The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 207 Deyin's heart beats when you are here

Chapter 207 Deyin's heart beats when you are here
Yusheng Xiao was very purposeful, and he took Yuan Deyin directly to a winery hidden in a quiet alley in the city.

"Shopkeeper, this genius doctor is here." Yu Shengxiao closed the jade bone fan, leaned against the door, and looked at the person sitting inside with a smile.

Yuan Deyin poked his head and looked in.

As a result, the bead curtain was lifted, and a woman in a red dress twisted her body and walked out.

At the same time, a strong fragrance hit the nostrils.

Although the fragrance is extremely strong, it doesn't feel disgusting.

Yuan Deyin secretly glanced at the other party's face.

She really looks like a person, that woman looks about 30 years old, her eyebrows are full of flamboyant style, but she doesn't look vulgar at all.

Seeing Yu Shengxiao, she covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Oh, what wind brought Miracle Doctor Yu here?"

"It's been a long time since I saw you, Yin Niang, I miss you so much..." Yu Shengxiao blinked his peach blossom eyes, and he teased.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, but you are the same as before, not serious at all. Missing me is fake, but the wine I made is real, right?" Yin Niang chuckled again.

After she finished speaking, she picked up a cattail fan to cover her face, then looked sideways, and her eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

Her slender willow-leaf eyebrows raised slightly, and then she took the initiative to come over and pinched Yuan Deyin's soft face.

"Doctor Yu, where did you get such a delicate girl? Do you know that this old lady is good at it?" Yin Niang looked at Yuan Deyin and said with satisfaction.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yuan Deyin was so frightened that he coughed.

"Don't, don't, Yin Niang, you can do anything to this genius doctor. But this is the little apprentice of this genius doctor, and her status is a bit special, you quickly retract your hand."

Yu Shengxiao finally panicked a little at this time.

He hurried over and rescued Yuan Deyin from the wolf's claws.

"I'm just joking with you. This is what the master has in mind. Well, even if you give me ten courages, I won't dare to offend the master."

Yin Niang flicked her handkerchief, then twisted her body and turned around, leaving a fragrance all over the place.

Yuan Deyin didn't dare to move at all.

Who are the people Master knows, so strange.

Who is the "that master" that Yin Niang is talking about?

What else is on your mind?

However, she was not shocked when she saw Hu Hu.

Yuan Deyin looked at a certain tiger that had been completely ignored, and then at Yin Niang's charming back.

She couldn't help feeling in her heart that Yin Niang must be a difficult person.

"Still the same?" Yin Niang walked over with a jar of wine in one hand with ease.

Despite the distance, Yuan Deyin could still smell the sweetness wafting from the wine.

Her eyes lit up instantly.

"Master, master, this wine smells so good." Yuan Deyin grabbed Yushengxiao's sleeve urgently, her greed was aroused.

"That's natural. Yin Niang is a descendant of the first wine lady in the martial arts back then. The wine she brews, even the peach blossom wine made by this genius doctor, is somewhat inferior. Moreover, she is also a master of perfume. Can the best wine not be tempting when paired together?"

Yu Shengxiao fanned her fan and explained leisurely.

Looking at Yuan Deyin's greedy little cat, she said quite proudly: "This is the benefit of having a master. You can hang out with the master, eat and drink, and have everything."

"Yin Niang, prepare three jars of good wine for this genius doctor, and the guests will arrive later... No, it should be four jars." Yu Shengxiao glanced at the little tiger not far away, and immediately changed his words.

As soon as his voice fell, Shen Chuannan rushed over.

Hearing the footsteps at the door, Yin Niang covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Since the guests of Divine Doctor Yu have arrived, then Yin Niang will not bother you."

After speaking, she turned and left.

And where she was standing just now, four wine jars appeared at some point.

Yuan Deyin took a look at this small winery and found that there was no one else.

And Yin Niang seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Are people in the martial arts world so strange?
She scratched her hair, feeling very puzzled.

