Chapter 200 I Can't Trust This King

"This king is only good to you."

This sentence kept ringing in Yuan Deyin's ears, until Jun Yu's figure disappeared at the end, Yuan Deyin didn't react.

"Cough cough cough..." Tao Lin felt that her existence seemed very abrupt.

But if she didn't do something, it would be more abrupt, so she could only bite the bullet and cough a few times, reminding Yuan Deyin.

Hearing the voice, Yuan Deyin came back to his senses.

She quickly ran to Tao Lin's side, and asked in a puzzled tone, "Why did Uncle Nine Emperors say he won't get married?"

"This..." Tao Lin probably guessed that it was due to the evil poison on his body.

No, maybe not just for this reason.

In other words, no one can get into his eyes.He only wanted to treat Deyin well, no matter what his identity was.

Thinking of another reason, Tao Lin looked at the direction Jun Yu was leaving with a flash of shock in her eyes.

Did she know some secret?

"Sister Lin, why didn't you answer?" Yuan Deyin called out to her worriedly when she found that Tao Lin hadn't answered.

Tao Lin looked helpless.

How should she answer?
She can't say, your Ninth Emperor Uncle has something wrong with you?

Forget it, she still wants to go back to the southwest alive.

Just when Tao Lin was in a dilemma, a voice suddenly came from the front: "Princess."

She thought that if someone came, then she wouldn't have to continue this topic.

But when she turned her head to look at the visitor, her smile faded away.

The person who came... was actually Shen Chuannan.

Shen Chuannan also saw a woman standing side by side with Princess Deyin, so he came over to say hello, but he didn't expect that this person was actually Tao Lin.

His expression also hesitated for a moment.

But in the end, he walked over quickly.

Yuan Deyin knew that they would be embarrassed, so she took the initiative to ask: "Master Shen, what are you doing in the palace?"

"It's about Mei Chengyun." Shen Chuannan replied quickly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors also entered the palace for this matter, do you want to hurry over there?" Yuan Deyin added thoughtfully.

Shen Chuannan glanced at Tao Ling beside Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes.

Finally, he nodded gratefully to Yuan Deyin, "Okay, I'll go there now."

After Shen Chuannan left, it became quiet here.

"Uncle Nine Emperors must have his own reasons for not letting me go to face the saint. Sister Lin, why don't we take a stroll in the palace. The last time I came to the palace, I was forced to come here by Queen An. Enjoy it..."

Yuan Deyin was talking, still looking angry.

Tao Lin couldn't help laughing, and her curiosity was aroused. She asked softly, "Did An Wanwan make things difficult for you?"

"Really? Sister Lin, you must have been made things difficult by her too, right?" Yuan Deyin was shocked.

"Well, when I went to Beijing with the king of the Southwest County to attend the palace banquet, I met An Wanwan once. At that time, Jun Zhouchen wanted to win over the power of the Southwest Tao family, so he had the idea of ​​making me a concubine. An Wanwan Naturally, they dislike me everywhere and make things difficult for me." Tao Lin explained calmly.

"It's too much, Jun Zhouchen, it's like a toad wanting to eat swan meat!" Yuan Deyin's head was on fire when he heard it.

Tao Lin quickly pulled her arm.

"Deyin, although Jun Zhouchen is dead, no matter what he said, he was once the emperor. You are in the palace now, so be careful with your words." Tao Linyu said earnestly.

Hearing her words, Yuan Deyin quickly covered his mouth, blinking his dark eyes.

She nodded obediently, indicating that she would not talk nonsense in the palace anymore.

"Let's go and have a look elsewhere." Yuan Deyin took Tao Lin's hand and walked to the side.

At this time, in the imperial study room.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Mei Chengyun knelt on the ground with a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't know what he did wrong.

But only he himself knew that his palms were covered in cold sweat.

Why does Jun Yu know so many things?
"Teacher Mei, do you have something to confess to me?" Jun Zhouhan sat on the dragon chair, staring at Mei Chengyun with unpredictable eyes.

Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan sat on the chairs beside them.

Mei Chengyun raised his head and asked in a strange tone: "Your Majesty, what did you ask the old minister to confess? The old minister really doesn't understand what you mean."

"Don't understand what I mean?" Jun Zhouhan sneered.

He stood up, picked up a pile of letters, walked up to Mei Chengyun, and smashed the letters into his face heavily.

"Look at this, don't you still understand what I mean?" Jun Zhouhan said coldly.

Mei Chengyun took the letter.

He can recognize it at a glance.

Isn't this the letter between him and Tan Hong?
The earliest one was this morning.

