The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 212 The academy assessment is about to begin

Chapter 212 The academy assessment is about to begin

Time flies and it is the day of Weiyang Academy's assessment.

Yuan Deyin was like a child going to Beijing to rush for an exam, and Cang Ling and the others sent her to the gate of the academy with serious faces.

Along the way, I don't know how many times they repeated what I told her.But they have no intention of stopping yet.

Even Shen Chuannan, who was unwilling to get up early on weekdays, got up very early on purpose.

"Hmph, how much does Jun Yu seem to love you? Turns out he's unreliable at critical times." Yusheng Xiao said with disgust as he slapped the jade bone fan.

"Master, how can you say that about Uncle Nine Emperors?" The little girl protecting the calf was furious in an instant.

"Is this genius doctor wrong? You went to Beijing to rush for the exam... No, it's such an important thing to go to Weiyang Academy for the exam. As your Ninth Emperor Uncle, he didn't show up? This Ninth Emperor Uncle is really unreliable." Yu Shengxiao complained loudly.

Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she explained seriously: "Uncle Jiuhuang already explained to Deyin this morning that he has important things to do today, so he can't come with Deyin, what's the problem!"

"Of course there is a problem! Fox Shen didn't come to see you off because he is a student of Weiyang Academy, who occasionally gives lectures and needs to avoid suspicion. But is Jun Yu his official business as important as you?"

Yu Shengxiao stood at the door, about to quarrel with Yuan Deyin about this issue.

Tao Lin was standing not far away, and she had a headache from the noise.

She quickly came out to persuade: "Master Yu, today is the day of Deyin's assessment, the matter is very important, and the rest of the matter, let's talk about it another day, okay?"

Tao Lin's words made Yu Shengxiao a bit more rational, and he nodded.

"Yes, Xiao Deyin is more important. Xiao Deyin, after you go in later, take the test well. If you don't pass the test, report your name as a teacher, and they may give you some face." Yu Shengxiao's tone was firm. said.

The corners of Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched, he too confident?

"Master, Sister Tao, Deyin will go in first." Yuan Deyin nodded to them, and then walked in with her little burden on her back.

She had just entered when she heard a surprised voice.

"Yuan Deyin... No, Princess Deyin."

The other party first called Yuan Deyin's name directly, but when she realized something was wrong, she quickly changed her words.

Yuan Deyin turned her head, only to see Yin Panrong, who was wearing a horse riding uniform, walking towards her quickly, and the other party looked quite excited.

It has been a long time since the last birthday party held at Yuan Ying'er, but Yuan Deyin was deeply impressed by Yin Panrong.

"Sister Panrong, you can call me Deyin if you know it." Yuan Deyin said with a smile on Yin Panrong.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yin Panrong could not wait to pinch her soft little face.

"Since you said that, then I'm not impolite. De Yin'er~" Yin Panrong laughed exaggeratedly.

Last time, she originally wanted to have a good chat with Yuan Deyin, but her mother kept staring at her, and she felt constrained in everything she did.

But it's different now, she wants to be friends with Yuan Deyin.

It's been a long time since she saw a soft girl who can annoy a hypocritical person like Yuan Ying'er like that, it's just too much for her!

"Sister Panrong, are you here for the assessment too?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"What is the assessment? I have been in this academy for several years. Fortunately, I was able to get in through my relationship. If it were not for the assessment like now, I guess I would not be able to pass the examination eight hundred times. At that time, my Yin family The ancestors can wake up from anger..."

Yin Panrong crossed her arms and said with emotion helplessly.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering when she heard her words.

Sister Panrong is really different from other noble girls.

"Then sister Pan Rong came to see us for the assessment today?" Miss Yuan continued to ask curiously.

"No, I am your senior sister today, and I am here to assist the principal and the master in assessing you. Have you seen my outfit today? I am helping to assess your equestrian skills. When you take the equestrian test later, I can release water for you oh……"

At the end, Yin Panrong lowered her voice and winked at Yuan Deyin.

"Pan Rong, be careful, if Master Xiao hears what you say, he will really be pissed off by you."

At this time, a soft voice came from their ears.

Yuan Deyin looked over, only to see Mei Qingzhou walking over in colorful dance clothes.

"Qingzhou, are you back?" When Yin Panrong saw Gu Qingzhou, her eyes lit up and her tone was quite excited.

In this academy, Mei Qingzhou is one of the few friends of Yin Panrong.

A few days ago, Mei Qingzhou was suddenly taken home and then into the palace, leaving her alone in the academy, and she was so depressed that she died.

"Well, the emperor asked me to come back. I am now the princess's companion. But this time, I am assisting the master to assess the dance of this batch of freshmen." Mei Qingzhou explained with a smile.

"Sister Qingzhou, are you my companion?" Yuan Deyin froze for a moment.

Why didn't she know?
"Princess, this is the emperor's will. It's not surprising that you don't know." Mei Qingzhou looked back, looked at Yuan Deyin tenderly and said.

"Since sister Qingzhou is also a senior sister, then you can call me Deyin. It's so strange to call me Princess in the academy." Yuan Deyin shook his head and said seriously.

Mei Qingzhou is not a stickler, she quickly nodded with a smile: "Okay, Deyin."

"Qingzhou, you said that you helped the master to assess the dance, that's great, and on the dance, you have to put some water on Deyin."

Yin Panrong touched Mei Qingzhou's elbow again, and said expectantly.

Mei Qingzhou said helplessly: "Pan Rong, do you think our wife and yard are blind? Their eyes are sharp."

"Yes, yes, sister Pan Rong, don't mess around, it will be terrible if something goes wrong!" Yuan Deyin shook his head very seriously.

She never thought about cheating.

"Deyin, I heard that you are not preparing for the assessment. Let me tell you about the situation in advance. There are five compulsory parts in this assessment, namely literary talent, chess skills, medical skills, dance music rhythm and riding skills. One is the first class, even if it has passed the assessment of the academy." Mei Qingzhou explained to Yuan Deyin seriously.

"That's right, that's right, so a normal person's strategy is to just ensure that there is no problem with the one assessment that they are good at, and it doesn't matter for the rest of the assessments." Yin Panrong explained.

"Back then, I got two first grades after taking the Literary Talent and Dance Temperament test, and basically failed the other three, but this is enough." Mei Qingzhou continued to explain.

She is a concubine, she has no way to enter the academy directly, she can only pass the examination.

Yin Panrong was listening beside her, she was even embarrassed.

She scratched her hair and said in a low voice: "What do you mean enough? Your grades have already absolutely crushed me, a related household who went through the back door, okay? Besides, the two A's are definitely legends in Weiyang Academy, so Over the years, there are not many who can get two A..."

"Is it difficult to get Jia?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously after hearing Yin Panrong's compliment to Gu Qingzhou.

"Of course it's difficult. Hundreds of women sign up for the assessment every year, but in the end the academy only admits less than ten people. Do you know how strict the assessment is? Those masters can make things difficult for others, and often demote them to nothing. It's..." Yin Panrong said excitedly.

At the end, she lowered her voice and continued to add: "So let's not say that there are two armors, just one armor, and it belongs to Guangzong Yaozu when you go home. Back then, your cousin Yuan Ying'er got two armors. In the academy, he is showing off his might..."

So that's the case, no wonder Yuan Tong'er brags about how powerful Yuan Ying'er is every time she talks about Weiyang Academy.

Just when Yuan Deyin was thinking about this question, a very unfriendly voice came from behind them.

"Yuan Deyin, you actually came to participate in the assessment?"

(End of this chapter)

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