The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 199 This king will only treat you well

Chapter 199 This king will only treat you well
"The palace is dangerous, don't allow it." Jun Yu refused without expression.

"But, but, Deyin is also involved in the investigation of Mei Chengyun. If the emperor's brother rewards him, what if Deyin's share is missed!"

Yuan Deyin retorted very anxiously.

The only thought in her mind was that if the emperor's elder brother said he would give her a reward, she would beg him not to listen to those ministers.

Something is wrong with her, very wrong...

This was the only thought in Jun Yu's mind.

Suppressing the weirdness in his heart, Jun Yu finally compromised, "You can follow. But, be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Yeah, Deyin promises." A certain little girl's complexion brightened instantly, and she even wanted to swear by holding up three fingers.

The moment he turned around, Jun Yu used his internal force to send a voice transmission to Wu Xi: "Check, what happened to her today."

When they left the house, Tao Lin quickly followed them out.

"Lord Nine, my daughter-in-law also wants to follow into the palace, and my daughter-in-law has to report to the emperor in person." Tao Lin said respectfully.

Jun Yu nodded, and asked Wu Xi to bring another carriage over.

"Deyin wants to be with Sister Lin." For the first time, Yuan Deyin voluntarily refused to ride in the same carriage as Jun Yu, and she quickly climbed into Tao Lin's carriage.

Tao Lin froze on the spot, she looked back at Jun Yu who couldn't see any emotion, nodded apologetically, and then followed into the carriage.

"Let's go." Jun Yu withdrew his eyes, and got into the carriage with a flick of his sleeves as if nothing had happened.

In the carriage, Yuan Deyin raised her hairy head from time to time to peek at Tao Lin.

"Princess, if you have any questions, you can just ask the courtiers directly, and you don't have to keep peeking."

Tao Lin was originally closing her eyes to rest her mind, but Yuan Deyin's eyes were indeed too "presumptuous", so she had to open them.

Hearing Tao Lin's words, Yuan Deyin stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Sister Lin, don't be so polite to me, just call me Deyin." Yuan Deyin said coquettishly.

"Okay." Tao Lin didn't care about these details, so she nodded quickly.

"Sister Lin, you..." Yuan Deyin hesitated, as if it was difficult to speak.

"You want to ask me about the matter between me and Shen Chuannan, right?" Tao Lin saw through Yuan Deyin's careful thinking at a glance.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Yuan Deyin nodded frantically.

She couldn't hide the admiration for Tao Lin in her eyes.

Sister Lin is so powerful, no matter how many times you look at her, you can tell what she is thinking.

"Do you know Shen Chuannan's life experience?" Tao Lin didn't answer directly, but asked Yuan Deyin a question instead.

Yuan Deyin shook her head, she was not quite clear.

"Shen Chuannan's father was Shenzhou, the prime minister, but his mother was a singer. The Shen family is a century-old family. It was the family that fought with the founding emperor back then. Shenzhou was the most valued by the Shen family back then. If there are no accidents, he will be the future patriarch. The Shen family, how can a singer become his first wife..."

"Then what happened afterwards?" Yuan Deyin swallowed, his heart hanging.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shen would have such a past.

"Shenzhou naturally disobeyed the family. For this reason, he was almost kicked out of the Shen family. Originally, he was the one who should be knighted as the Southwest King, but because of his decision, he lost his title. His prime minister position, It's not relying on the Shen family, but relying on his efforts step by step from the position of champion..."

Speaking of the past, as an outsider, Tao Lin spoke with embarrassment.

"But..." Yuan Deyin hesitated.

"You want to say, do these things have anything to do with my relationship with Shen Chuannan?" Tao Lin once again saw through Yuan Deyin's doubts.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded.

"If Shen Chuannan's mother was just an ordinary singer, things wouldn't be so bad. Her biggest problem is that she is still a descendant of the remnants of the previous dynasty."

"Qianchao, could it be that she is from Chen Chao?" Yuan Deyin covered her mouth in shock.

