Chapter 203

"The daughter of the people thanked the princess." Mei Qingzhou blessed Yuan Deyin, and quickly picked up the books on the ground and left.

Looking at the back of Mei Qingzhou leaving, Yuan Deyin whispered.

"It's really strange. She is the daughter of Mei Chengyun. Although Mei Chengyun is guilty now, but his official position has not been deprived, he can be regarded as a grand master. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't she call herself a minister's daughter? Why is she a civilian girl? ?" Yuan Deyin tilted his head, puzzled.

Tao Lin heard her words from the side, and she shook her head.

"Maybe, she didn't consider herself to be from the Mei family from the beginning to the end?"

"Why?" Yuan Deyin's curiosity was once again aroused by Tao Lin.

"Although I didn't grow up in the middle of the capital, I came to the capital to attend the banquet and know a thing or two about the situation of each family. I heard that the other concubines of the Mei family are not in a good situation because the direct descendants are jealous." Tao Lin didn't hide anything, she just told what she knew.

It turned out to be like this, Yuan Deyin sighed silently.

It is true that the sons and daughters of the aristocratic family have always been difficult to tolerate the existence of the sons and daughters.

However, since Mei Qingxue hated Mei Qingzhou so much, why did she let her appear in Beijing?

Yuan Deyin looked at the direction of Mei Qingzhou's departure, and had doubts again.

At this moment, there was a scream from the direction Mei Qingzhou left.


problem occurs?
Yuan Deyin and Tao Lin looked at each other, and they ran in that direction without saying a word.

Going around a palace, they saw Mei Qingxue fall to the ground in a grassy courtyard half the height of a person, and the book fell to the ground again.

With a pale face, she held a branch and pointed at a bared-toothed tiger not far away.

The tiger is not tall, it looks like it is still in its infancy.

The body was also stained with blood, and it could be seen that he had suffered serious injuries.

Its pair of black beads are full of anger and vigilance, and it is staring at Mei Qingzhou, as if it is going to jump up and bite her neck off at any time.

"Deyin, be careful." Tao Lin's first reaction was to take out the dagger she was carrying, and then block Yuan Deyin behind her.

"Sister Lin, why is there a tiger in the palace?" Yuan Deyin nervously clutched Tao Lin's sleeve.

And over there...

After the tiger roared, he was about to pounce on Mei Qingzhou.

Mei Qingzhou shouted: "Don't come here."

Tao Lin's complexion also sank. Holding the dagger, she flew down in front of Mei Qingzhou.

She raised her hand and pushed the tiger back a few steps with the wind of her palm.

The tiger's paws rubbed against the stones on the ground, and it roared.

This sound alarmed the Ouchi guards patrolling nearby.

They come here quickly.

Seeing this situation, they all drew out their swords.

"Quick, the tiger that Xu Wang paid tribute to has run out, stop it quickly."

All the guards are on standby.

The presence of so many people obviously angered the tiger.

It roared at Tianchang a few more times, and then rushed towards the crowd with an angry face.

A sharp look flashed in Tao Lin's eyes, she kicked her right foot back, and directly passed another palm, pushing the tiger back a few steps.

Another team of patrolling guards came, all with sticks and forks in their hands.

Some of them crossed the tiger's neck, while others hit its legs with sticks.


The tiger roared in pain.

Seeing that a stick was about to hit its head.

Yuan Deyin shouted anxiously: "Wait a minute, don't hurt it."

When she fell, the stick couldn't stop at all.

It was Tao Lin who stopped it in time with her palm wind.

Yuan Deyin ran over there quickly, and ran directly to the tiger's side. She blocked the sticks with her body.

"Don't hit it, it hurts." She shook her head anxiously.

"The county lord."


"The princess is in danger."

All worried voices came from all directions, and everyone looked at Yuan Deyin worriedly.

This tiger is wild and ferocious, if it hurts Princess Deyin, it will be terrible.

While staring at the tiger vigilantly, they tried to pull Yuan Deyin away.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head at them seriously: "It won't hurt the princess, you don't have to worry."

In order to convince everyone, Yuan Deyin raised his right hand, stroked the tiger's head gently, and whispered in its ear: "Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you again. But you have to promise me, Don't show your teeth, or they'll get scared."

Because her back was facing them, almost no one could see that Yuan Deyin was talking to the tiger. They just thought she was smoothing the tiger's fur.

Many guards were anxious to death.

Is the princess too ignorant?

That's a tiger, if it gets aggressive, it's not impossible to eat her in a few mouthfuls.

A few father-in-laws who followed have already rushed to find the emperor and the regent.

But just when one of them was worried, the tiger who was baring his teeth in anger just now obediently closed his mouth.

Then he hit Yuan Deyin's arm with his big head a few times.

It also made a few "whoosh" sounds.

this way...

