The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 208 The reason why the princess is unhappy

Chapter 208 The reason why the princess is unhappy
In the Palace of the Halberd King.

When Jun Yu carried the little girl back, Cang Ling and the others knelt down on the ground.

"My lord, this slave is guilty, it's because this slave didn't look good at the princess." She was abducted by Miracle Jade Doctor.

Cang Ling and his party kowtowed to plead guilty.

But Jun Yu just glanced at them with cold eyes, and then withdrew them.

He said coldly, "There will be no next time."

After speaking, he carried the little girl on his back and went straight into the house.

The rest of the people, whether it was Cangling Jixia's servant girls or the people standing not far away from Wuxi Wuyi, all had strange expressions on their faces.

Tonight's prince, isn't he too easy to talk to?

The princess was kidnapped and drank, but he didn't even get angry!
What exactly is going on?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked in their hearts.

Tucking a certain little girl under the quilt, Jun Yu helped her cover the quilt with his own hands, stared deeply at her little face for a long time, and then turned and went out.

Wuxi has been waiting outside.

Seeing him coming out, he immediately stepped forward and quickly said: "My lord, ask your subordinates to find out why the princess is unhappy today, and your subordinates have already found out."


"It's because the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Committee advised the Ministry of Rites to include the princess in the list of entering the palace."

Wu Xi sneaked a glance at their lord's expression from the corner of his eye, and then he said bravely.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, their lord's expression immediately darkened.

"My lord, my lord..." After waiting for a long time for their lord to speak, Wu Xi called out again.

Only at this time did Jun Yu cast a sideways glance at him, "Tomorrow, let the Princess enter Weiyang Academy to study."

"Tomorrow?" Wu Xi was stunned for a while.

Only then did I think of one thing, Chi Yan has a rule.

In order to improve the knowledge of the women in the academy, when Weiyang Academy was established, in order to prevent some aristocratic women from neglecting their studies, all enrolled women had to complete at least two years of study in the academy.

During these two years, girls enrolled in the school are not allowed to drop out of school at will, nor are they allowed to marry.

After two years, he will decide on his own whether to stay or not.

Wu Xi suddenly realized that the lord really didn't want others to think about the princess, even if that person was the emperor.

"But my lord, the admission time of Weiyang Academy is only in October every year, now is not the time for admission..." Wu Xi continued.

"Moreover, the dean of Weiyang Academy is Chang Yuan. He is strict and rigid. Even if he is a member of the royal family, he has to pass the examination for admission. The princess is not prepared, and I am afraid that he will..." Wu Xi also said own concerns.

"Send the solitary book collected by this king to Dean Chang Yuan." Jun Yu said softly.

When Wu Xi heard it, he instantly understood that the prince wanted to give the princess special privileges.

"This subordinate understands, so I will go to Chang Yuan's principal right now, and implore him to let the princess enroll immediately." Wu Xi wanted to carry out the order.

But Jun Yu stopped him in a cold voice: "Stop, when did this king ask you to exercise privileges for Yin'er?"

"No, isn't it a privilege?" Wu Xi was stunned, his face puzzled.

"The state owns the state law, and the academy also has the rules of the academy. How can Chang Changyuan take the initiative to break the rules? The king just wants you to tell him to set up one more exam this year. Yin'er can sign up according to the regulations. How to evaluate Just how to assess." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

"But, the Princess is not prepared at all, just in case..." Wu Xi hesitated.

He wanted to say that the princess was completely unprepared, and Dean Changyuan's exam questions were extremely difficult, what if he didn't pass?
Hearing Wuxi's hesitant words, Jun Yu said indifferently, "Do you not trust me, or Yin'er?"

Wuxi: "..."

"This subordinate trusts you and the princess very much, so I'm going to prepare a generous gift." Wu Xi quickly changed his words, turned around and ran away.

After Wuxi left, Wujing came again.

"My lord, my subordinates have found it. The tiger was indeed sent from King Xu's fiefdom. Although Jiangzhou where King Xu is located is barren and backward, it has many mountains and a lot of wild animals. The local villagers live by hunting, so they often see They hunted some ferocious beasts. In the past, when Jun Zhouchen was still in power, Jiangzhou would always send ferocious beasts to make clothes for Jun Zhouchen. They probably thought that the current emperor also had this habit..."

Wujing told all the things he found out.

"Did Xu Wang not come when the emperor ascended the throne?" Jun Yu glanced sideways at Wu Ting, and asked in a low tone.

"Yes. Jiangzhou is far away from the capital, and there are mountain roads along the way. If you come to Beijing, it will take a long time, and the emperor said that everything should be simple when he becomes the throne, and other county kings and princes are not allowed to come to Beijing, so Xu The king just sent someone to bring a congratulatory gift." Wu Ting continued to explain.

"My lord, is there something wrong?" Wu Zing asked suspiciously.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that King Xu has been away from Beijing for many years. It's time to go back to Beijing. After all, there are too many people in this palace who want him to come back." Jun Yu's eyes were a little unclear.

"The prince is talking about Concubine Wei and Princess Chujing?" Wu Ting continued to ask.

Of these two people, one is Xu Wang's mother and concubine, and the other is Xu Wang's younger sister. It is not surprising that Xu Wang wants to return to Beijing.

"No, there is another person." Jun Yu looked at the sky in the distance, and slowly said such a meaningful sentence.


"Bitch, I asked you to go home and find a way for your mother, but you actually said you couldn't do it?" Mei Qingxue slapped Mei Qingzhou hard on the face.

Mei Qingzhou's thin face became red and swollen in an instant, but there was no anger in her brows, but calmness instead.

She lowered her head and explained very calmly: "Sister, your palace has long been surrounded by guards, and the people in Mei's residence have also been controlled. How can I return to Mei's house?"

"You still dare to talk back?" Mei Qingxue was once again angry when she heard Mei Qingzhou's words.

She raised her hand and slapped Mei Qingzhou hard again.

Now, Mei Qingzhou's two small faces have shocking scars.

Ever since Hu Po came back and reported that Concubine Wei was unwilling to help her, Mei Qingxue was in a state of madness.

She is so kind to Concubine Wei, and treats her as her future mother-in-law.

But how did Concubine Wei treat her?

Only look at her more when it is useful, and kick her away when it is useless.

Now, she is unable to move an inch in this cage-like palace!

"Your Majesty, calm down, Second Miss has nothing to do." Seeing this scene, Amber worried that Second Miss would be disfigured by their empress, so she hurried over to persuade her.

In the end, Mei Qingxue pushed her away, and said with a ferocious expression: "Hu Po, you actually speak for this bitch, are you going to betray Miss Ben?"

"Ma'am, what are you talking about? Amber has been with you since childhood, and she has never had second thoughts about you." Humber quickly knelt down, begging for mercy with red eyes.

"That's right, empress, we have never disagreed." Qiangwei quickly knelt down and kowtowed at this time.

Seeing that their empresses were unmoved, Hu Po quickly moved over and whispered, "Empress, this servant told you not to hurt Second Miss because she is still useful to you. Have you forgotten your purpose for letting Second Miss enter the palace?"

Hu Po's words successfully changed Mei Qingxue's face.

She turned her head, gritted her teeth and stared at Mei Qingzhou, then showed a weird smile.

"Sister, I forgot, you can really help my sister..." she said with a sneer.

Mei Qingzhou frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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