Chapter 213 The Prince Is Here
Hearing the voice, Yuan Deyin turned her head, only to see Yuan Tonger staring at her resentfully.

Behind her was Zhou Xuanxue.

Zhou Xuanxue looked embarrassed, and she whispered, "Sister Tong'er, don't bother Princess Deyin anymore."

"Miss Ben is making trouble for her? It's clear that she won't let Miss Ben go! If it wasn't for her, how could we have been kicked out of the Ji Palace and endured so many hardships. Now that Miss Ben is here to participate in the assessment, she followed me again, Miss Ben thinks she is here to make things difficult for us!"

Yuan Tong'er glared at Zhou Xuanxue, then muttered loudly.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong both know Yuan Tong'er and their second wife.

Seeing her face now, they couldn't help but sneer in their hearts.

Where did Yuan Tonger's face come from?
She also had the nerve to use the words "drive out of the Ji Palace"!
Prince Ji's mansion originally belonged to Deyin, and their second wife was just a dove occupying the magpie's nest. They were actually wronged when they were asked to leave!

Moreover, isn't everyone able to sign up for the assessment of Weiyang Academy?
Where did she have such a big face to say that Deyin came because of her?
"Hey, Yuan Tong'er, I found out that you have an advantage." Yin Panrong stood in front of Yuan Deyin, folded her arms, and stared at Yuan Tong'er with disgust.

"Advantages? What are the advantages?" Yuan Tong'er thought that Yin Panrong was going to praise her, so her heart jumped for joy.

In the next moment, she heard Yin Panrong say loudly: "Your greatest advantage is that you are shameless!"


Only then did Yuan Tong'er realize that Yin Panrong was mocking her, and her face instantly became ugly.

"Yuan Tong'er, the princess is here for the assessment today, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. But if you continue to mess around like this, the princess will not let you go."

Yuan Deyin was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yuan Tonger, she stood up from behind Yin Panrong and spoke in a serious tone.

Facing Yuan Deyin's stern eyes, Yuan Tong'er felt a little apprehensive, because she thought of the Prince Regent's Palace behind Yuan Deyin.

So in the end, it was rare for her to restrain herself a little.

But she still couldn't help talking nonsense, "Yuan Deyin, I heard that you are not prepared at all. Are you sure you are not here to lose face? Although it is the elder sister who helped the master assess his literary talent this time, you don't deserve her help."

In the past, Yuan Tong'er still hated Yuan Ying'er, she felt that Yuan Ying'er had betrayed her.

But this time, because Yuan Ying'er was the person who assisted the master in the assessment, Yuan Tong'er became intimate with her again.

Yuan Ying'er actually became a senior sister who assisted in the assessment?

Yuan Deyin looked not far away, only to see that Yuan Ying'er actually helped to arrange the pen and ink by herself.

Sensing Yuan Deyin's eyes, she turned her head quickly.

After meeting Yuan Deyin's eyes, she froze for a moment, as if she just knew that Yuan Deyin was also coming for the assessment.

She smiled and nodded to Yuan Deyin, looking like a gentle sister.

Yuan Deyin was taken aback by her friendly appearance.

I haven't seen you for a while, Yuan Ying'er has changed?
However, Yuan Deyin was only puzzled for a moment, and she quickly looked back, the assessment is important.

It is estimated that Yuan Tong'er also realized that the exam was more important, so she secretly glanced at Yuan Deyin, then quickly turned around and turned away.

Zhou Xuanxue looked at Yuan Tong'er's back, she quickly said "I'm sorry" to Yuan Deyin, and then hurriedly followed behind Yuan Tong'er.

"Deyin, as long as we get a first class, we will be successful. How is your literary talent?" Mei Qingzhou grabbed Yuan Deyin's hand and began to help her analyze it.

Yuan Deyin tilted his head and pondered for a while, then said seriously: "I don't read too many books..."

"Don't rely on the literary talent test. Didn't you see Yuan Ying'er over there? She might do something."

Yin Panrong waved her hands, wanting them to give up the idea of ​​pinning all their hopes on literary talent.

"What about rhythm and dance skills?" Mei Qingzhou continued to ask.

"I saw my concubine dancing and playing the guzheng before, but I... well, I haven't tried it." Yuan Deyin explained shyly.

"What about riding?"

"I haven't ridden before." Yuan Deyin became more and more embarrassed as she spoke.

"What about playing chess?" Yin Panrong asked for help.

"Deyin has played chess before, but he couldn't win. It should be very average." The more Yuan Deyin said, the less confident he became.

At the end of the question, Yin Panrong first helped Yuan Deyin to worry.