Why is it so like being coquettish.

Goosebumps crawled up everyone's arms.

They have lived for so many years, and this is the first time they have seen such a strange picture.

Is a big tiger acting like a baby with Princess Deyin?

"Deyin." Tao Lin was still very vigilant, she called Yuan Deyin worriedly.

But Yuan Deyin smiled and looked up at her and shook her head. She said, "Sister Lin, don't be nervous. It really won't hurt me. It just thought we were going to kill it, so it acted aggressively."

"What the princess said seems to be true. The girl wanted to take a short cut and pass by here just now, but she accidentally found it. It was licking its own wound. I was too scared, so I screamed a few times and used a branch Pointing at it, it should think that I have to deal with it to act like that..."

Mei Qingzhou stood up and explained at this time.

"Woohoo... Woohoo..." The tiger burrowed into Yuan Deyin's arms again, as if he agreed with Mei Qingzhou's statement.

Everyone: "???"

Is this a human, or a tiger?
Why does it look so human!

"Tell me, where did it come from?" Yuan Deyin raised his head and asked the guards while smoothing the tiger's fur.

The guard wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and quickly replied: "This is a tiger sent from King Xu's fief. It is said that it is a tribute to the emperor to watch, or it can be peeled off to make clothes..."

"Aww..." The tiger suddenly raised his head, looked fiercely at the guard, and opened his sharp teeth again.

The guard's face turned pale in an instant. Could this tiger understand what he said?

"Cough cough cough..." Yuan Deyin patted Tiger's back lightly and coughed a few times.

Miraculously, the tiger calmed down in an instant, and became extremely well-behaved, just like a kitten.

"Then what was it like when it was delivered? Did you mistreat it?" Yuan Deyin asked sharply.

"County, princess, you know clearly that this was sent by King Xu. You dare not abuse it even if you give the lowly officials ten courages. It's just that the tiger is ferocious by nature, and it is a bit difficult to tame it. I am worried that it will hurt people, so When guarding against it, the attack was a little heavier..."

At the end of the guard's speech, his voice gradually dropped.

Because he found that Yuan Deyin's face was getting uglier.

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth, feeling very bad.

It's no wonder that the tiger is also mad. Can't it resist when humans treat it like this?

Yuan Deyin rubbed the tiger's head distressedly, then turned his back to the guards and said, "Go and tell the emperor's brother that the princess has taken in this tiger."

"Princess, think twice!" The faces of the guards changed drastically.

The princess carried a tiger back, not to mention that the emperor wanted to chop off their heads, even the regent would not let them go.

"Deyin, this is very dangerous." Tan Lin softly persuaded Yuan Deyin.

She also thought that Yuan Deyin was acting on a whim and didn't know the danger of tigers.

At this moment, a eunuch's voice sounded: "The emperor is here."

The emperor is here?

When everyone saw a bright yellow tall figure appear, behind him were the regent and the prime minister in the official uniform of the regent.

Their faces turned pale, and they quickly knelt down: "See the emperor, see the regent."

Among the people present, only Yuan Deyin and a certain tiger remained motionless.

When Jun Zhouhan saw Yuan Deyin holding a tiger in his arms, panic appeared on his gentle face.

"Xiaoyin, let go of the tiger quickly."

"Your Majesty, don't be nervous, that tiger won't hurt Yin'er." Before a certain little girl could explain, Jun Yu had already opened his mouth.

When Jun Zhouhan looked sideways, he saw Uncle Nine Emperors and the Prime Minister with indifferent faces, as if they were not surprised by this scene at all.

"Yeah, Brother Emperor, Uncle Nine Emperors are right, this tiger is very obedient and obedient, so it won't hurt Deyin." Yuan Deyin replied seriously.

When everyone heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Very obedient and obedient?
Is the tiger the princess mentioned really the same tiger they saw just now?
"Really?" Jun Zhouhan looked at the tiger uncertainly, half-believing.

"Really," Yuan Deyin wanted to swear with three fingers up, she begged in a low voice, "Brother Emperor, this tiger is injured, can Deyin take it back to heal its wounds? Also, it originally belonged in the forest , but it was suddenly caught and brought to this place, it must be very scared, and it was cured, Deyin wanted it to return to the forest..."

"Your Majesty, this is the tribute from King Xu's fiefdom." On the side, Gong Lida, the imperial father, whispered to Jun Zhouhan.

The tiger that Jun Zhouxu paid tribute to?

Jun Zhouhan's gentle eyes sank slightly, he was thinking about Jun Zhouxu's intentions.

When he raised his eyes, he saw a certain little girl begging him pitifully with her fingers clasped together.

Jun Zhouhan sighed silently in his heart, how could he have the heart to refuse her request.

"But this tiger, what if it hurts you?" He was still a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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