"Yu Shengxiao, do you want to die? You actually brought Princess Deyin to drink." Shen Chuannan could smell the wine as soon as he walked in.

And the smell of wine...

It's not like ordinary wine.

"Shen Fox, why are you so nervous? The joy of life is to drink and express feelings. This doctor is cultivating Xiao Deyin's ability to understand life."

Yu Shengxiao waved his hand, looking very calm.

After speaking, he picked up all four wine jars.

One altar was placed in Yuan Deyin's arms, the other was stuffed into Shen Chuannan's hand, and the other was placed on the little tiger's head.

"Princess, don't mess around with him." Shen Chuannan just wanted to take the wine from Yuan Deyin's arms.

But Yuan Deyin hid for a moment, she wrinkled her face and begged: "Master Shen, this wine is really fragrant, Deyin just wants to take a sip, can I just take a sip?"

"No..." Shen Chuannan looked serious and wanted to refuse immediately.

If A Yu finds out, this problem will be serious!
Besides, she is still young, how can she drink alcohol.

Realizing that Shen Chuannan was about to refuse, Yuan Deyin quickly pursed her mouth, looking like she was about to cry: "Master Shen, Deyin just wants to take a sip, isn't that okay?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin's eyes full of tears, Shen Chuannan's expression was tangled, and he couldn't say anything to refuse.

He sighed, and finally said softly: "Then take a sip, after you take a sip, you should go back to the palace."

"Okay." Yuan Deyin responded obediently, and tears were withdrawn instantly.

She hugged the wine jar, and quickly followed Yu Shengxiao to the roof of the tavern.

Shen Chuannan: "..."

Was he cheated?

After half an hour...

Shen Chuannan stood on the roof, looking at the three drunkards beside him, his face darkened.

The most unbelievable thing in this world is...

"I'll just take a sip."

After climbing the roof, under the instigation of Yu Shengxiao, a certain little princess took a sip of wine and his eyes lit up.

She also seemed to be addicted, taking a sip after a sip.

She was quite righteous, not only drank it herself, but also gave a sip to the tiger next to her.

Just drink it, why are these three guys so bad at drinking and drinking!

Yu Shengxiao hugged her jade bone fan like a child, crying and said: "Ah Yu, you have been wronged by following this genius doctor all these years. After all, you have to look at the handsome face of this genius doctor every day, and want Make you dizzy..."

Shen Chuannan: "..." My lord, what a crime did I do to meet such an idiot.

Compared with Yusheng and Xiao, Yuan Deyin is quite well-behaved, and he didn't act too outrageously.

She just picked up a tile and gnawed on it, then said with a silly smile, "This sweet-scented osmanthus cake is really delicious."

And a certain tiger actually urinated on the roof.

Shen Chuannan has lived for more than [-] years, and has never... collapsed like today.

Breathing out a foul breath, he came over and started, trying to wake Yu Shengxiao up.

As a result, he just walked to Yu Shengxiao's side, when he heard a "click" next to him.

He turned his head and saw that the tiles on Yuan Deyin's side were loose.

"not good!"

Shen Chuannan reached out to grab Yuan Deyin.

But his speed was still a little slower, and Yuan Deyin rolled straight down.

Just when Yuan Deyin's small body was about to hit the ground heavily, Jun Yu came out from the darkness.

With a dark handsome face, he directly pulled her into his arms.



But Shen Chuannan's body tensed up quickly, because he felt that the chill emanating from Jun Yu's body would freeze the day.

"Ah Yu, I'm sorry, I didn't manage Yusheng Xiao well." Shen Chuannan took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Jun Yu's cold eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao, as if looking at a dead person who had been dead for decades.

Shen Chuannan silently lit a candle for Yu Shengxiao in her heart.

Some people just don't change their nature!

"Ah Yu, why don't you take a look at the situation of the princess first. For Yu Shengxiao, it's not too late to teach him a lesson after he sobers up."

