Chapter 210 Because You Are Nine Emperor Uncles

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Jun Yu also restrained his expression. He looked at Jun Zhouhan with a calm expression.

"Mei Cheng's operations are so evil, she deserves to die, but Mei also has innocent people, and the innocent cannot be implicated, so it is most appropriate to ransack their homes and exile them. As for Mei Qingxue, in addition to being from the Mei family, she is also Jun Zhouchen's concubine, so I I plan to order her to lead her to practice..."

Jun Zhouhan expressed his plan.

"Your majesty, do you really think that Mei Qingxue is innocent?" Jun Yu asked Jun Yu, looking at the teacup in his hand.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what do you mean?"

"We have always been extremely curious about one thing. When we were in the palace, who helped Empress An transport the gunpowder into the palace, until this king found out about Mei Chengyun." Jun Yu said slowly .

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you mean that the person who helped An's was Mei Chengyun?" Jun Zhouhan asked in shock.

Jun Yu nodded: "That's right, in Tan Hong's blood book, it was mentioned that Mei Chengyun had conspired with the people of Ling Ye Kingdom. I asked Wu Ting to investigate and found that on the day of the palace change, Mei Chengyun had He ordered his cronies to bring people in from outside the city, and someone later saw him and sent them out..."

"But at that time, the palace was also heavily guarded. It was not easy for Mei Chengyun to contact Mrs. An, unless someone was already in the palace. This person can persuade Mrs. An, and he is by no means an ordinary eunuch. This person, apart from Mei Qingxue, there can be no other people." Jun Zhouhan followed Jun Yu's words.

He was originally a smart person, and he and Uncle Nine Emperors had a perfect understanding on these issues.

"Mei Qingxue has been allowed to hop around in the palace for so long. She uses An's family to blow us up. Is she trying to prevent Mei Chengyun from ascending the throne?" Jun Zhouhan continued to ask.

"Your majesty, don't you think this guess is a bit illogical? As we all know, Jun Zhouchen's favorite is Mei Qingxue. For Mei Qingxue, he has done a lot of foolish things. He even wanted to abolish An's family, immediately The idea of ​​Mei Qingxue being the empress. You said that Mei Qingxue can become an empress, so why do you still want to help her father seek power and usurp the throne?"

Shen Chuannan smiled and said to Jun Zhouhan.

"Maybe, she doesn't want to be Jun Zhouchen's queen!" Jun Zhouhan figured it out instantly.

His expression became sharper.

"Yesterday, the guards in the palace reported to me that the maid beside Mei Qingxue had gone to Concubine Wei's palace. I was still a little puzzled as to why Mei Qingxue had contact with Concubine Wei. What do you think?" Wake up, Mei Qingxue, and Xu Wang have known each other since childhood." Jun Zhouhan looked at Shen Chuannan and said.

In this way, many things can be explained clearly.

"Come on, go to Yongning Palace and arrest Mei Qingxue." Jun Zhouhan ordered in a cold voice.

The Ouchi guards who were waiting at the door acted immediately upon hearing the order.

But soon, someone came back from Yongning Palace.

"Report to the emperor that Mei Qingxue's younger sister, Mei Qingzhou, wants to see you."

Mei Qingzhou, Jun Zhouhan frowned, and a beautiful face quickly flashed in his mind.

After pondering for a while, he said softly, "Bring her here."

After a while, a guard brought Mei Qingzhou into the imperial study.

Jun Zhouhan saw clearly visible slap marks on her face from a distance.

His sharp eyes fell on the guard next to her, and he said in a bad tone: "Did I allow you to lynch?"

As soon as his words fell, the guards beside him immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, Miss Mei was not beaten by a humble job."

Mei Qingzhou also knelt down quickly, but her back was straight, and she said loudly: "Your Majesty, the wound on the face of the minnv is indeed not caused by them."

"Who is that?"

"It was the elder sister of the people, Mei Qingxue, who beat her." Mei Qingzhou didn't hide anything, and said it directly.

Did Mei Qingxue hit him?
Jun Zhouhan frowned.

He had also heard that the situation of the concubine and daughter of the Mei family was not good, but he never thought that Mei Qingxue would dare to mess with her at this point.

"What are you looking for?" Jun Zhouhan continued to ask.

"The daughter of the people has something to report, but she can only talk to the emperor." Mei Qingzhou said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave first." Jun Yu stood up quickly, with a straight face, patted the folds on his body that didn't exist, and turned to leave.

Shen Chuannan also saluted and left consciously.

In the huge imperial study room, only Mei Qingzhou, Jun Zhouhan, and Li Dagong were left.

At this time, Mei Qingzhou's vigilance was relaxed a little bit.

She kowtowed to Jun Zhouhan, and then asked in a serious tone: "Your Majesty, do you ever remember that the Minnv saved your life?"

Jun Zhouhan didn't expect her to be so direct.

He raised his eyebrows, his fingers landed on the dragon chair, and then his eyes fell on her.

He said slowly: "Of course I remember. If not, do you really think that you would be able to see me so easily?"

When I was young, when my father and mother were still alive.

During a palace banquet, Jun Zhouhan accidentally fell into the well.

It was Mei Qingzhou who followed Mei Chengyun into the palace at that time and rescued him.

In the deserted palace yesterday, Jun Zhouhan actually recognized Mei Qingzhou as the person who saved him back then.

So he immediately ordered someone to check her identity after returning to the imperial study.

Only then did I find out that she was Mei Chengyun's concubine.

At such a juncture, she suddenly appeared.

Even if she had the grace to save her life back then, he had to guard against it.

So he stayed put and waited to see what she wanted to do.