"The literary talent assessment is failing... I have never tried rhythm and dance... I have never tried riding... I have never won chess... my dear Deyin, what should you do!" Yin Panrong looked at Yuan De with distress sound.

She used to think she was useless, but she was still good at riding.

But Deyin, as a princess, seems to be behind the princess princess in everything else, not even the other noble girls.

Seeing Yin Panrong's anxious appearance, Gu Qingzhou hurriedly comforted her: "Calm down first, Princess Deyin still has medical skills. She is a student of Doctor Yu, so there is absolutely no problem."

But as soon as she finished speaking, she heard the person in charge of the academy over there say loudly: "Because the assessment was held in a hurry, the preparations for the assessment of medical skills were not sufficient. After comprehensive consideration, the dean and a group of teachers decided to pass the assessment Cancellation. There are still four assessments left, as long as one of them is awarded the first grade, you will be eligible to study in the academy."

"This, how can this be cancelled!" Yin Panrong was so angry that she was about to get angry.

This was canceled suddenly, what will happen to those candidates who are going to pass the test purely with medical skills?
Sure enough, after the news was announced, the expressions of several candidates became desperate.

"What should we do with Deyin..." Yin Panrong said anxiously.

"What else can I do? Since I don't have the ability, I just give up the assessment! I won't lose the face of my own Prince Ji Palace and the face of Uncle Nine Emperors." At this time, a sneer came.

Damn it, who the hell is still making sarcastic remarks at this time!

Yin Panrong rolled up her sleeves and was about to beat someone up.

But when she was about to get angry, Yuan Deyin stopped her in time.

"Sister Panrong, calm down."

After Yuan Deyin's voice fell, it was only at this time that Yin Panrong could fully see the speaker behind him.

It's actually...

Jun Chujing and Concubine Wei!
How did they come?

The rest of the candidates quickly knelt down and saluted.

At the same time, they were also puzzled.

Princess Chujing is over 17 years old this year, but she has never been to Weiyang Academy to study.

It is said that she doesn't like the academy.

So she became the only princess in the Chiyan Dynasty who did not study in Weiyang Academy.

Why is she coming to the academy now?

Concubine Wei held Jun Chujing's hand, and when her eyes fell on Yuan Deyin not far away, her eyes showed disgust unabashedly.

She raised her voice, and then put on a noble posture and said: "Let's all be flat. The Ai family heard that Weiyang Academy held another admissions assessment. The Ai family is the concubine of Chi Yan, and has always attached importance to women's education. So, let's take a look at the situation..."

So it turned out that the people from the academy hurried over, wiped off their sweat, and said respectfully: "Ms. Taifei, the next official will go and prepare a seat for you."

"By the way, get ready. Princess Chujing will also study in the academy with those who passed the assessment soon." Dowager Wei raised her chin and ordered proudly.

Princess Chujing is also coming to study?
The man raised his head and looked at Concubine Wei with a puzzled expression.

"Is it because you don't understand Aijia's words? Princess Chujing is now diligent in learning and wants to increase her talent, so she comes to Weiyang Academy to study. Why, you don't welcome it?" Dowager Wei gritted her teeth and said in a bad tone. Open your mouth.

"Concubine Wei, this, this is against the rules. Nowadays, no matter who you are, if you want to study in the academy, you need to pass the examination..."

What this means is that even if your daughter is Princess Chujing, she still has to take the exam.

"Bold, Aijia's Jing'er is the majestic Princess Chiyan, you actually treat her as a villain! Come, someone, drag this lifeless thing out to Aijia and beat her to death with sticks!"

Concubine Wei directly shouted an order, and the guards who followed her were about to arrest people.

Yuan Deyin was at the side, and she was about to be arrested when she saw someone, so she couldn't just sit idly by.

She quickly stood up, with a stern face, looked at Concubine Wei seriously, and then said, "Concubine Wei, he is right. The rules are like this, so even the royal family should abide by them!"

"Yuan Deyin, have you forgotten who you are? How dare you speak to Aijia like this?" Dowager Wei turned her head and stared at Yuan Deyin with cold eyes.

She looked at Yuan Deyin's eyes as if she was looking at Jun Yu, wishing she could kill him quickly.

"What is Xiaoyin's identity, do you need Concubine Wei to remind you?" At this moment, a bright yellow figure appeared at the door.

Concubine Wei turned her head, only to see Jun Zhouhan looking at her indifferently with a dark face.

Her expression froze, and she nodded stiffly: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

"Didn't Concubine Wei just say that? The assessment of Weiyang Academy is related to Chi Yan. How could such an important matter not appear?" Jun Zhouhan sneered.

Concubine Wei felt that her face was hurt by Jun Zhouhan's words, and her whole body seemed to be roasted on a fire.

