The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 197 Officials enter the remonstrance, Deyin enters the palace

Chapter 197 Hundreds of officials enter the admonition, Deyin enters the palace

The gate of the Regent's Palace.

Steward Dong and Cang Ling have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin appearing, Steward Dong couldn't help but wipe away his old tears.

"My lord, princess, you guys are back."

"Dong Butler, we are all fine, don't be nervous." Yuan Deyin quickly comforted him.

"Okay, princess, the old slave has already ordered someone to cook your favorite dishes. Look at you, you are hungry and thin outside." Dong Butler said, sobbing.

Yusheng Xiao just walked to Yuan Deyin's side. He heard Dong Butler's words, and then looked at Yuan Deyin's chubby little face.

The corners of his mouth twitched. It seemed that he should check with Butler Dong some other day to see if he had any eye disease. If not, how could he be so blind.

When Yuan Deyin heard Dong Butler's words, she was actually a little embarrassed.

However, thinking of the temptation of delicious food, she instantly lost all worries.

She lifted her skirt and walked in quickly.

"Princess, you didn't even see the servants." The eyes of the girls in Cang Ling turned red.

Yuan Deyin paused for a moment, sticking out her tongue embarrassingly.

"Isn't the princess hungry? The princess saw you at the first sight just now. You have grown taller." Yuan Deyin quickly explained.

22 and the others were all amused when they saw how the princess was explaining in a panic.

"Princess, this servant will accompany you to the front hall for dinner, it won't be good if you starve out." Cang Ling said to Yuan Deyin holding back a smile.

A lively little girl who acted as a pistachio was gone, and the atmosphere at the door suddenly became a little weird.

"This is Miss Tao." Steward Dong spoke to Tao Lin kindly.

"Yes, you are Steward Dong." Tao Lin nodded to Steward Dong.

After the greeting, the atmosphere became awkward again.

"By the way, Miss Tao, I don't know if you have a place to live in Beijing? Or, you can live in the Prince Regent's Mansion." Yu Shengxiao said with a smile, fanning the jade bone fan.

"This..." Tao Lin looked embarrassed.

Although she was born in the southwest, she still knew that a certain Ninth Prince did not like women entering his mansion, Princess Deyin was the only exception.

But Jun Yu quickly said, "Butler Dong, go and arrange a room for Miss Tao. It would be nice if Yin'er had a companion."

Everyone's expressions froze.

They said how this master changed, so it turned out to be for a certain little princess.

"Shen Huli, actually, you can also invite other girls to live in your house." Yu Shengxiao nudged Shen Chuannan with her elbow, asking him to take the initiative to fight for it.

As a result, Shen Chuannan gave him an extremely disgusted look, and said coldly: "Boring."

After the words fell, he quickly mounted his horse and left the palace without saying a word.

"Hey, Fox Shen, you..." Yu Shengxiao was about to explode.

Shen fox, this damn fox!

This genius doctor is kind enough to help you, but he actually said that this genius doctor is boring.

It's really kind hearted.

Tao Lin looked at the direction in which Shen Chuannan was leaving, a bit of sadness flashed quickly in her eyes, but she soon regained her composure.


After eating, Yuan Deyin rolled around on the bed.

Still the capital is comfortable.

"Princess, you ate too much just now, drink some tea to digest the food." Lan Qiu watched her roll around on the bed with her chubby belly, feeling extremely worried.

Yuan Deyin stopped for a moment, she got up from the bed and took the cup of tea.

"By the way, the princess is not in the capital these days, what interesting things happened in the capital?" Yuan Deyin asked with curious eyes.

"Reporting to the Princess, Yuan Ying'er and the others are now huddled in a small mansion. Yuan Tong'er tried to sneak into the Ji Palace to steal money when it was still late at night a few days ago, but was beaten out by the guards of the Regent's Mansion. "Xuanying hurriedly complained.

"Stealing money? How dare you take advantage of the idea of ​​attacking the Ji Palace while the princess is away! However, the princess remembers that when the Han family was in power in the Ji Palace, didn't they steal a lot of money? Why are they so poor now? "

Yuan Deyin expressed his doubts.

"That's not because Mrs. Han wanted to swell her face to make herself fat. After they were kicked out, Mrs. Han first rented a big courtyard in order to prove that she was still a dignitary in the capital, and then held a banquet, inviting people from the capital to be guests. The time is beyond her means, and her family has been emptied..."

"I see." Yuan Deyin nodded clearly, which seemed to be Han's style.

"What about the Zheng family? They don't plan to help Yuan Ying'er?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Princess, Zheng Gui gave birth a few days ago, and the child was stillborn. The Zheng family and Zheng Lan originally wanted to rely on this child to turn around, but they never thought it would turn out like this. The Zheng family is too busy to take care of themselves now, so there is no time to worry about it. Yuan Yinger and the others?"


Because she has read more medical books, Yuan Deyin is now more sensitive to these issues.

"What is the reason for the stillbirth?" Yuan Deyin asked with a frown.

"What the former empress did, the emperor has already found out. The former empress clearly wanted Zheng Guiren for her own use, but she was originally a jealous person, how could she bear a man who was pregnant with a dragon child jumping around under her nose? , so she started drugging Zheng Guiren very early." Xuanying patiently explained.

It is so.

Yuan Deyin sighed silently, acting as a minion for the tiger will only end up being eaten by the tiger.

Zheng Lan had this fate, and she herself could not escape the blame.

"Okay, let's not talk about them. Is there anything happy?" Yuan Deyin waved his hand and continued to ask.

"Happy things?" Xuanying and Lan Qiu looked at each other, and they quickly covered their mouths and snickered.

Lan Qiu took a step closer and said in a low voice, "Princess, there is really something to be happy about."

"What's the matter?"

"Ministers in the court have recently advised the emperor to expand the harem." Lan Qiu whispered.

"Isn't this normal? The emperor's elder brother has reached the crown, and it's time to marry a concubine." Yuan Deyin nodded seriously, holding her small face.

"But, Princess, your name is among the candidates recommended for admission to the palace." Lan Qiu hesitated for a moment, but still said this.

"Pfft..." Yuan Deyin sprayed out the tea directly.

(End of this chapter)

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