Chapter 206 Sneak Deyin Out of the House

In the imperial study.

Jun Zhouhan sat in the middle, while Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan sat on one side.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, but Tao Lin didn't seem to see Shen Chuannan, she stood up, walked to the middle, and knelt down towards Jun Zhouhan.

"Your Majesty, this is the portrait of the traitor. The power of a courtier alone is definitely not enough, so I beg the Emperor to send some people to search for him. Just avoid making troubles, and this must be done in secret."

Tao Lin said as she took out a portrait from her arms.

Jun Zhouhan glanced down at the portrait, and said in a deep voice, "This matter concerns the safety of Chi Yan's army, and I will naturally not let that traitor go, so you don't have to worry."

"But why did the traitor come to the capital, Tao Lin, do you know?" Jun Zhouhan asked.

Tao Lin frowned, and she said in a complicated tone: "This is also the place where the courtiers can't figure it out. Logically speaking, the capital is the most dangerous place. But the traitor Li Xiangyang insisted on going north, which is really suspicious."

"I have a plan, Tao Lin, you know Li Xiangyang very well, but you are not familiar with the capital, and Master Shen is familiar with everything in the capital, so I want you two to cooperate to capture Li Xiangyang together." Jun Zhouhan raised his eyes, Looking at them, he said slowly.

"Your majesty, my servant..." Tao Lin opened her mouth, wanting to say that she refused.

But Shen Chuannan responded first: "Minister, obey the order!"

"Tao Lin, do you have any objections to my decision?" Jun Zhouhan asked Tao Lin with a smile.

Tao Lin's expression froze, she shook her head, and said softly: "My daughter has no objection, and my daughter obeys the order."

Jun Zhouhan also left Tao Lin to chat about the current situation in Southwest China.

When they came out of the imperial study room, it was already dark.

"Your Majesty, can I ask for a horse, so that I can return to the Regent's Palace quickly." Tao Lin made her own plea.

"That's it..." Jun Zhouhan turned his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he turned his head and said to Mr. Li Da beside him: "Xiao Dazi, Miss Tao wants a horse, why don't you hurry up and bring it here?"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it won't work. Because the horses in the palace don't know what's wrong recently. They all have diarrhea and can't run anymore." Eunuch Li Da said in embarrassment.

Only then did Jun Zhouhan suddenly understand and said, "I almost forgot about such a thing. Indeed, I don't know what happened recently. There is something wrong with the horse in the palace. Tao Lin, I can't help you with your request." satisfy."

"Your majesty, the sedan chair...should there be one?" Tao Lin smiled stiffly.

In the huge palace, all the horses are sick, she can't believe it!
She didn't want Shen Chuannan to send her back, she didn't know how to face him yet.

"Here, Eunuch Li, what about this sedan chair, are you unprepared?" Jun Zhouhan glanced at Eunuch Li again.

"Oh, I forgot to mention it again." Eunuch Li slapped himself on the mouth angrily, and said in embarrassment, "The sedan chairs in this palace have all been chopped into firewood and used to light the fire..."

"It's such an unfortunate coincidence. Tao Lin, it's a pity that I can only wrong you and find other ways to go back." Jun Zhouhan shook his head, looking helpless.

Tao Lin was speechless.

All the sedan chairs in the palace were burned as firewood. Only the emperor in front of him and his people could tell.

Tao Lin finally knew that the emperor had to ask Shen Chuannan to send him off today.

"Thank you for your concern, Master Shen will send the daughters to the Regent's Palace." Tao Lin said softly.

"Master Shen, you must safely send Tao Lin to Prince Ji's Mansion." Jun Zhouhan also told Shen Chuannan solemnly.

"The minister obeys the order."


On the quiet street, Tao Lin kept looking ahead, not knowing how to look at Shen Chuannan beside her from the corner of her eye.

"Don't blame the emperor. He doesn't know much about the situation of our two families. He just wanted to ease our relationship." Shen Chuannan suddenly spoke, breaking the embarrassment.

"Well, I know." Tao Lin said softly, without much emotion in her tone.

"I haven't seen her for so many years, I always want to say sorry, although my apology can't make up for the damage the Tao family has suffered."

After another long silence, Shen Chuannan suddenly said this in a dumb voice, his tone was complicated.

