Chapter 202 Let Yuan Deyin Die

"Remember, let them keep their mouths shut. If Mei Qingxue dares to say anything about the Ai family and King Xu in front of the emperor, then the Ai family will definitely make her life worse than death for the rest of the Mei family."

This is a blatant threat.

The maid was also frightened, she nodded with a pale face: "Your servant obeys."

When Amber heard the maid's report, she wanted to beg a few times loudly.

After all, if Concubine Wei is unwilling to come forward, it will be a disaster for their empresses.

However, when the court lady told Concubine Wei's warning, Hu Po withdrew her plea as soon as it came to her lips.

Her eyes were watery, and she felt resentful.

The empress has devoted herself to the affairs of Concubine Wei and King Xu all these years, but in the end, what did she get?
However, no matter how resentful she was, she could only leave helplessly in the end.

Hearing that there was no movement in front of the palace gate, Concubine Wei snorted coldly: "Mei Qingxue is a smart person, and she won't stalk her to death."

"Mother and Concubine, do you think Uncle Nine Emperors was lucky? I heard that the situation in Haicheng was terrible at the time, and Uncle Nine Emperors fell off the cliff, but he didn't die, and even repelled the enemy. Check it out. Out of Mei Chengyun." Jun Chujing complained unhappily.

This Nine Emperor Uncle's life is so hard, with him protecting Jun Zhouhan, it will not be so easy for them to attack.

Hearing Jun Chujing mention Jun Yu, Concubine Wei's complexion became uneasy.

"Don't say that Junyu is lucky, even Yuan Deyin's fate is very hard. I heard that those troublesome people in Haicheng contracted a serious disease, but she found the antidote with Yu Shengxiao. Now the folks can give her It's so ridiculous, and it is said that there is a successor to Prince Ji's mansion... It's really funny."

Concubine Wei was disgusted.

None of these things really go well!

"Mother and concubine, if you don't tell me, Jing'er almost forgot. Jing'er heard that someone came to remonstrate and asked Jun Zhouhan to make Yuan Deyin the empress." Jun Chujing remembered this, and she hurriedly said it.

"Absolutely not!" Concubine Wei knocked down the teacup beside her heavily.

She sat up straight and looked at Jun Chujing with gloomy eyes: "Although Yuan Deyin is an orphan, she is now backed by the Prince Regent's House. Considering her reputation among the people, if she is allowed to be Jun Zhouhan My queen, that Xu'er, will hardly have a chance to turn around."

"Concubine Mu, Jing'er thinks the same way, why do these annoying ghosts get together! It's so annoying."

Jun Chujing stomped her feet, and she walked quickly to sit down beside her concubine mother.

"Mother and concubine, we must not let Yuan Deyin and Jun Zhouhan get married. Although she is still young, the title of empress cannot be reserved for her." Jun Chujing leaned against Concubine Wei's ear and said .

Concubine Wei nodded clearly, she thought so too.

"However, what should we do to prevent Yuan Deyin from marrying Jun Zhouhan?" Dowager Wei frowned.

"Mother and concubine, isn't this simple? Either let Yuan Deyin die, or let her choose another husband." Jun Chujing said firmly.

Hearing Jun Chujing's suggestion, Concubine Wei clapped her hands in relief.

"Jing'er, Aijia thinks your suggestion is feasible."


"Sister Lin, are we lost?" Yuan Deyin looked up at the sun above his head, his little face wrinkled.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Tao Lin's cold face showed a bit of embarrassment.

She even forgot that she was a road idiot, and she offered to lead Deyin the way.

"I'm sorry, it's been too long since I entered Beijing last time, and I even forgot my way." Tao Lin explained with embarrassment.

Yuan Deyin covered her mouth and chuckled.

It turns out that sister fairy can also get lost.

"Sister Lin, it's okay, Deyin should remember the way, let's go back the same way." Yuan Deyin said softly.

After speaking, she took Tao Lin's hand and returned the same way.

But at the corner, they accidentally ran into a woman in a hurry.

"Oops", Yuan Deyin almost fell down.

Fortunately, Tao Lin quickly supported her.

But the woman who bumped into them was not so lucky. She fell to the ground, and all the books in her hands fell to the ground.

After Mei Qingzhou fell, she didn't care about the pain, and quickly knelt down to apologize: "You two young masters, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the girls didn't do it on purpose."

little master?

Yuan Deyin and Tao Lin looked at each other.

The two of them are not wearing the clothes of the maids, but they are still wandering around in the palace. They really look like the emperor's women.

"Cough, cough, cough," Yuan Deyin coughed in embarrassment, and then said, "Get up, this princess is not a little master."

county lord?

Mei Qingzhou looked up in shock.

Looking into Shangyuan Deyin's clear eyes, she suddenly thought of the news that everyone in the palace said that the Prince Regent's Palace had brought Princess Deyin back to Beijing.

Therefore, she quickly guessed Yuan Deyin's identity.

She continued to kowtow: "Damn the girl, she disturbed the princess."

"Don't kneel, the princess is fine, you can get down." Yuan Deyin sighed and quickly got her up.

At this time, Mei Qingzhou slowly stood up from the ground.

It was only at this time that Yuan Deyin could fully see the appearance of the other party.

She is actually a beautiful sister, but her eyebrows are extremely docile, like water.

Although she keeps apologizing, Yuan Deyin can tell that her posture and tone are neither humble nor overbearing, and there is a bit of arrogance in her eyes that is not annoying.

Because I've seen too many beauties recently, Yuan Deyin finally had a good time this time, and she didn't have any troubles.

She saw that Mei Qingzhou was not wearing the clothes of a court lady, but a very simple dress, which looked like it had been washed many times, and it didn't look like any concubine.

So she said softly, "Who are you?"

Mei Qingzhou quickly replied: "Reporting to the princess, Minnv is the daughter of Mei Chengyun. Now that something happened to her father, Minnv is going to find her sister."

Mei Chengyun's daughter?
Sister, is Mei Qingxue?
Yuan Deyin and Tao Lin looked at each other.

It seems that there is movement in the imperial study.

"Go." Yuan Deyin nodded to Mei Qingzhou.

Although Mei Chengyun did something wrong, but for some reason, she always felt that Mei Qingzhou in front of her was not in the same league as his father.

(End of this chapter)

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