Chapter 209
Because too many things happened in just one month, people in the capital have been in panic these days.

But today, Weiyang Academy suddenly announced a piece of good news, which made the whole capital erupt.

Dean Chang Yuan agreed to set up two admissions assessments this year, and this time the admissions will be two days later.

As long as they are capable people, they can sign up from today until the assessment time.

Although the news came too urgently, people couldn't prepare for it.

But for many people, it is definitely good news.

Because two chances are always better than one.

Moreover, this time, if they were not prepared, neither were the rest of them.

So give it a try, maybe there is a chance?

Therefore, in Beijing, whether it is the daughter of a nobleman or the daughter of a common people's family, they all rushed to sign up.

Yuan Deyin just got up from the bed, she rubbed her head that ached from drunkenness, when she saw Cang Ling running in happily.

"Princess, Weiyang Academy's entrance examination has started to register, and Wuyi has already helped you to register."

This is happy news for the servant girls, but it is simply bad news for Yuan Deyin.

She froze in place as if struck by lightning.

"Isn't the assessment time of Weiyang Academy in October every year? Isn't it not October yet..."

Yuan Deyin asked in puzzlement.

She doesn't want to go to the academy to study!

It's too boring, there must be no delicious food in the academy!

"My servant heard that it was the dean of Weiyang Academy who had a dream last night, and dreamed that the gods told him to teach and educate people more, so as soon as he woke up, he planned to give those who want to enter the academy an extra chance to sign up... " Cang Ling explained with a smile.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

What kind of god is this? It's too unreliable!
"Princess, get up quickly, let's hug each other quickly...cough, no, I should read a book quickly, so that we can be prepared." Cang Ling smiled and dragged Yuan Deyin off the bed without hesitation.

Even though Yuan Deyin was full of resistance, she was pinned to a chair by Cang Ling's maids in the end, obediently reading a book.

Half an hour later, Cang Ling and the others watched Yuan Deyin push aside the one-meter-high books.

They said worriedly: "Princess, why don't you just read these books, what if the content of the exam in the future is in this book?"

"It's over." Yuan Deyin rubbed her eyes, stretched her waist, and said calmly.

finish watching?
She finished reading it in just half an hour?
Didn't the princess just read these books once?
Cang Ling and the others were a little puzzled.

But thinking of the princess's unforgettable ability before, their hearts gradually calmed down.

Maybe, the princess really just glanced at it and remembered it completely?

At this moment, Tao Lin walked in.

"Deyin, it turns out that you are here, so I have a hard time finding it. I heard from Wuxi that you drank secretly yesterday, how is today?"

Tao Lin walked up to Yuan Deyin and sat down, concerned about her situation yesterday.

Mentioning this, Yuan Deyin covered her mouth belatedly.

She asked Cang Ling in fear: "Cang Ling, how did the princess come back last night?"

All she remembered was climbing up to the roof, being greedy for the wine, and then taking a few more sips.

Then, she didn't remember anything.

"Princess, you really don't remember? The prince personally carried you back." Cang Ling explained in a low voice.

"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors?" Yuan Deyin's expression became more and more nervous.

"Is Uncle Jiuhuang angry again? Did the princess do anything wrong?" Yuan Deyin asked with a mournful face.

Cang Ling and the others looked at each other, and then replied; "The prince seems not angry, but what did you do and say, the princess, the slaves don't know."

"Don't panic, Deyin, I just saw your Uncle Nine Emperors. He doesn't look like an angry person. However, you should drink less wine in the future, little greedy cat." Tao Lin smiled at Yuan De said the voice.

Although she hasn't known Yuan Deyin for a long time, Tao Lin has also seen the characteristics of her snack food.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong yesterday, otherwise, the Ninth Prince might really be angry.

Hearing Tao Lin's words, Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she replied in a muffled voice, "Sister Lin, I understand."

Next time, I will only take one sip!
"By the way, sister Lin, how is your finding the traitor going?" Yuan Deyin still didn't forget to care about Tao Lin.

Hearing Yuan Deyin mention this, Tao Lin's expression was a little dignified.

"Last night, I had someone draw a lot of portraits of the traitor, and then sent people to stand guard in various places in the capital, but there is still no news. My father's letter from last night also arrived, and I have to enter the palace today. The emperor will report the situation."

"Sister Lin, don't worry, he won't hide at the feet of the emperor for too long." Yuan Deyin patted Tao Lin's shoulder to comfort her.

"By the way, Sister Lin, did you say that you are going to enter the palace?" Yuan Deyin's eyes sparkled when he asked this question, and his face was full of anticipation.


"Can Deyin be with you?" Yuan Deyin showed her cuteness with a small face.

Tao Lin was amused by her expectant appearance. She held back her smile and said softly, "Didn't you already enter the palace yesterday? Why do you still have to enter the palace today?"

"Princess, don't you want to avoid reading books?" Cang Ling stood beside her, directly exposing her little thoughts.

Yuan Deyin's smile gradually froze.

She snorted softly: "No way, the Princess just wants to accompany Sister Lin!"

It's just that the tone of her words lacked confidence no matter how she heard them.

Tao Lin also knew what was going on at this time.

"Learning this matter, don't be too hasty. You have read the books for a long time, it's time to relax. It happens that I am still panicking when I enter the palace alone, so you can come with me." Tao Lin offered to help Yuande Sound relief.

These servant girls didn't know about it, but she knew it.

