The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 198 Deyin is the most suitable candidate for the queen

Chapter 198 Deyin is the most suitable candidate for the queen

"What are you talking about?" Yuan Deyin put down the teacup and looked at them in horror.

"Jun, princess, why did you react so strongly?" Lan Qiu and the others were startled by Yuan Deyin's reaction.

"Can the princess not react too much? Who is it that actually wrote the name of the princess on it!"

Yuan Deyin bared his teeth and claws, looking like he was about to explode.

"Princess, don't be in a hurry." Cang Ling walked in at this time, and quickly supported Yuan Deyin.

Cang Ling has always had a calm temperament, and she thinks more about this matter, even more far-sighted than Yuan Deyin.

She said patiently: "Princess, this is a good thing for you. Looking at this capital, you are the most suitable person for the emperor. First, you are distinguished, your father is the king of halberds, and you are deeply loved by the people; The second is that you have no real power, and there will be no situation where the An family is huge; the third is that your mother and the emperor's mother and concubine are close friends, and the emperor values ​​you..."

Discussing these things behind the scenes, if you are a little careless, you will lose your head.

But Cang Ling has a heartfelt heart for Yuan Deyin, so she risked her life to clarify the stakes with Yuan Deyin.

"Princess, you not only want to enter the palace, you also want to become a queen. Those ministers who have advised you have far-reaching views, especially when you came to Haicheng this time to help the Ninth Prince solve such a problem. Your reputation among the people is Is there any woman who can compare to you?" Cang Lingyu said earnestly.

If it weren't for the fact that the princess is still young, those ministers would have wished for the emperor to announce her as the empress overnight.

Lan Qiu and the three of them nodded in agreement when they heard Cang Ling's words.

Even these little maidservants can understand the truth, how can those old foxes above the court not understand?

The queen is not only the wife of the emperor, she is also the mother of Chi Yan.

Whether it is identity, talent, or the forces behind it, it should be considered in many ways.

Looking at the entire capital, no, it should be the entire world, I'm afraid there is no more suitable candidate than the princess.

More importantly, the princess is now raised by the Ninth Prince's side.

Who wouldn't notice the Ninth Prince's kindness to the princess?
If the princess can be made a queen, it is equivalent to getting the eternal support of the Ninth Prince.

The hearts of those ministers can be settled down.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This princess is only 11 years old." Yuan Deyin shook his head, very disapproving of their statement.

"Princess, age is not a problem. Didn't it be the same before that there were little queens who were under ten years old entering the palace? That was only a temporary empress, and you and the emperor will become real husband and wife after you are old enough." Cang Ling continued to persuade.

"However, this princess is the younger sister of the emperor's elder brother... His Nine Emperor Uncle is my princess Nine Emperor Uncle..." Yuan Deyin continued to shake his head.

"Princess, do I need a servant to remind you? Your father is a king with a different surname, and he has no blood relationship with the emperor. Besides, the Ninth Prince did not really adopt you. He just took care of you on his behalf. You are just like other juniors. I just call him Nine Emperor Uncle..." Lan Qiu explained anxiously.

Ji Xia followed suit and nodded, "That's right, princess, let alone you marrying the emperor, it's okay even if you marry the Ninth Prince. You are not related by blood, and it is not recorded in the genealogy that you have any fetters." ..."

"Ji Xia, what are you talking about?" Cang Ling turned her head and looked at Ji Xia seriously.

It was only at this time that Ji Xia realized that he was talking nonsense.

She stuck out her tongue and dared not speak any more.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's still resisting face, Cang Ling persuaded in a low voice: "Princess, although you are the princess of Jiwangfu, you have no real power. It is difficult for you to maintain this honor by yourself. Although The Ninth Prince is protecting you now, but in the future, will he marry a wife and have his own children? Will he still be able to protect you like he is now?"

Although he knew that saying these words was cruel to Yuan Deyin, Cang Ling still felt that it was necessary for her to understand her situation.

Yuan Deyin listened to Cang Ling's words, the hope in her eyes gradually dimmed, she buried her head in her knees, and whispered: "The princess knows, you all step back."

"Princess..." Ji Xia called out to her worriedly.

But Yuan Deyin was unmoved.

Cang Ling shook her head at Lan Qiu and the others, telling them not to disturb the princess anymore.

Give the Princess some time, she will figure it out herself.

When they reached the door, a little princess suddenly groaned from behind: "Where are Zuo Qi and Xiao Bai?"

"Master Zuo is still in the other courtyard outside the Jiwang Mansion, and Xiaobai is by his side. Princess, do you want to call him back?" Ji Xia asked tentatively in a low voice.

"No need, you all back down." Yuan Deyin said softly.

"Your servant obeys." Cang Ling withdrew her complicated eyes before exiting.


In the front hall, Wu Xi reported the situation to Jun Yu.

The forces behind Mei Chengyun have already been secretly kicked by them.

"My lord, thanks to the princess's imitation of handwriting, she pretended to be Tan Hong and wrote a letter to Mei Chengyun, so she could hide it from that husband." Wu Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Hearing Wu Xi mention a certain little girl, Jun Yu realized something was wrong at this moment.

At this time in the past, didn't she like to stick to him the most, why is there no one now.

"What's wrong with the Princess?" Jun Yu's black eyes fell on Wu Xi.

Wu Xi wiped off his cold sweat, and whispered, "My lord, I met Cang Ling half an hour ago, and she said that the princess didn't leave the room all day today."

"What happened?" Jun Yu's face darkened in an instant, he stood up quickly, and was about to find Yuan Deyin.

But at this time, the sound of a bell came from the door.

Soon, a little girl with two braids in a plain skirt ran in bouncingly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you going to do?" The little girl looked at Jun Yu with her bright eyes, her voice was sweet, as usual.

"Why haven't you come out of the room for so long?" Jun Yu stood in front of her, looking down at her.

"This trip to Haicheng is too tired, so I slept a little longer." Yuan Deyin turned her head obediently.

"Really?" Jun Yu's black eyes were a little more inquiring.

Yuan Deyin was a little nervous, but she still bite the bullet: "Of course it's true."

But Jun Yu didn't seem to want to be obsessed with this question, he quickly withdrew his gaze, and said in a low voice, "You stay at the Prince Regent's Mansion, I will come back after I go to the palace."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you doing in the palace?" Yuan Deyin's face changed when he heard this, and his tone was very anxious.

Realizing that her tone was not right, Jun Yu's eyes flashed a dark light.

He said in a deep voice: "Let Mei Chengyun jump for so long, it's time to close the net."

It turned out to be about Mei Chengyun.

Yuan Deyin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought that Uncle Nine Emperors was going to enter the palace to discuss with the emperor's brother about sending her to the palace.

In fact, she was also worried that Uncle Jiuhuang thought the same as everyone else and wanted to send her to the palace.

She is an orphan, maybe she is a burden to Nine Emperor Uncle.

Sensing the suppressed emotions on her body, the gloomy light in Jun Yu's eyes became deeper and deeper.

What happened to her?In the past, she was just heartless, how could she be so preoccupied like today?

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin pretended to be innocent and said, "Then Uncle Nine Emperors, can Deyin enter the palace with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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