The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 211: This King Raises You For One Life

Chapter 211 This Prince Will Raise You Forever
"You are wrong." Jun Yu looked at Yuan Deyin like this, and said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin froze for a moment.

Uncle Nine Emperors, is this saying that her judgment was wrong?

Did he not intend to catch her?

"If this king knows that you are betting with others on this matter, then this king will definitely stop you and not let you bet." Jun Yu looked at her puzzled face and continued to speak.

"Well, why?" Yuan Deyin looked even more puzzled.

"Because, what's the point of a bet that already knows the outcome?"

Jun Yu rubbed the head of a certain little girl, and a gentle smile flashed in his black eyes.

Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin looked at each other, and they sighed in a rare tacit understanding, because they both felt that standing here...was inappropriate.

"Cough cough cough...Princess, why did you enter the palace?" Shen Chuannan coughed lightly in order not to let the two of them continue to stand beside him in embarrassment, and asked Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Before Yuan Deyin could answer, Tao Lin spoke first: "I have something to report to the emperor in the palace, and Deyin is here with me."

"Is it because of Li Xiangyang?" Shen Chuannan instantly understood what Tao Lin meant.


"It just so happened that my people found some clues last night, and I forgot to report it to the emperor just now. In this way, you and I will go to the emperor and integrate some important clues by the way, hoping to find that traitor Li Xiangyang as soon as possible. "Shen Chuannan suggested seriously.

"it is good."

Just like that, there were four people here just now, and now only Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu are left.

A certain little girl was jokingly joking with Uncle Jiuhuang just now, but after everyone left, she started to lose her nerve.

Because she remembered what happened last night.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm sorry..." Yuan Deyin shook his head and apologized to Jun Yu in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Jun Yu looked down at her, and his voice suddenly became serious.

"Deyin shouldn't have sneaked out, and... drank too much." Yuan Deyin lowered his head, almost buried in the ground.

Without waiting for Uncle Jiuhuang to answer, she continued to ask anxiously: "Uncle Jiuhuang, Deyin won't be there in the future, really won't be."

If you want to drink, you must drink it secretly, and you will never find out.

While a certain little girl promised loudly, she also secretly recited it in her heart.

Jun Yu squinted at the way her dark eyes turned back and forth, and could fully predict what she was thinking at this moment.

"You can drink wine, but you must never be greedy, and you must not drink with Yu Shengxiao." Jun Yu said coldly.

Yu Shengxiao, it's so unreliable, it's better to keep Yin'er from getting close to him in the future.

A certain lord regent made a note of Yu Shengxiao in his heart.


Yuan Deyin froze for a moment.

She thought carefully about Uncle Nine Emperor's words, and was pleasantly surprised.Uncle Jiuhuang means that she can still drink in the future, right?

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin understands now." The little girl said with a smirk.

The matter of drinking is settled, so should we solve the matter after drinking?
Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Uncle Jiuhuang, Deyin was drunk last night, did you lose your temper?"

Her words successfully made Jun Yu's expression pause.

There was some emotion in his eyes, and then he said blankly: "No."

That's good, that's good...

Yuan Deyin secretly patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Yin'er, do you want to be a queen?" Just as he bowed his head and breathed out, Jun Yu suddenly said this in a deep voice.


Yuan Deyin looked up in shock, only to meet Uncle Jiuhuang's black eyes as deep as the vast sea.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you want to send Deyin to the palace?" The little girl's eyes turned red instantly, her voice choked up, and she looked very flustered.

"This king is just asking you if you like your emperor's elder brother."

Jun Yu did not comfort her for the first time, but continued to ask, his tone was still very severe, as if she had to answer forcefully.

Since Jun Zhouhan said that Yin'er made the final decision, he should ask her now.

"Of course I like it. He is an older brother and treats Deyin very well. Why don't you like him? But this liking doesn't mean that Deyin will enter the palace. Deyin doesn't want to be the wife of the emperor's brother. The mother and concubine have said it before, only as a lover Like you so much, you want to get married..."

Yuan Deyin spoke out his thoughts in one breath.

Hearing her words, the seriousness in Jun Yu's eyes lessened a little.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't send Deyin to the palace, okay? Deyin wants to be with you." Yuan Deyin begged in a low voice with red eyes.

"Why are you with me?"