The person who asked Chang Yuan to set up this special assessment was the Ninth Prince.

The Ninth Prince was so relieved to let Deyin go directly to the exam, so the others don't have to worry about it.

Hearing Tao Lin's agreement, Yuan Deyin got up quickly, then took Tao Lin's hand contentedly, and said in a relaxed tone: "Sister Lin, let's enter the palace now."

Cang Ling and the others could only watch helplessly as the princess left such a pile of books and happily slipped away.


In the imperial study.

Jun Zhouhan picked up the teacup, looked at Uncle Jiuhuang not far away, and asked softly: "Uncle Jiuhuang, I heard that Xiaoyin was too greedy last night, how is she doing now?"

"Yin'er is very good, so don't bother the emperor to worry." Jun Yu said coldly without raising his eyes.

Shen Chuannan was sitting on the other side. When he heard Jun Yu's words, the hand holding the teacup couldn't help trembling slightly.

What's wrong with Ah Yu today, why did the tone of his speech to the emperor sound...a little offended?

Not only Shen Chuannan noticed it, but Jun Zhouhan also noticed it a little bit.

He was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jun Yu with a little more puzzlement.

What did he do to offend Uncle Nine Emperors, and why Uncle Nine Emperors seemed dissatisfied with him?
"Uncle Nine Emperors, I also heard that you asked the dean of the Changyuan to open the assessment. Do you want Xiaoyin to go to Weiyang Academy?" Jun Zhouhan continued to ask.

"Although Yin'er is smart, she hasn't studied systematically. Entering the academy is a good opportunity for her to hone her skills." Jun Yu continued to speak expressionlessly.

In the end, he looked up.It's just that the look in Jun Zhouhan's eyes is extremely indifferent.

He said, "Your Majesty, have you heard too much today?"

Jun Zhouhan: "..."

I'm sure, Uncle Nine Emperors must have eaten gunpowder today.

After exhaling, Jun Zhouhan frowned, and said in a helpless tone, "Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm stupid, I really can't guess what's going on with your mood today? Did I do something wrong?"

Although he is the emperor now, in his heart, Uncle Nine Emperors is his elder and the person he respects the most.

Besides, without Uncle Nine Emperors, he wouldn't be the emperor to avenge his mother and concubine.

Therefore, he was absolutely unable to act like an emperor to Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Your Majesty, the court ministers want Yin'er to enter the palace, is there such a thing?" Jun Yu said coldly.

It turned out to be because of this matter.

Jun Zhouhan let out a long breath, and he knew why Uncle Jiuhuang was unhappy.

He put down the teacup.

Then patiently explained: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I can't blame the ministers for this matter. They are worried because they see my harem is empty."

"The harem is empty, and the emperor can ask the Ministry of Rites to fill the harem for you." Jun Yu stared at Jun Zhouhan with his black eyes, and his tone became more and more indifferent.

Shen Chuannan drank his tea silently with his head down, and Eunuch Lida next to him also looked down at his toes, wishing that he didn't exist.

The anger of these two noble people is not something they can bear.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, as you know, I have seen the tragic struggle of the women in the harem, and the tragic death of the mother and concubine. Therefore, I don't want Xiaoyin to experience such a thing..." Jun Zhouhan said urgently .

"So, Your Majesty, you shouldn't let Yin'er enter the palace." Jun Yu's black eyes were very gloomy.

"If Xiaoyin was the only person in the harem, there wouldn't be such a tragedy." Jun Zhouhan said excitedly, clutching the dragon chair.

With a "pop", the teacup in Shen Chuannan's hand fell to the ground.

The Buddha dust in the hands of Eunuch Li Da also fell to the ground.

Both of them looked a little shocked.

Is the emperor planning to marry only one person?

Have they heard some royal secret that they shouldn't?

Shen Chuannan silently picked up the teacup.

Eunuch Li Da picked up Fuchen tremblingly, did he feel a chill on his neck?
Jun Yu's indifferent eyes collided with Jun Zhouhan's urgent eyes, and neither of them had any intention of giving in.

In the end, it was Jun Zhouhan who sighed.

He gave in, and said softly: "Uncle Jiuhuang, I know, Xiaoyin is very important to you. But Xiaoyin is also very important to me."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Xiaoyin is still young, I will try my best to stop those ministers from admonishing her. But after she is old enough, can you still stop her? She will always marry in the future, you can't stop her forever, right?"

"Besides, Xiaoyin is the daughter of King Ji, and she has a lot of things on her shoulders. If she doesn't marry me, who should she marry? Could it be that she wants to marry another heir, the son of a minister's family, or marry another country? ?”

Jun Zhouhan's last words were extremely serious.

Seeing that the scene was really out of control, Shen Chuannan coughed softly.

Then he whispered: "The princess is still young, the most important thing is to let her go to the academy to study and make friends first."

"By the way, Eunuch Lida, what's going on with the Mei family?" Shen Chuannan bit the bullet and talked to Eunuch Lida.

Eunuch Li Da took a deep breath and opened his mouth with a stiff smile.

"Everyone in the Mei family has been brought under control, and even Mei Qingxue has been confined in her palace, waiting for the emperor and the regent to discuss how to deal with them."

The subtext is, you two, stop arguing and get down to business.

Jun Zhouhan also knew that the affairs of the Mei family were very important, so he put all other emotions behind him, and then asked Jun Yu seriously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, what do you think should be done?"

(End of this chapter)

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