In fact, Chi Yan has always been ruled by the Jun family.

But in the previous dynasties, because of the emperor's inaction at that time, the Chen family took the world away.In the end, after going round and round, the world returned to the hands of the Jun family.

It's just that the Chen family has become a remnant.

However, didn't it mean that during the turmoil, all the members of the Chen family died?
Just looking at Yuan Deyin, Tao Lin once again guessed her doubts.

"Everyone thought that the Chen family was all dead, but they never thought that the infant daughter of the prince was rescued by her nanny and raised as a singer, and that singer gave birth to a daughter Daughter, that daughter is Shen Chuannan's mother, Chen Jie. Even after so many years, the Chen family still did not give up, they tried to overthrow the Jun family..."

"Master Shen's mother, did she get close to the Shen family on purpose?" Yuan Deyin suddenly had an idea in her heart, she asked in a low voice.

"That's right, Chen Jie did use the Shen family as a pawn. Back then, she used the soldier talisman she stole from Shenzhou to lead the rest of the Chen family to rebel in the southwest. My grandfather, uncle, and Tao family have nearly a dozen members. , all died in that rebellion. Chen Jie is dead, and the turmoil is over, but our Tao family's blood feud will never be erased."

At the end, Tao Lin's eyes were red.

"My father, my Tao family, can forgive everyone in the Shen family, but I can't forgive Shen Zhou and Shen Chuannan." Tao Lin shook her head bitterly.

After the turmoil that year, the Shen family took great pains to keep Shenzhou and Shen Chuannan.

However, for their Tao family, this is a threshold that they will never be able to cross.

Even if they all knew, Shen Zhou and Shen Chuannan were also victims.

It turns out that there is also this origin.

Yuan Deyin suddenly realized that the reason why Mei Chengyun wanted to use Hao Jinglue's "collaboration with the enemy" to provoke the relationship between the Shen family and the Jun family must be thinking of that incident back then.

He wanted to reproduce the events of the year and completely destroy the Jun family's trust in the Shen family.

Yuan Deyin originally wanted to persuade Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan to reconcile.

But after listening to Shen Lin's words, she suddenly couldn't say anything, because she had no position to persuade.

My heart is still extremely sad.

"Deyin, I've told all about myself, so can you tell me why you're unhappy now?" Tao Lin looked at Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Hearing Tao Lin's words, Yuan Deyin held her face in a discouraged manner, and she whispered, "Sister Tao Lin, you said that if Uncle Nine Emperors will marry the princess in the future, will Deyin become an outsider?"

Tao Lin froze for a moment, she really didn't expect Yuan Deyin to be depressed because of this matter.

"I don't think so. Ninth Prince is a very responsible person. Since he promised to take care of you, he will never treat you as an outsider..." Tao Ling explained earnestly.

The world's rumors about the regent have been demonized, but Tao Lin still believes what she saw.

Is it really like this?

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and before she could think about it, the coachman's voice came from outside: "Princess, Miss Tao, you have arrived in front of the imperial study."

Under normal circumstances, carriages are absolutely not allowed to enter the palace.

But their carriage has the mark of the Regent's House on it, so it's another matter.

Yuan Deyin quickly jumped out of the carriage, only to see a tall and slender figure standing not far away.

Jun Yu looked at her calmly with dark eyes.

Being looked at by Uncle Jiuhuang like this, Yuan Deyin was inexplicably a little timid.

She walked up to him cautiously, and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Nine Emperors, are you waiting for Deyin on purpose?"

"Well," Jun Yu replied quietly, "The palace is too big, if I have something to do later, remember to follow Tao Lin closely."

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded obediently.

Seeing her nodding, Jun Yu turned around and walked forward.

But as if he suddenly remembered something, he paused, turned his back to Yuan Deyin, and said in a deep voice: "This king has no plans to get married."

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin was confused, unable to react.

"So, this king, I will only treat you well."

(End of this chapter)

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