In the end, Shen Chuannan still couldn't bear to see Yu Shengxiao die so young at such an ugly age, so he reluctantly interceded for him.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Jun Yu's eyes turned back and fell on Yuan Deyin.

"My lord, do you need your subordinates to find a carriage?" Wu Ying came out from the darkness and asked respectfully.

"No need, this king will personally send her back." Jun Yu stared at the side face of a certain little girl who kept pushing into his arms, her tone softened a little, as if she was afraid that her voice would be a little louder, It's going to bother her.

After speaking, he strode out with Yuan Deyin in his arms.

However, when he reached the door, his footsteps paused.

With his back turned to Wuying, he ordered in a cold voice: "Drag that stupid tiger back to my mansion."

No matter how obtrusive the stupid tiger was, it was Yin'er who saved it.

If she died of alcoholism, she would be sad.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wuying got the order, and immediately beat the peeing tiger unconscious, and then prepared to drag it away.

"Wuying, when you are dragging the tiger, drag Yusheng Xiao away by the way." Shen Chuannan said wearily.

He didn't want to clean up the mess for Yu Shengxiao anymore.

"Prime Minister Shen, I'm sorry that my subordinates are hard to obey. The prince only asked his subordinates to take away the tiger, but he didn't say that he would take away Miracle Jade Physician." Wuying said respectfully.

Another meaning of what he said was——

Whether Miracle Doctor Jade is dead or alive is not under the control of their Prince Regent's House.

After finishing speaking, Wuying carried the tiger on his shoulder, and there was no one in an instant.

Shen Chuannan looked at Yu Shengxiao who was paralyzed on the ground, and he let out a long sigh.

In the end, he resigned himself to carrying people with his hands.

He leaned over and took the jade bone fan out of Yu Shengxiao's hand, trying to put it away.

But Yu Shengxiao was unwilling to let go of anything.

He was still curled up and muttering something.

When Shen Chuannan leaned over to listen carefully, his expression was a little complicated.

Because he heard Yu Shengxiao say——

"This is given to me by Shen Huhu, no one is allowed to snatch it."

This fan was really given to Yu Shengxiao by him back then.

When I met Yu Shengxiao for the first time, Yu Shengxiao was still a little kid who was punished by the old genius doctor every day.

That little brat is still chasing after him and saying that he wants to recognize him as his elder brother.

But it's been too long, and he has forgotten such a thing.

This kid has been kept until now.

When he saw him holding the jade bone fan every day, he thought he just liked jade bone fans.

"Stinky boy, the truth is that I owed you in my previous life..." Shen Chuannan sighed silently, and finally helped him up gently.


Jun Yu did not choose to use lightness kung fu to carry Yuan Deyin back, but carried her on his back and walked back to the palace step by step.

The light of the moon in the sky stretched their shadows long.

Jun Yu could feel the soft face of a certain little girl leaning against his back, and a certain hard part of his heart would become extremely soft.

"Uncle Nine Emperors~"

A soft murmur came from behind, and Jun Yu's footsteps paused.

He frowned and asked softly, "Are you sober?"

However, the little girl didn't answer his question at all, but continued to call softly: "Uncle Nine Emperors~"

Her soft voice, like the murmur of a kitten, grabs people's hearts.

"I'm not your Nine Emperor Uncle." Jun Yu was still annoyed at her sneaking out to drink, so he didn't intend to answer her.

Instead, he wanted to intimidate her so that she would know how dangerous it was for her to be a little drunk when she was drunk.

But after hearing his words, a certain little girl said sullenly: "No, you are Uncle Nine Emperors."

Her tone was extremely firm.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, looked at the reflection on the ground, and asked in a deep voice, "Why do you insist that I am your Nine Emperor Uncle?"

"Because, Deyin's heart will only jump when Uncle Jiuhuang is around." The little girl's soft voice came from behind.

Her words successfully made Jun Yu stop.

His eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his dark eyes looked forward.

No one knew what he was thinking right now.

(End of this chapter)

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