"It is Chi Yan's blessing that the emperor cares about the education of the people." Dowager Wei laughed a few times, flattering her against her will.

"What is Concubine Wei doing? Do you think I won't come, so you want to make things difficult for Xiaoyin, and make Weiyang Academy a mess!"

Jun Zhouhan glanced around with indifferent eyes, and then spoke sternly.

The aura on his body made Concubine Wei a little overwhelmed.

With her heart hanging, she gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, Aijia just wants Jing'er to study in Weiyang Academy..."

"Since Chujing wants to enter Weiyang Academy, she should follow the rules. Xiaoyin also follows the rules. Does Concubine Wei feel that she has the ability to surpass Chiyan's law? Or do you want to despise the imperial power?"

Jun Zhouhan hit Concubine Wei's head with one crime after another, making her face turn pale again and again.

Jun Chujing was also frightened by Jun Zhouhan's majestic aura.

She tugged at Concubine Wei's sleeve, and then said in a low voice, "Brother Emperor, you misunderstood. Concubine Mother just made a mistake in her statement. Jing'er naturally has to take an exam if she wants to enter Weiyang Academy."

"Master, are you still preparing for the exam for this princess?" Jun Chujing turned her head and stared at the master who was almost carried away.

You can't spread your anger on Jun Zhouhan and Yuan Deyin, Jun Chujing can only get angry at other people.

The master wiped the cold sweat off his brow. He looked at Jun Chujing, then at Jun Zhouhan, and then said bravely, "Master, you didn't sign up. According to the regulations, you are not qualified for the assessment."

"What, you tricky..." Jun Chujing was so angry that he was about to curse again.

However, when the words came to her lips, she remembered that Jun Zhouhan was beside her, so she could only suppress her anger.

She turned her head and pleaded with Jun Zhouhan in an aggrieved tone: "Brother Huang, Jing'er forgot to sign up, can you..."

"I won't give you privileges." Before Jun Chujing could finish speaking, Jun Zhouhan said indifferently.

"Brother Huang, you..." Jun Chujing was full of resentment.

He actually refused her in front of so many people, but she pulled down her face and begged him!
"Although you are my imperial sister, the rules are the rules. I will not break the rules just because of you like Concubine Wei." Jun Zhouhan said indifferently.

What he said made Concubine Wei and Jun Chujing very angry.

Concubine Wei took a deep breath, grabbed Jun Chujing's hand, and said to Jun Zhouhan under suffocation: "The emperor taught you the right thing. The Ai family will let Jing'er apply for the exam next time. Today, we just come to see the assessment." That's all."

After speaking, they went to sit down on the stage unwillingly.

The emperor's elder brother's ability to irritate people is also increasing day by day.

Yuan Deyin secretly gave Jun Zhouhan a thumbs up, and the corner of Jun Zhouhan's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

After Jun Zhouhan sat down on the chair, Dean Changyuan walked out with the master of the academy.

"Your Majesty." Dean Changyuan and the others saluted Jun Zhouhan respectfully.

But it was only the other masters who knelt down, and he didn't need to kneel in the long run, he just bent slightly.

It can be seen from it that his position in Chi Yan can be regarded as highly respected.

Yuan Deyin secretly glanced at Dean Changyuan.

It was found that the other party's hair and beard were white, and he looked exactly like an old man.

But those eyes are extremely wise, and it can be seen that he is a very serious old man.

After everyone sat down, Yuan Deyin and his group of candidates were also taken to their examination seats.

Eunuch Li Da next to Jun Zhouhan acted as the guide for this assessment. He took out a piece of paper and read aloud——

"The assessment is about to begin. This assessment is rather special, with only four assessment items. And considering the physical and mental suffering of the examinee, this time, family members are allowed to accompany the assessment, but the family members cannot make a sound, they can only watch..."

Are there family members to accompany the exam?
Everyone shocked?

Why is this assessment so special?
Why didn't they know when they signed up?

Moreover, their family members did not know about it.

Yuan Deyin held her small face, feeling bored.

Her mind was a bit wild, so she didn't listen carefully to what Eunuch Lida said just now, so naturally she didn't care about any family members.

But seeing everyone looking at the door, waiting eagerly, she also took a curious look.

result! ! !

She saw a tall figure in a black robe walking slowly, and then slowly sat down in the family area.

Everyone was shocked.

They looked at the family area, and when the Regent was the only one, they began to show a little weird expression.

There should be only one person in this family, right?

"What do you think this king is doing? This king is not an examiner, but just accompanies the family members of the examination." Jun Yu didn't look at them, he lowered his eyes, calmly picked up the tea he had prepared earlier, and tasted it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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