Why is it in the hands of Jun Zhouhan?

Could it be...

Could it be that bitch Tan Hong turned traitor.

Mei Chengyun had the urge to kill.

Jun Zhouhan just glanced at Mei Chengyun, and instantly knew what he was thinking.

"Do you think it was Tan Hong who handed these letters to the king? Tan Hong committed suicide in prison when Uncle Nine Emperors returned to Beijing. The seamless plan you thought had already been exposed."

"Tan Hong died? Who was the one who reported the news to me?" Mei Chengyun didn't intend to pretend at this time.

Since Jun Zhouhan even knew that Tan Hong was his man, he had nothing to pretend.

However, he really couldn't figure out who was the one who reported the news to him every day.

"Who? Then you don't need to know. You just need to know that several of your bases have been destroyed by Uncle Nine Emperors. The plan you have planned for more than ten years has come to nothing."

Jun Zhouhan glanced at Jun Yu's direction, and the eyes that fell on Mei Chengyun were extremely indifferent.

"The base is completely destroyed?" Mei Chengyun's face changed drastically.

Jun Zhouhan's words fell on him like five thunderbolts.

"Impossible, I have been planning for so many years, how can you, a child who has just ascended the throne, destroy my hard work!" Mei Chengyun shook his head and shouted.

He never admitted that his hard work was ruined.

"Xiao Village in Tongzhou has 250 taels of gold and 5000 pieces of weapons; Mu Village in Jingzhou has [-] taels of official silver and [-] pieces of weapons; The voice speaks out every place.

If Mei Chengyun could pretend to be calm just now, then after Jun Yu mentioned those specific locations, he really can no longer pretend that nothing happened.

"How do you know? What have you done!" Mei Chengyun simply stopped kneeling. He stood up and asked Jun Yu with gritted teeth.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing. Do you still need me to tell you everything you have done?" Jun Yu stared at Mei Chengyun with indifferent eyes.

"Mei Chengyun, you are a grand master, what are you still dissatisfied with, what exactly do you want to do!" Jun Zhouhan asked coldly.

"What do I want to do? The emperor is the son of heaven, who can control the fate of the world. Your family has occupied the throne for so long, and it's time to give up the position." Mei Chengyun said resentfully.

"So, you have been planning for so many years, and you did not hesitate to use the lives of the people of Haicheng as a bargaining chip, just to seek power and usurp the throne?" Jun Zhouhan's face was full of anger.

"Since my plan has been seen through by you, I don't want to talk nonsense anymore. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you." Mei Chengyun withdrew his eyes, looking like he would rather die than surrender.

"Come here, take Mei Chengyun into the sky prison, and choose another day to ask for execution." Jun Zhouhan ordered in a cold voice.

Soon, Ouchi guards came in and wanted to drag Mei Chengyun away.

But suddenly, Mei Chengyun spat out blood.

The faces of the Ouchi guards all changed, and they anxiously said to Jun Zhouhan, "Your Majesty, he committed suicide."

Jun Zhouhan turned around, only to see bloodstains on the corner of Mei Chengyun's mouth, as if he had committed suicide by biting his tongue.

"Procrastinate." Jun Zhouhan restrained his hostility, and then ordered.

Shen Chuannan let out a breath from the side.

Unexpectedly, Mei Chengyun, an old man with a bit of backbone, committed suicide.

However, he committed such a heinous crime, if he did not die, he himself, including the entire Mei family, would not have a good end.

Now that he chooses to commit suicide, the rest of the Mei family may not be implicated.

"Uncle Nine Emperors..." Jun Zhouhan also thought that the subsequent mess would be difficult to deal with, so he wanted to ask Jun Yu what advice he had.

But Jun Yu stood up quickly at this time, he patted the folds on his body that didn't exist at all, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

Shen Chuannan saw Jun Yu leaving, and the emperor's eyes fell on him, his smile gradually froze.

He quickly smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the official documents you asked me to sort out this morning have not been sorted out, so I will go back and deal with them."

After speaking, he also hurriedly exited the imperial study room.

He quickly walked to Jun Yu's side and asked curiously, "A Yu, what are you doing so fast?"

"Yin'er is alone in the palace, she won't be used to it." Jun Yu didn't even look at Shen Chuannan, he hurried to find someone.

Sure enough, it was because of the little princess.

Shen Chuannan shook his head helplessly, he should have guessed the answer.

"That...Tao Lin is by her side, nothing will happen." After following Jun Yu again, after hesitating for a while, Shen Chuannan still said this.

"It's not that the king is by her side, and the king can't believe anyone." Jun Yu said coldly.

Shen Chuannan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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