elder of the three dynasties, he won the trust of Jun Yu's father back then, so now, even if he is in a semi-retired state, not many people in the capital dare to despise him.

His daughter Mei Qingxue was in the harem, so no one would dare to underestimate her.

But because he had to recuperate from his illness in the early years, he had been in a semi-retired state. Unless there were important matters in the court, he would not participate.

Usually, he doesn't need to be present no matter who he is welcoming.

Today, why did the emperor ask him to follow by name.

Could it be that something happened in Haicheng?
Thinking of this, Mei Chengyun's heart was suspended.

Ever since Jun Yu said that he would lead the troops to Haicheng himself, Mei Chengyun's heart has been fluctuating.

Tan Bai said that he has a lot of trust in Tan Hong, after all, he has been cultivated with more than ten years of painstaking efforts.

She didn't disappoint him either. She had controlled Hao Jinglue all these years and shipped a large amount of money to their organization.

The new emperor is enthroned, this new emperor is different from Jun Zhouchen who is so ignorant, he has a keen mind.

Even if something is wrong, he may notice it.

Therefore, Mei Chengyun has minimized his correspondence with Haicheng these days.

The most recent letter came from Tan Hong three days ago.

Tan Hong said in the letter that Hao Jinglue was dead. This time, they lost, and the Haicheng base was basically destroyed.

Fortunately, Jun Yu doesn't seem to trust Shen Chuannan that much anymore.

Just come back and add a few more fires, and their trust will be completely broken.

Mei Chengyun was not too sad about losing the base in Haicheng.

As long as there is a gap between Jun Yu and the Shen family, it will be fine.

But for some reason, he began to feel uneasy.

Over there, Jun Yu got off the carriage.

A certain little girl was also trying to crawl out behind him.

But as soon as she poked her head out, Jun Yu pushed her back with her hands.

Hmph, Uncle Nine Emperors won't let her watch the fun again.

Yuan Deyin pursed her mouth, and climbed back into the carriage as if discouraged.

In the two carriages behind, Shen Chuannan, Yusheng Xiao and Tao Lin had already got off and saluted Jun Zhouhan.

When Jun Zhouhan saw Jun Yu's action, he chuckled silently.

Uncle Jiuhuang was worried that the thief hiding in the capital would target Xiaoyin, so he didn't let her come down.

I'm afraid Xiaoyin is still throwing a temper tantrum in the carriage.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, thank you for your hard work." Jun Zhouhan nodded to Jun Yu.

"It is the responsibility of the minister to share the worries of the king and solve the difficulties of the people." Jun Yu replied calmly.

"The Haicheng party is extremely dangerous this time, and I have already set up a reception banquet in the palace." Jun Zhouhan continued.

"Your Majesty, the reception banquet is skipped. As you know, I don't like noisy places. I have important matters to deal with when I return to Beijing this time. The difficulty that Haicheng encountered was not caused by the eldest prince of the Western Regions alone, but also because of Chi Yan. In Beijing, someone conspired with him..."

Jun Yu's indifferent voice was filled with inner strength and resounded all around.

When everyone heard this, their faces changed instantly.

The officials looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ninth Prince, what does this mean?
That is to say, among the courtiers, is there anyone collaborating with the enemy?
This is how to get rid of the An clan, why are there collaborators!

What exactly is going on?

The tense atmosphere made people panic, and the people were not at ease. They were afraid that this matter would affect their small days, which they managed to settle down today.

"You don't have to worry, as for who that person is, I already know it in my heart."

After Jun Yu said such a meaningful sentence, he quickly left with Jun Zhouhan, and hurried to the Prince Regent's Palace.

Jun Zhouhan looked at the direction Jun Yu was leaving, and then set his eyes on Baiguan Mountain where he was kneeling on the ground.

He put his hands behind his back, his eyes dim.

"Come here, take the adults back home."

After he said this, Ouchi guards who appeared out of nowhere supported them to leave.

They didn't even have the chance or the guts to refuse, so they could only let their weak legs be dragged away.

They now know that the emperor asked them to clean up the dust for the regent.

He was clearly... beating them.

Who the hell is it that he is collaborating with the enemy again!
Now the hearts of all the officials are all up and down.

I am afraid that I will suffer.

Mei Chengyun remained calm from beginning to end, as if he was an outsider.

But whether his heart is really as calm as he shows, only he himself knows.

When he returned to Mei Mansion, he quickly called his confidant.

"Quick, send a letter now..."

(End of this chapter)

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