The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 204 Someone is watching them secretly

Chapter 204 Someone is watching them secretly

"Brother Emperor, don't worry, there is Nine Emperor Uncle here, he can protect Deyin, this tiger will never dare to be arrogant."

Yuan Deyin pulled up one of the tiger's paws, and each tiger made a serious promise.

Looking at her dragging him into the water, Jun Yu didn't show any impatience, but nodded lightly, "Your Majesty, I will guarantee that this tiger will not make trouble."

With Uncle Jiuhuang's guarantee, Jun Zhouhan is naturally at ease.

"Well, I'll give this tiger to Xiaoyin. But, Xiaoyin, your safety comes first, do you understand?" Jun Zhouhan urged in a serious tone.

"Deyin obeys." Yuan Deyin smiled obediently.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let's send it back for treatment." Yuan Deyin begged Jun Yu with narrowed eyes.

"It's a tiger, it has its own feet, and it will follow us."

Jun Yu glanced at the tiger with its head raised indifferently, and said in a deep voice.

"However, it was injured and really couldn't walk anymore. Look, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin didn't even respond to touching its paws." Yuan Deyin explained seriously.

And a certain tiger also "woo hooed" a few times very cooperatively, as if he was really in pain and couldn't move.

"Really?" Jun Yu's mouth curled up in an indifferent arc.

His black eyes stared at the tiger again, and then said quietly: "I have four claws, but they are all so useless, how about chopping them off?"

When he said this, the evil spirit all over his body floated to the tiger like this.

In an instant, the tiger's hairs stood on end.

As if it came alive all of a sudden, it spread its four paws, ran to Jun Yu's side quickly, and then swayed around him like a kitten, as if it wanted to please him.

Everyone couldn't help but twitch their mouths again.

It turns out that this tiger is still a bully.

They didn't think that the tiger could understand people's speech. At most, they thought that Jun Yu's murderous aura frightened it.

After all, the Ninth Prince was full of hostility just now, and they were not shivering with cold.

A spineless guy... Yuan Deyin gave a certain tiger a disgusted look, and then she also ran to Uncle Jiuhuang.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, can we go back to the palace now?"

"En." Jun Yu nodded in a deep voice.

"Sister Lin, Deyin is going to send Tiger home for treatment first, do you want to go back with Deyin?" Yuan Deyin did not forget to ask Tao Lin.

"I still have something to report to the emperor, you go back first." Tao Lin explained in a low voice.

"But..." Yuan Deyin was worried that it would be inconvenient for her to go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion because she was unfamiliar with everyone.

"The truth will send her back to the palace in person later." At this moment, Shen Chuannan suddenly said this.

After she finished speaking, both Yuan Deyin and Tao Lin turned to look at him in shock.

Especially Tao Lin, her shocked expression was a little more flustered and complicated.

"Are you the daughter of the Tao family?" Jun Zhouhan's eyes fell on Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan, with a meaningful expression.

Obviously, he also knows the tricks of these two people.

"Reporting to the emperor, it is the minister's daughter." Tao Lin quickly replied.

"Xiaoyin, don't worry, I will definitely let Master Shen send Miss Tao back to the Prince Regent's Palace safely." Jun Zhouhan said to Yuan Deyin with a smile.

At this time, Yuan Deyin said to Jun Yu very reassuringly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, let's go."

Jun Yu nodded.

But the moment he turned around, his eyebrows suddenly frowned slightly, and his eyes became fierce.

He glanced sideways, staring at the position behind the rockery.

After a long time, he slowly retracted his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

Soon, Jun Zhouhan also took Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan to the Imperial Study Room, and the rest also withdrew.

Wait until the place is completely deserted.

Only two people came out from behind the rockery.

The one in the purple official robe is obviously King Runnan who has not left the palace since the early court.

And beside him is his confidant Wang Peng.

"My lord, it's so dangerous. The regent almost found us just now." Wang Peng let out a breath, with a look of lingering fear.

King Run Nan sneered, he looked at the direction Jun Yu was leaving, and said meaningfully: "Do you really think that he almost found out?"

"My lord, what do you mean?" Wang Peng frowned, his face a little flustered.

"You still underestimated the strength of this king's younger brother." King Runnan continued to sneer.

Wang Peng wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, wondering, since the regent knew there were people here, why didn't he expose them?

Could it be that he is also testing them?
"Wang Peng, did you find out? Did that little girl talk to the tiger just now?" King Runnan lowered his voice, his tone was a bit strange.

"My lord, I heard it." Wang Peng nodded quickly.

Yuan Deyin turned his back to the guards just now, so those people didn't find it tricky.

But just behind the rockery, they not only saw Yuan Deyin open her mouth, but also heard what she said to the tiger clearly.

"My lord, can someone really talk to animals?" Wang Peng asked tentatively.

"That tiger obviously trusts her very much..." King Runnan narrowed his eyes and said this in a low voice, as if he was thinking about something.

What he said, rather than discussing with Wang Peng, might as well be talking to himself.

"My lord, could it be that the legend is true? Yuan Deyin is the person we are looking for. But why does Yuan Ying'er from the Yuan family have that token?" Wang Peng said in a anxious tone.

They have been looking for someone all along.

That person is loved by all beasts, and at the same time, he also has a token.

However, it was Yuan Ying'er who came to look for the prince with the token at that time.

"My lord, what's going on here? Is the person we're looking for Yuan Ying'er or Yuan Deyin?" Wang Peng continued anxiously.

"Didn't you say that someone intercepted and killed Jun Yu on his way to Haicheng? Did you find out why those people went there?" King Runnan asked Wang Peng quietly, with sideways eyes.

"Reporting to the lord, my subordinate...haven't found it yet." Wang Peng's expression froze, and he replied in a low voice.

"Trash, I'll give you a few more days. As long as I find out the intentions of those people, maybe I can be sure who the person I'm looking for is." King Runnan said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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