"Your majesty is wise. Actually, it's not the girl who wanted to see you, but Mei Qingxue who asked the girl to come to see you." Mei Qingzhou raised her head and looked at Jun Zhouhan fearlessly.

"Oh? Mei Qingxue, what does she want you to do?" Jun Zhouhan's eyes became more interested.

"Reporting to the emperor, when you fell into the well, Mei Qingxue saw the scene of the minnv saving you. So after you ascended the throne, she tried to bring the minnv out of Weiyang Academy and forced the minnv to enter. Palace. She originally wanted the civilian girl to become your concubine by virtue of her kindness to you, so that she could use it."

In one breath, Mei Qingzhou made it clear that Mei Qingxue wanted to use her.

Jun Zhouhan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Mei Qingzhou to tell everything.

"Then what are you going to do? Tell me everything, aren't you afraid that I will be angry?"

Jun Zhouhan just looked at Mei Qingzhou like this, the emotion in his dark eyes was hard to fathom.

But Mei Qingzhou was not afraid at all, she said loudly: "Minister girl is not afraid, she just wants the emperor to know Mei Qingxue's plan."

"Then you borrowed the kindness of the past to let me spare Mei Qingxue?"

"No, the girl wants to borrow the kindness of the past to let the emperor kill Mei Qingxue as soon as possible."

When it comes to this, Mei Qingzhou's eyes are finally no longer calm, but a little bit more resentful.

"Kill Mei Qingxue? Why?"

Jun Zhouhan looked shocked, he didn't expect Mei Qingzhou's request to be like this.

"Mei Qingxue can't tolerate us bastards and daughters. The mother and younger brother of the minnv were killed by her. The minnv has been waiting for this day of revenge for a long time."

Mei Qingzhou clenched her fingers tightly, and her whole body exuded hatred.

The day Mei Qingxue called her into the palace, she knew her intentions.

Want to make her a stepping stone?
Heh, Mei Qingxue is destined to make a wrong calculation this time!

"If you tell me your thoughts, aren't you afraid that I will think you are a cruel person?" Jun Zhouhan looked at her and asked.

At this time, Jun Zhouhan's eyes were not as sharp as they were at the beginning, but he looked at her with a little more complicated and appreciative eyes.

"Your Majesty, a commoner girl is not a saint. Mei Qingxue is just an enemy to a commoner woman. Dare I ask the Emperor, are you also kind to your enemy?"

"Bold!" Before Jun Zhouhan could say anything, Eunuch Lida next to him scolded Mei Qingzhou angrily.

"Eunuch Li." Jun Zhouhan called for Eunuch Lida.

Eunuch Li Da saw that he was not angry, so he quickly shut his mouth.

"You just said that you originally studied at Weiyang Academy?" Jun Zhouhan asked Mei Qingzhou.

Mei Qingzhou didn't understand why Jun Zhouhan suddenly raised this question, but she still answered truthfully: "Report to the emperor, yes."

"Then I will give you a chance to return to the academy, would you like it?"

Return to the academy?

When Mei Qingzhou heard this, she was overjoyed.

She quickly replied: "Minnv is willing."

Studying in the academy, she did not feel the suffocating atmosphere of the Mei family.

"Okay, I think that because you saved me, the matter of the Mei family has nothing to do with you. You can return to Weiyang Academy as the accompanying student of the princess, and Eunuch Li will arrange for you. Okay." Jun Zhouhan said softly.

Accompanied by the princess?

Mei Qingzhou froze for a moment, remembering the news about Weiyang Academy today.

She understood a lot in an instant, she was thanks to Princess Deyin.

"The daughter of the people thanked the emperor. It's just that Mei Qingxue..."

Mei Qingzhou is still thinking about Mei Qingxue.

"Mei Qingxue did something wrong, she deserves to die, I don't need you to mention it, I will deal with her.

"The daughter of the people thanked the emperor."


"Ah Yu, you don't want to let the princess enter the palace, so you insist on letting the princess study in Weiyang Academy?" Shen Chuannan followed Jun Yu and asked in a low voice.

His words made Jun Yu's footsteps pause.

Jun Yu glanced at him sideways, and then replied coldly: "That's just one of the reasons."

"Any other reasons?"

"Yin'er is intelligent and talented. This king can't trap her in the Prince Regent's Mansion and Prince Ji's Mansion. She is not a bird in a cage. She should see the outside world."

In this way, if the king really can't be by her side one day, she will have more ability to protect herself.

So that's the case... Shen Chuannan sighed.

He began to understand Jun Yu's good intentions.

"However, you were a bit aggressive when you talked to the emperor just now. Although you are his Ninth Emperor Uncle, he should be the emperor. You can try to be more tactful." Shen Chuannan recalled what happened just now, and he reminded helplessly.

As a bystander, He Lida was terrified.

"The matter of Yin'er cannot be tactful." Jun Yu looked at him indifferently.

Shen Chuannan: "..." Well, forgive me for talking nonsense!
"Uncle Nine Emperors~"

At this moment, the little girl called out.

Jun Yu turned around, and saw a certain little girl jumping off the carriage behind, and then ran towards him.

His eyes changed slightly, and he quickly reached out to embrace her.

Yuan Deyin threw himself into his arms, raised his hairy head, and said softly, "Uncle Nine Emperors caught Deyin!"

"Lord Ninth, the princess just now had a bet in the carriage with the courtier's daughter on whether you would catch her."

Tao Lin also got off the carriage, she smiled and shook her head to explain to Jun Yu.

In her opinion, Xiao Deyin is still a child, so naive and cute.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, looked at a certain little girl, and asked in a deep voice: "If the king doesn't catch you, then you have lost the bet?"

"No, because you are Uncle Nine Emperors, you won't let Deyin fall." A certain little girl shook her head and said very firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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