"Because you are Deyin's family, I will be happy when I am with you. Since the death of my father, queen and concubine, I feel that my heart is dying. Only when I live with Uncle Nine Emperors can I feel my own happiness." Only the heart can beat..." Yuan Deyin explained seriously.

It turns out that what she said, the heart will beat... That's what she meant.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes and sighed silently.

Since there is helplessness in his eyes, there is also emotion.

After all, this little girl is still a child.

Little children.

He raised his hand, took her soft little hand, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" The little girl sniffled, before the tears rolling in her eyes could be withdrawn, she raised her head and asked curiously.

"I will accompany you to prepare for the exam." Jun Yu said calmly.

"Deyin had already read the book before entering the palace." Yuan Deyin shook his head vigorously, wanting to say that he had already prepared for the exam.

"Principal Chang Yuan is not easy to fool, I am worried that he will make things difficult for you." Jun Yu glanced back at her, and carried the little girl away with his hands.

Jun Yu's carriage was not far away, and when Yuan Deyin was carried into the carriage, he could see a stack of books inside.

She leaned over curiously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, did you prepare this for Deyin?"

"Yes." Jun Yu didn't deny it either.

After he asked Wuxi to deliver a letter to Dean Changyuan last night, he began to prepare.

Yuan Deyin leaned over, opened a page of the book, and she was fascinated.

Seeing her obsessed with books, Jun Yu's black eyes flickered.

When he came out of the imperial study just now, Wu Xi reported it to him.

Cang Ling has books for Yin'er to prepare for the exam, but Yin'er seems to resist. What is the reason?
"Yin'er, don't you like the Academy?" Jun Yu looked at Yuan Deyin and asked directly.

"It's not that I don't like it." The little girl didn't look up, she held her face and answered while reading the book seriously.

"Why is that?"

"Deyin is afraid that there will be no delicious food in the academy..." She said this with an inexplicably aggrieved expression on her face.

When Jun Yu saw her like this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up in a helpless arc.

Sure enough, no matter where the snacks go, they will still be snacks.

"You don't have to worry about that, the cooks in the academy were transferred from the palace, and their cooking skills are not bad." He explained in a deep voice.

However, after hearing his explanation, Yuan Deyin still couldn't cheer up.

"Those are not the real reasons...the real reason is that if Deyin goes to Weiyang Academy, it will be very difficult to see Uncle Nine Emperors."

Yuan Deyin closed the book, she shook her head, looking very sad.

This is the reason.

Jun Yu's hand stopped, and he quickly raised his eyes to look at her, with a flash of emotion in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll see you..." He said softly.

"Huh? Uncle Nine Emperors, what did you say?" Yuan Deyin couldn't hear clearly, she raised her head and asked curiously.

But before Jun Yu could repeat for the second time, there was a commotion outside.

Yuan Deyin lifted the curtain and poked his head out, trying to see what was going on.

In the end, they saw a group of guards escorting Mei Qingxue past their carriage.

Mei Qingxue was struggling while cursing: "Let go of Miss Ben, let go..."

Why was Mei Qingxue arrested?

Yuan Deyin turned around quickly, only to see Uncle Jiuhuang sipping tea expressionlessly.

Jun Yu didn't even need to raise his head to sense the curiosity in her big eyes.

So he explained in a slow voice: "The person who ordered An to blow up the palace was none other than Mei Qingxue, and Mei Chengyun helped transport the gunpowder."

It turned out to be them...

Yuan Deyin covered her mouth with shock.

If it wasn't for the discovery of Mei Chengyun, they probably wouldn't have doubted Mei Qingxue.

After all, although Mei Qingxue was deeply favored by Jun Zhouchen in the palace, she always had a noble appearance, and she didn't look like someone who would do dirty things.

It seems that her camouflage ability is too strong.

"What are you doing in a daze, just read a book." Jun Yu raised his hand and flicked her head again.

Yuan Deyin was still thinking about it, but was hit on the head again.

She covered her head and held her mouth, feeling aggrieved.

Woohoo, Uncle Nine Emperors beat her on the head again.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you beat Deyin on the head again, what if you make Deyin foolish?"

Yuan Deyin sat down beside him, obediently took the book and read it, but her tone was still aggrieved.

"Stupid, this king just has a reason to support you forever." Jun Yu lowered his head to read the book without raising his head, he said in a low voice.

However, his voice was very soft, and Yuan Deyin, whose attention was attracted by the book, could not be heard at all.

(End of this chapter)

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