Chapter 201 Asking Concubine Wei for Help
"Your Majesty, something has happened." Hu Po pushed open the door of the palace and ran in quickly, her face full of panic.

Mei Qingxue was still frowning and thinking about Xu Wang's matter, but when she saw Hu Po's reckless appearance, her face sank.

"Humber, why are you so reckless?" Mei Qingxue said in a bad tone.

"Your Majesty, something has happened. In the morning, the master sent someone to send a message, asking you to close the palace door tightly and not go out. Just now, the slaves heard that the master... committed suicide in the imperial study." Hu Po cried.

"What did you say? Father committed suicide? What did Jun Zhouhan do to father!" Mei Qingxue only started to panic at this time.

She quickly got up from the chair and wanted to go out.

"My lady wants to find the emperor herself, why did my father commit suicide?"

"Your Majesty, think twice." Hu Po hurriedly pulled Mei Qingxue back, not caring about her offense.

With tears in her eyes, she sobbed and said: "I heard from the father-in-law who works in the imperial study that there has been a lot of rumors in the past two days. It is not who is behind the scenes in Haicheng, but our master."

Hearing Hu Po's words, Mei Qingxue staggered a few times and almost fell.

Her face was pale, and she kept shaking her head, "Impossible, it is impossible for my father to rebel, no..."

Although these years, she has felt that her father has many secrets, but he will not rebel.

"Father, he clearly said that he wanted to help King Xu ascend the throne. Could it be that he lied to me and wanted to ascend the throne by himself? Are King Xu and I both his stepping stones?" Mei Qingxue shook her head and said in a daze .

Thinking of something, she anxiously asked Amber: "Are you talking nonsense?"

When Hu Po heard this questioning, her eyes turned red again, and she quickly shook her head: "Your Majesty, this servant dare not lie to you. When this servant came back from the Imperial Study Room, she had already seen the big inner guards leaving the palace. They I plan to go to Mei Mansion to raid the house."

"Your Majesty, there are many guards at the door, what's going on?" Qiangwei also hurried in at this time.

Qiangwei's words were the final blow to Mei Qingxue.

Her father, indeed, is a traitor, or a traitor who was found out by the emperor.

It seems that the emperor will not let the Mei family and her go easily this time.

"I knew, if my father was really sincere, why would he agree without hesitation when I first said that I would help King Xu seek power and usurp the throne..."

"And that time, how did he hide the truth and transport the gunpowder into the palace... A grand master, has such ability?"

"I was so stupid. I thought he pampered me like this and helped me do so many things because he loved my daughter. Now it seems that he even used me. He just wanted to ascend the throne for himself." ..."

When Mei Qingxue recalled the past, her head became clearer and her heart became more resentful.

Seeing their mother's face full of hatred, Amber asked worriedly: "My mother, are you okay?"

"Hurry up, go find Concubine Wei, she is the only one who can help me at this time." Mei Qingxue seemed to wake up suddenly, she held Hu Po's hand tightly and said anxiously.

Collaborating with the enemy is a major crime for Zhu Jiuzu. She doesn't want to die yet, and she can't die, because she hasn't survived until King Xu comes back.

She must survive. In the huge palace, only Concubine Wei can help her.

She has done so many things for Concubine Wei before, and Concubine Wei will never die.

Amber understood what she meant in an instant.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this servant will go find Concubine Wei right away."

Amber told Qiangwei to take good care of their mother, and then she left.


In Concubine Wei's palace.

Jun Chujing was playing with a cattail fan, while Concubine Wei was leaning on the pear flower wooden chair, and the maid behind her was beating her back, looking very uncomfortable.

"Concubine Mother, have you heard? The traitor in Haicheng is actually Mei Qingxue's father." Jun Chujing looked up at Concubine Wei and asked.

She looks a little gloating.

"Hmph, it's going to be spread all over the palace. Why doesn't the Ai family know? Really, why can't there be more rebels like Mei Chengyun? In this way, Jun Zhouhan can be overwhelmed, To let him know that the throne is not so easy to keep." Dowager Wei snorted coldly.

"That's right, Jun Zhouhan actually caught him out so easily this time. Forget it, who told Uncle Nine Emperors to be on his side..."

Jun Chujing's voice was filled with resentment and jealousy.

"It's just a pity. Mei Chengyun is Mei Qingxue's father. Mei Qingxue has always been on our side... It's such a pity that there is one less person who can pave the way for Xu'er."

Concubine Wei pressed her temples, looking very headache.

All she could think about was that she was missing a pawn to use, and she was just feeling uncomfortable inside.

At this time, a court lady walked in quickly, knelt down respectfully, and said, "Toffee, Hu Po, the court lady next to Mrs. Mei, begs to see you."

"Mei Qingxue's people are here? Concubine Mu, she is here to beg you to save Mei Qingxue, right? You can't save them. Jun Zhouhan is watching us right now. If anything goes wrong, we will Getting into trouble."

Jun Chujing anxiously reminded Concubine Wei.

Concubine Wei glanced at her leisurely, then said with a light smile, "Jing'er, your mother and concubine, I am not stupid, why would I put myself in danger for a chess piece that can already be discarded."

"Jing'er knows that mother and concubine are considerate. Now that the situation is so chaotic, we will see how Jun Zhouhan handles it. It's best not to handle everything well, so that brother Xu Wang can take advantage of the chaos and return to Beijing." Jun Chujing said loudly .

"Okay, let's let that Amber go back." Dowager Wei waved her hand, wanting someone to drive away the Amber at the door.

From her point of view, Mei Qingxue and the people around her are extremely unlucky right now.

"Your servant obeys the order." The big court lady lowered her eyebrows and was about to withdraw to carry out the order.

But just as she was about to walk out of the door, another order from Concubine Wei came from behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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