Tao Lin let out a breath, and then said, "It's not your fault, it's just that there are some hurdles that we can't get over."

"I..." Shen Chuannan opened his mouth again, wanting to say something more.

But Tao Lin stopped quickly at this time and turned to look at him.

Her eyes were more serious than ever, "Shen Chuannan, can we try to let go of all our guard and be ordinary friends."

She also thought about it seriously, some barriers cannot be eliminated, but torturing each other is not the way.

As ordinary friends?

Shen Chuannan froze for a moment, he stared at Tao Lin complicatedly.

Finally, he chuckled silently, and said softly, "Okay."

I was silent all the way again.

But the oppressive atmosphere between them is obviously much less.

Finally, both of them reached the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"Miss Tao." Wuyi was already guarding the door, and when she saw Tao Lin came back, she immediately stepped forward.

"I've already arrived at the Wang's Mansion, so you can go back to the Shen's Mansion." Tao Lin turned her head and said to Shen Chuannan in a relaxed tone.

After finishing speaking, she quickly walked into the palace by herself without waiting for Shen Chuannan to respond.

This appearance is indeed like that of ordinary friends.

Not too distant, but not too close either.

Wuyi turned around, saluted Shen Chuannan respectfully, then turned around and followed back to the mansion.

When there was no one at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Shen Chuannan turned around helplessly, and said in a deep voice, "I followed all the way, it's time to come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man with curly hair poked out from behind a stone lion.

Immediately afterwards, there was a small head with braids.

Then, there is a hairy head wrapped in a bandage.

Three heads poked out furtively.

Shen Chuannan looked at the two men and one tiger who looked like thieves in front of him, and couldn't help pressing his aching temple.

This guy Yushengxiao actually sneaked out with the little princess, and followed him all the way.

Also, what are they trying to do with a wounded tiger?
"Yushengxiao, why are you bringing them out?" Shen Chuannan tortured Yushengxiao in a cold voice.

Yu Shengxiao opened his jade bone fan, and walked out calmly.

"Shen Fox, don't be angry. This genius doctor saw that you haven't come back for a long time, and was worried about your accident, so I brought Xiao Deyin and Xiao Huhu to look for you."

The corner of Shen Chuannan's mouth twitched, and his peripheral vision fell on the little tiger.

Tiger... Xiaohuhu?

"Shen Fox, emotional matters are inherently complicated, so don't be sad. Don't you still have a genius doctor?" Yu Shengxiao walked to Shen Chuannan's side and touched his shoulder with his elbow.

Looking at him like that, Shen Chuannan couldn't help showing disgust on his face.

He frowned and said, "It's late at night, so don't wander around outside. If something happens to the little princess, Ah Yu will kill you himself."

But a certain miraculous doctor is very courageous now.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's warning, not only was he not afraid, but he snorted arrogantly: "It's okay, Jun Yu has a lot of business to deal with tonight, and he won't find that Xiao Deyin is missing."

"Besides, Xiao Huhu is a sick person now, and he needs to go out and walk more to recover faster." He said this in a serious manner.

A certain little tiger was at the side, and followed it up with a few silly "woo hoo".

"Xiao Deyin, this genius doctor knows that there is an interesting place in the capital. You just came back to Beijing, do you want to go and see it?" Yu Shengxiao walked back to Yuan Deyin and winked at her.

interesting place?
When Yuan Deyin heard it, his curiosity was aroused.

But when she thought of something, she immediately shook her head resolutely.

"No, if you go out late at night, Uncle Nine Emperors will be worried."

"He won't find out, and with Ben and Xiao Huhu by your side, are you afraid that you won't be able to protect you?" Yu Shengxiao continued to encourage Yuan Deyin.

This time, he didn't even wait for Yuan Deyin to come back, he grabbed her and ran away.

Seeing that its new little master was being taken away, the tiger let out a few long whistles, opened its paws, and ran up quickly.

"Yushengxiao...Damn it..." Shen Chuannan looked at the two people and one tiger who had disappeared, and felt a headache.

Forget it, Yusheng Xiao has been getting used to it since he was a child, causing trouble for him all day long.

Thinking about it, Shen Chuannan had no choice but to follow up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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